blob: 4a6fbc6aa49fa7a6fbccaef9877091af04ca3f5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace installer {
// The various metrics reported for the status of the inactive user toast. This
// struct contains the information necessary to evaluate the efficacy of the
// toast on Chrome usage.
struct ExperimentMetrics {
// The state of this install's participation in the experiment.
enum State {
kUninitialized = -1,
// Relaunching setup.exe for a per-user install failed. Will retry on next
// update.
kRelaunchFailed = 0,
// No user on console for per-machine install; waiting for invocation at
// next logon via Active Setup.
kWaitingForUserLogon = 1,
// Timed out waiting for the setup singleton. Will retry on next update.
kSingletonWaitTimeout = 2,
// A group has been assigned. The experiment has moved out of the initial
// state at this point. This state is reached under the setup singleton.
kGroupAssigned = 3,
// The user is not participating on account of using a tablet-like device.
kIsTabletDevice = 4,
// Chrome has been run within the last 28 days.
kIsActive = 5,
// The user has not been active on the machine much in the last 28 days.
kIsDormant = 6,
// Chrome has received an in-use update for which the rename is pending.
// The UX cannot be shown.
kIsUpdateRenamePending = 7,
// Deferring presentation until it's okay to show the toast.
kDeferringPresentation = 8,
// Deferral was aborted on account of another process requiring the setup
// singleton.
kDeferredPresentationAborted = 9,
// Launching Chrome for presentation.
kLaunchingChrome = 10,
// User selected 'No Thanks' button from UI after toast was shown.
kSelectedNoThanks = 11,
// User selected 'Open Chrome' button from UI after toast was shown but
// Chrome crashed after opening.
kSelectedOpenChromeAndCrash = 12,
// User selected 'Open Chrome' button from UI after toast was shown and
// user successfully opened chrome.
kSelectedOpenChromeAndNoCrash = 13,
// User selected [x] button from display.
kSelectedClose = 14,
// User logged off (gracefully) without interacting with toast.
kUserLogOff = 15,
// Another Chrome launch closed the toast.
kOtherLaunch = 16,
// The toast was closed via external means.
kOtherClose = 17,
// The location of the toast for those clients for which it was presented.
enum ToastLocation {
// The toast was shown positioned over Chrome's taskbar pin.
kOverTaskbarPin = 0,
// The toast was shown over the notification area.
kOverNotificationArea = 1,
// Returns true if the install is in any of the states that precede group
// assignment.
bool InInitialState() const;
// Returns true if the install is in a terminal state and should no longer
// participate in the experiment.
bool InTerminalState() const;
bool operator==(const ExperimentMetrics& other) const;
// The number of experiment groups (including the holdback group).
enum : int { kNumGroups = 17 };
// The index of the holdback group.
enum : int { kHoldbackGroup = kNumGroups - 1 };
// Unix epoch of time from when time bucket for experiment is started.
// This will be subtracted from the day the toast was shown to bucket user
// into cohorts for analysing retention. (31 Aug 2017 00:00:00 PST)
enum : int64_t { kExperimentStartSeconds = 1504162800 };
// Maximum number of time toast should be displayed (3 bits).
enum : int { kMaxToastCount = 7 };
// Maximum value of first toast offset. (10 bits).
enum : int { kMaxFirstToastOffsetDays = 1023 };
// Maximum value of last used bucket. (7 bits, in days and log scale).
enum : int { kMaxLastUsed = 1825 }; // 5 yr in days.
// Maximum value of user session length. (6 bits, in minutes and log scale).
enum : int { kMaxSessionLength = 40320 }; // 28 days in minutes.
// Maximum value of user session length. (5 bits, in seconds and log scale).
enum : int { kMaxActionDelay = 604800 }; // 7 days in seconds.
enum : int { kSessionLengthBucketBits = 6 };
enum : int { kActionDelayBucketBits = 5 };
enum : int { kLastUsedBucketBits = 7 };
enum : int { kToastHourBits = 5 };
enum : int { kFirstToastOffsetBits = 10 };
enum : int { kToastCountBits = 3 };
enum : int { kToastLocationBits = 1 };
enum : int { kStateBits = 5 };
enum : int { kGroupBits = 5 };
// The group to which this install has been assigned.
int group = 0;
State state = kUninitialized;
ToastLocation toast_location = kOverTaskbarPin;
// The number of times the toast has been presented.
int toast_count = 0;
// The number of days that have passed since (13 Jun 2017 00:00:00 PST) on
// the first day the toast was presented.
int first_toast_offset_days = 0;
// The local (wall clock) hour in which the toast was presented.
int toast_hour = 0;
// Days since the last time Chrome was used in the range [1-1825) in a
// 128-bucket log scale.
int last_used_bucket = 0;
// Time delta (in seconds) between presentation and action in the range
// [1-604800) in a 32-bucket log scale.
int action_delay_bucket = 0;
// Time delta (in minutes) between user session start and presentation in the
// range [1-40320) in a 64-bucket log scale.
int session_length_bucket = 0;
} // namespace installer