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#!/usr/bin/env vpython
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/pytz-py2_py3"
# version: "version:2018.4"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/tempora-py2_py3"
# version: "version:1.11"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/more-itertools-py2_py3"
# version: "version:4.1.0"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/backports_functools_lru_cache-py2_py3"
# version: "version:1.5"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3"
# version: "version:1.12.0"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/portend-py2_py3"
# version: "version:2.2"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/cheroot-py2_py3"
# version: "version:6.2.4"
# >
# wheel: <
# name: "infra/python/wheels/cherrypy-py2_py3"
# version: "version:14.2.0"
# >
"""Tests for Constrained Network Server."""
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import unittest
import urllib2
import cherrypy
import cns
import traffic_control
# The local interface to test on.
class PortAllocatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for the Port Allocator class."""
# Expiration time for ports. In mock time.
def setUp(self):
# Mock out time.time() to accelerate port expiration testing.
self._old_time = time.time
self._current_time = 0
time.time = lambda: self._current_time
# TODO(dalecurtis): Mock out actual calls to shadi's port setup.
self._pa = cns.PortAllocator(cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE, self._EXPIRY_TIME)
def tearDown(self):
# Ensure ports are cleaned properly.
self.assertEquals(self._pa._ports, {})
time.time = self._old_time
def _MockTrafficControl(self):
self.old_CreateConstrainedPort = traffic_control.CreateConstrainedPort
self.old_DeleteConstrainedPort = traffic_control.DeleteConstrainedPort
self.old_TearDown = traffic_control.TearDown
traffic_control.CreateConstrainedPort = lambda config: True
traffic_control.DeleteConstrainedPort = lambda config: True
traffic_control.TearDown = lambda config: True
def _RestoreTrafficControl(self):
traffic_control.CreateConstrainedPort = self.old_CreateConstrainedPort
traffic_control.DeleteConstrainedPort = self.old_DeleteConstrainedPort
traffic_control.TearDown = self.old_TearDown
def testPortAllocator(self):
# Ensure Get() succeeds and returns the correct port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
# Call again with the same key and make sure we get the same port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
# Call with a different key and make sure we get a different port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test2'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0] + 1)
# Update fake time so that ports should expire.
self._current_time += self._EXPIRY_TIME + 1
# Test to make sure cache is checked before expiring ports.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test2'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0] + 1)
# Update fake time so that ports should expire.
self._current_time += self._EXPIRY_TIME + 1
# Request a new port, old ports should be expired, so we should get the
# first port in the range. Make sure this is the only allocated port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test3'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
self.assertEquals(self._pa._ports.keys(), [cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0]])
def testPortAllocatorExpiresOnlyCorrectPorts(self):
# Ensure Get() succeeds and returns the correct port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
# Stagger port allocation and so we can ensure only ports older than the
# expiry time are actually expired.
self._current_time += self._EXPIRY_TIME / 2 + 1
# Call with a different key and make sure we get a different port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test2'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0] + 1)
# After this sleep the port with key 'test' should expire on the next Get().
self._current_time += self._EXPIRY_TIME / 2 + 1
# Call with a different key and make sure we get the first port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test3'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
self.assertEquals(set(self._pa._ports.keys()), set([
def testPortAllocatorNoExpiration(self):
# Setup PortAllocator w/o port expiration.
self._pa = cns.PortAllocator(cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE, 0)
# Ensure Get() succeeds and returns the correct port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
# Update fake time to see if ports expire.
self._current_time += self._EXPIRY_TIME
# Send second Get() which would normally cause ports to expire. Ensure that
# the ports did not expire.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('test2'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0] + 1)
self.assertEquals(set(self._pa._ports.keys()), set([
def testPortAllocatorCleanMatchingIP(self):
# Setup PortAllocator w/o port expiration.
self._pa = cns.PortAllocator(cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE, 0)
# Ensure Get() succeeds and returns the correct port.
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('ip1', t=1), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('ip1', t=2),
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('ip1', t=3),
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('ip2', t=1),
self._pa.Cleanup(all_ports=False, request_ip='ip1')
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('ip2'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0])
self.assertEquals(self._pa.Get('ip1'), cns._DEFAULT_CNS_PORT_RANGE[0] + 1)
self._pa.Cleanup(all_ports=False, request_ip='ip2')
self._pa.Cleanup(all_ports=False, request_ip='abc')
self._pa.Cleanup(all_ports=False, request_ip='ip1')
self.assertEquals(self._pa._ports.keys(), [])
class ConstrainedNetworkServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""End to end tests for ConstrainedNetworkServer system.
These tests require root access and run the cherrypy server along with
tc/iptables commands.
# Amount of time to wait for the CNS to start up.
# Sample data used to verify file serving.
_TEST_DATA = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
# Server information.
_SERVER_URL = ('' %
# Setting for latency testing.
def _StartServer(self):
"""Starts the CNS, returns pid."""
cmd = ['python', '', '--interface=%s' % _INTERFACE]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Wait for server to startup.
line = True
while line:
line = process.stderr.readline()
if 'STARTED' in line:
return'Failed to start CNS.')
def setUp(self):
# Start the CNS.
self._server_pid = self._StartServer()
# Create temp file for serving. Run after server start so if a failure
# during setUp() occurs we don't leave junk files around.
f, self._file = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.getcwd())
os.write(f, self._TEST_DATA)
# Strip cwd off so we have a proper relative path.
self._relative_fn = self._file[len(os.getcwd()) + 1:]
def tearDown(self):
os.kill(self._server_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
def testServerServesFiles(self):
now = time.time()
f = urllib2.urlopen('%sf=%s' % (self._SERVER_URL, self._relative_fn))
# Verify file data is served correctly.
# For completeness ensure an unconstrained call takes less time than our
# artificial constraints checked in the tests below.
self.assertTrue(time.time() - now < self._LATENCY_TEST_SECS)
def testServerLatencyConstraint(self):
"""Tests serving a file with a latency network constraint."""
# Abort if does not have root access.
self.assertEqual(os.geteuid(), 0, 'You need root access to run this test.')
now = time.time()
base_url = '%sf=%s' % (self._SERVER_URL, self._relative_fn)
url = '%s&latency=%d' % (base_url, self._LATENCY_TEST_SECS * 1000)
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
# Verify file data is served correctly.
# Verify the request took longer than the requested latency.
self.assertTrue(time.time() - now > self._LATENCY_TEST_SECS)
# Verify the server properly redirected the URL.
class ConstrainedNetworkServerUnitTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""ConstrainedNetworkServer class unit tests."""
def testGetServerURL(self):
"""Test server URL is correct when using Cherrypy port."""
cns_obj = cns.ConstrainedNetworkServer(self.DummyOptions(), None)
self.assertEqual(cns_obj._GetServerURL('ab/xz.webm', port=1234, t=1),
def testGetServerURLWithLocalServer(self):
"""Test server URL is correct when using --local-server-port port."""
cns_obj = cns.ConstrainedNetworkServer(self.DummyOptionsWithServer(), None)
self.assertEqual(cns_obj._GetServerURL('ab/xz.webm', port=1234, t=1),
class DummyOptions(object):
www_root = 'media'
port = 9000
cherrypy.url = lambda: ''
local_server_port = None
class DummyOptionsWithServer(object):
www_root = 'media'
port = 9000
cherrypy.url = lambda: ''
local_server_port = 8080
if __name__ == '__main__':