blob: 3ba53510fe9409e4bafa85750497822ab446f56e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/crostini/crosvm_process_list.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace crostini {
class CrosvmProcessListTest : public testing::Test {
CrosvmProcessListTest() {
slash_proc_ = temp_dir_.GetPath().Append("proc");
~CrosvmProcessListTest() override = default;
// Create a directory |dir_name| under /proc and write |contents| to file
// |file_name| under this directory.
void WriteContentsToFileUnderSubdir(const std::string& contents,
const std::string& dir_name,
const std::string& file_name) {
base::FilePath dir = slash_proc_.Append(dir_name);
base::FilePath file = dir.Append(file_name);
base::WriteFile(file, contents.c_str(), contents.size()));
base::FilePath slash_proc_;
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
TEST_F(CrosvmProcessListTest, ConciergeIsTheOnlyCrosvmProcess) {
pid_t concierge_pid = 7404;
std::string stat_contents =
"7404 (vm_concierge) S 1 7403 7403 0 -1 4210944 854 0 0 0 1489 1333 0 0 "
"20 0 4 0 67733375 271028224 3149 18446744073709551615 96193202642944 "
"96193203221904 140726650459504 140726650457840 134557843346867 0 81920 "
"0 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 96193203229904 96193203257392 96193216815104 "
"140726650461974 140726650461996 140726650461996 140726650462178 0";
PidStatMap expected = {{concierge_pid,
{.pid = concierge_pid,
.name = "vm_concierge",
.ppid = 1,
.utime = 1489,
.stime = 1333,
.rss = 3149}}};
base::NumberToString(concierge_pid), "stat");
EXPECT_EQ(expected, GetCrosvmPidStatMap(slash_proc_));
TEST_F(CrosvmProcessListTest, ConciergeNotRunning) {
TEST_F(CrosvmProcessListTest, SkipOtherDirAndFile) {
base::FilePath other_dir = slash_proc_.Append("other_dir");
WriteContentsToFileUnderSubdir("other contents", "other_dir", "other_file");
TEST_F(CrosvmProcessListTest, SkipOtherProcess) {
pid_t concierge_pid = 7404;
std::string stat_contents =
"7404 (vm_concierge) S 1 7403 7403 0 -1 4210944 854 0 0 0 1489 1333 0 0 "
"20 0 4 0 67733375 271028224 3149 18446744073709551615 96193202642944 "
"96193203221904 140726650459504 140726650457840 134557843346867 0 81920 "
"0 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 96193203229904 96193203257392 96193216815104 "
"140726650461974 140726650461996 140726650461996 140726650462178 0";
base::NumberToString(concierge_pid), "stat");
pid_t other_pid = 1111;
std::string other_stat_contents =
"1111 (other) S 1 7403 7403 0 -1 4210944 854 0 0 0 1489 1333 0 0 "
"20 0 4 0 67733375 271028224 3149 18446744073709551615 96193202642944 "
"96193203221904 140726650459504 140726650457840 134557843346867 0 81920 "
"0 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 96193203229904 96193203257392 96193216815104 "
"140726650461974 140726650461996 140726650461996 140726650462178 0";
base::NumberToString(other_pid), "stat");
PidStatMap expected = {{concierge_pid,
{.pid = concierge_pid,
.name = "vm_concierge",
.ppid = 1,
.utime = 1489,
.stime = 1333,
.rss = 3149}}};
EXPECT_EQ(expected, GetCrosvmPidStatMap(slash_proc_));
TEST_F(CrosvmProcessListTest, ChildrenAreIncluded) {
pid_t concierge_pid = 2222;
std::string stat_contents =
"2222 (vm_concierge) S 1 7403 7403 0 -1 4210944 854 0 0 0 1489 1333 0 0 "
"20 0 4 0 67733375 271028224 3149 18446744073709551615 96193202642944 "
"96193203221904 140726650459504 140726650457840 134557843346867 0 81920 "
"0 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 96193203229904 96193203257392 96193216815104 "
"140726650461974 140726650461996 140726650461996 140726650462178 0";
base::NumberToString(concierge_pid), "stat");
pid_t child_pid = 3333;
std::string child_stat_contents =
"3333 (child) S 2222 7403 7403 0 -1 4210944 854 0 0 0 1489 1333 0 0 "
"20 0 4 0 67733375 271028224 3149 18446744073709551615 96193202642944 "
"96193203221904 140726650459504 140726650457840 134557843346867 0 81920 "
"0 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 96193203229904 96193203257392 96193216815104 "
"140726650461974 140726650461996 140726650461996 140726650462178 0";
base::NumberToString(child_pid), "stat");
pid_t grand_child_pid = 4444;
std::string grand_child_stat_contents =
"4444 (grand_child) S 3333 7403 7403 0 -1 4210944 854 0 0 0 1489 1333 0 "
"0 "
"20 0 4 0 67733375 271028224 3149 18446744073709551615 96193202642944 "
"96193203221904 140726650459504 140726650457840 134557843346867 0 81920 "
"0 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 96193203229904 96193203257392 96193216815104 "
"140726650461974 140726650461996 140726650461996 140726650462178 0";
base::NumberToString(grand_child_pid), "stat");
PidStatMap expected = {{concierge_pid,
{.pid = concierge_pid,
.name = "vm_concierge",
.ppid = 1,
.utime = 1489,
.stime = 1333,
.rss = 3149}},
{.pid = 3333,
.name = "child",
.ppid = concierge_pid,
.utime = 1489,
.stime = 1333,
.rss = 3149}},
{.pid = 4444,
.name = "grand_child",
.ppid = child_pid,
.utime = 1489,
.stime = 1333,
.rss = 3149}}};
EXPECT_EQ(expected, GetCrosvmPidStatMap(slash_proc_));
} // namespace crostini