blob: 300c46c4f54dbb3f4bd5e8a6c2839c3f46b4de81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module subresource_redirect.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
// Image loading hints passed by the browser to renderers. Send at most once
// per page load from browser to renderer. The hints are provided to the
// renderer and aid in redirecting these public images to compressed versions.
struct CompressPublicImagesHints {
array<string> image_urls;
// This service is implemented in the browser process and is used by the
// renderer to notify the state of https image compression. This interface is
// associated with a frame.
interface SubresourceRedirectService {
// Notifies an image fetch from the compression server had failed. When
// Retry-After response header is present |retry_after| indicates the time
// after which subsequent image fetches should be initiated, otherwise
// |retry_after| is zero.
NotifyCompressedImageFetchFailed(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta retry_after);
// Requests robots rules for the |origin|. The reply result
// |robots_rules_proto| will be empty when the rules fetch failed. The proto
// format will be subresource_redirect::proto::RobotsRules from
// robots_rules.proto
GetRobotsRules(url.mojom.Origin origin) => (string? robots_rules_proto);
// Render process implemented interface that receives hints from the browser
// about https image compression.
interface SubresourceRedirectHintsReceiver {
// Sends the public image URL hints from the browser to renderers.
SetCompressPublicImagesHints(CompressPublicImagesHints images_hints);
// Sets whether the current page is determined to be logged in. This guides
// whether subresource redirect based compression will be enabled. Sent from
// the browser to renderers on navigation commit.
SetLoggedInState(bool is_logged_in);