blob: 64636ab102aa31840e33d4aec21fa9b29bf8557b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chrome_cleaner.mojom;
import "chrome/chrome_cleaner/mojom/footprints.mojom";
import "chrome/chrome_cleaner/mojom/cleaner_engine_requests.mojom";
import "chrome/chrome_cleaner/mojom/engine_requests.mojom";
import "chrome/chrome_cleaner/mojom/engine_file_requests.mojom";
import "chrome/chrome_cleaner/mojom/pup.mojom";
// All result_code parameters and return values in these interfaces are either
// an EngineResultCode or, if higher than EngineResultCode::kEngineInternal, an
// engine-specific value.
// This interface passes scan results back from the target process to the
// broker process.
interface EngineScanResults {
// Called zero or more times with details of UwS.
FoundUwS(uint32 pup_id, PUP pup);
// Called exactly once, after any calls to FoundUwS.
Done(uint32 result_code);
// This interface passes cleanup results back from the target process to the
// broker process.
interface EngineCleanupResults {
// Called once the cleaner has finished cleaning.
Done(uint32 result_code);
// This interface sends commands from the sandbox broker process to the sandbox
// target process.
interface EngineCommands {
// Runs the engine's initialization routine.
Initialize(pending_associated_remote<EngineFileRequests> file_requests,
FilePath log_directory) => (uint32 result_code);
// Starts scanning the user's system.
// |enabled_uws| contains a list of UwS IDs to scan for.
// |enabled_trace_locations| is a list of trace locations, to which scanning
// should be limited.
// |include_details| is true if the results should include full details of
// each UwS found, false if the results should include only the ID.
// |results| is an interface which will be used to return results:
// FoundUwS will be called 0 or more times with details of the UwS found,
// followed by exactly one call to Done.
// If the scan request returns an error immediately, that error is returned
// and |results| is not used. Otherwise a success result code is returned and
// any further errors will be reported by calling Done on the |results|
// interface.
array<uint32> enabled_uws,
array<TraceLocation> enabled_trace_locations,
bool include_details,
pending_associated_remote<EngineFileRequests> file_requests,
pending_associated_remote<EngineRequests> sandboxed_engine_requests,
pending_associated_remote<EngineScanResults> results) =>
(uint32 result_code);
// Starts cleaning up the user's system. |enabled_uws| contains a list of UwS
// IDs to cleanup.
// If the cleanup request returns an error immediately, that error is returned
// and |results| is not used. Otherwise a success result code is returned and
// any further errors will be reported by calling Done on the |results|
// interface.
array<uint32> enabled_uws,
pending_associated_remote<EngineFileRequests> file_requests,
pending_associated_remote<EngineRequests> sandboxed_engine_requests,
pending_associated_remote<EngineCleanupResults> results) =>
(uint32 result_code);
// Runs the engine's finalization routine.
Finalize() => (uint32 result_code);