blob: 2681ef6f5543be52f7b01275aa6cb4cb87c3567e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/borealis/borealis_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/guest_os/guest_os_registry_service.h"
#include "components/crx_file/id_util.h"
#include "net/base/url_util.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
namespace borealis {
const char kBorealisAppId[] = "dkecggknbdokeipkgnhifhiokailichf";
const char kBorealisMainAppId[] = "epfhbkiklgmlkhfpbcdleadnhcfdjfmo";
const char kBorealisDlcName[] = "borealis-dlc";
// TODO(b/174282035): Potentially update regex when other strings
// are updated.
const char kBorealisAppIdRegex[] = "([^/]+\\d+)";
// Base feedback form URL, without query parameters for prefilling.
static constexpr char kFeedbackUrl[] =
// Query parameter keys for prefilling form data.
static constexpr char kAppNameKey[] = "entry.1661950665";
static constexpr char kBoardKey[] = "entry.2066138756";
static constexpr char kSpecsKey[] = "entry.1341753442";
static constexpr char kPlatformVersionKey[] = "entry.1193918294";
static constexpr char kAppIdKey[] = "entry.2112096055";
// App IDs containing this are unidentified and probably aren't games.
// Don't prompt for feedback for them.
static constexpr char kNonGameWindowPrefix[] = "org.chromium.borealis.xid.";
// Windows with these app IDs are not games. Don't prompt for feedback for them.
// Hashed by crx_file::id_util::GenerateId().
static constexpr char kNonGameIdHash1[] = "hnfpbccfbbbjkmcalgjofgokpgjjppon";
static constexpr char kNonGameIdHash2[] = "kooplpnkalpdpoohnhmlmfebokjkgnlb";
static constexpr char kNonGameIdHash3[] = "bmhgcnboebpgmobfgfjcfplecleopefa";
absl::optional<int> GetBorealisAppId(std::string exec) {
int app_id;
if (RE2::PartialMatch(exec, kBorealisAppIdRegex, &app_id)) {
return app_id;
} else {
return absl::nullopt;
GURL FeedbackFormUrl(const guest_os::GuestOsRegistryService* registry_service,
const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& window_title) {
// Exclude windows that aren't games.
if (app_id.find(kNonGameWindowPrefix) != std::string::npos ||
app_id == kBorealisMainAppId) {
return GURL();
std::string hash = crx_file::id_util::GenerateId(app_id);
if (hash == kNonGameIdHash1 || hash == kNonGameIdHash2 ||
hash == kNonGameIdHash3) {
return GURL();
GURL url(kFeedbackUrl);
url = net::AppendQueryParameter(url, kAppNameKey, window_title);
url = net::AppendQueryParameter(url, kBoardKey,
url = net::AppendQueryParameter(
url, kSpecsKey,
base::StringPrintf("%ldGB; %s",
(long)(base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemory() /
(1000 * 1000 * 1000)),
url = net::AppendQueryParameter(url, kPlatformVersionKey,
// Attempt to get the Borealis app ID.
// TODO(b/173977876): Implement this in a more reliable way.
absl::optional<guest_os::GuestOsRegistryService::Registration> registration =
if (registration.has_value()) {
absl::optional<int> app_id = GetBorealisAppId(registration->Exec());
if (app_id.has_value()) {
url = net::AppendQueryParameter(url, kAppIdKey,
base::StringPrintf("%d", app_id.value()));
return url;
} // namespace borealis