blob: bb92b22b26535d509099042e6588da5e0ed36f34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
namespace ash {
namespace attestation {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class TpmChallengeKeyResultCode {
// Not a result code. Convenient for UMA metrics.
kSuccess = 0,
kDevicePolicyDisabledError = 1,
kSignChallengeFailedError = 2,
kUserNotManagedError = 3,
kKeyRegistrationFailedError = 4,
kUserKeyNotAvailableError = 5,
kUserPolicyDisabledError = 6,
kNonEnterpriseDeviceError = 7,
kDbusError = 8,
kUserRejectedError = 9,
kGetCertificateFailedError = 10,
kResetRequiredError = 11,
kAttestationUnsupportedError = 12,
kTimeoutError = 13,
kDeviceWebBasedAttestationUrlError = 14,
kExtensionNotAllowedError = 15,
kChallengeBadBase64Error = 16,
kDeviceWebBasedAttestationNotOobeError = 17,
kGetPublicKeyFailedError = 18,
kMarkCorporateKeyFailedError = 19,
kAttestationServiceInternalError = 20,
kUploadCertificateFailedError = 21,
kMaxValue = kUploadCertificateFailedError,
// If |IsSuccess| returns false, |result_code| contains error code and
// |public_key| and |challenge_response| are empty.
// Otherwise, if the object was returned from
// |TpmChallengeKeySubtle::PrepareKey|, the |public_key| is filled. If the
// object was returned from |TpmChallengeKey::BuildResponse| or
// |TpmChallengeKeySubtle::SignChallenge|, the |challenge_response| is filled.
struct TpmChallengeKeyResult {
static const char kDevicePolicyDisabledErrorMsg[];
static const char kSignChallengeFailedErrorMsg[];
static const char kUserNotManagedErrorMsg[];
static const char kKeyRegistrationFailedErrorMsg[];
static const char kUserPolicyDisabledErrorMsg[];
static const char kUserKeyNotAvailableErrorMsg[];
static const char kNonEnterpriseDeviceErrorMsg[];
static const char kDbusErrorMsg[];
static const char kUserRejectedErrorMsg[];
static const char kGetCertificateFailedErrorMsg[];
static const char kResetRequiredErrorMsg[];
static const char kAttestationUnsupportedErrorMsg[];
static const char kTimeoutErrorMsg[];
static const char kDeviceWebBasedAttestationUrlErrorMsg[];
static const char kExtensionNotAllowedErrorMsg[];
static const char kChallengeBadBase64ErrorMsg[];
static const char kDeviceWebBasedAttestationNotOobeErrorMsg[];
static const char kGetPublicKeyFailedErrorMsg[];
static const char kMarkCorporateKeyFailedErrorMsg[];
static const char kAttestationServiceInternalErrorMsg[];
static const char kUploadCertificateFailedErrorMsg[];
static TpmChallengeKeyResult MakeChallengeResponse(
const std::string& challenge_response);
static TpmChallengeKeyResult MakePublicKey(const std::string& public_key);
static TpmChallengeKeyResult MakeSuccess();
static TpmChallengeKeyResult MakeError(TpmChallengeKeyResultCode error_code);
const char* GetErrorMessage() const;
bool IsSuccess() const;
bool operator==(const TpmChallengeKeyResult& other) const;
bool operator!=(const TpmChallengeKeyResult& other) const;
TpmChallengeKeyResultCode result_code = TpmChallengeKeyResultCode::kSuccess;
std::string public_key;
std::string challenge_response;
// For unit tests and debugging.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TpmChallengeKeyResult& result);
} // namespace attestation
} // namespace ash
// TODO( remove after //chrome/browser/chromeos
// source migration is finished.
namespace chromeos {
namespace attestation {
using ::ash::attestation::TpmChallengeKeyResult;
using ::ash::attestation::TpmChallengeKeyResultCode;
} // namespace attestation
} // namespace chromeos