blob: 0ad901d4784dca97471c37f5149753a302dfa81a [file] [log] [blame]
include_rules = [
# For chromeos build config
"+device/bluetooth", # BluetoothAdapterFactory::Shutdown.
# The content_shell is the canonical sample embedder, so it only uses
# content's public API.
# Network service public library.
# The content_shell is an embedder so it must work with resource bundles.
# Shell resources
# The content_shell for aura must work with the views and aura
# Content Shell can depend on more components than content/, since:
# 1) it's an example browser
# 2) it's not linked into the content library
# Access to the process specific switches.
# Separating content shell and web test code. Only narrow parts of content
# shell may access and inject web test code at runtime.
# TODO(danakj): Drop browser/web_test too.
specific_include_rules = {
"shell_views\.cc": [