blob: 85669e90f5d631ae2b90a282a64679fdc5992fb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/paint/solid_color_analyzer.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_op_buffer.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkNoDrawCanvas.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
bool ActsLikeClear(SkBlendMode mode, unsigned src_alpha) {
switch (mode) {
case SkBlendMode::kClear:
return true;
case SkBlendMode::kSrc:
case SkBlendMode::kSrcIn:
case SkBlendMode::kDstIn:
case SkBlendMode::kSrcOut:
case SkBlendMode::kDstATop:
return src_alpha == 0;
case SkBlendMode::kDstOut:
return src_alpha == 0xFF;
return false;
bool IsSolidColor(SkColor color, SkBlendMode blendmode) {
return SkColorGetA(color) == 255 &&
(blendmode == SkBlendMode::kSrc || blendmode == SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
bool IsSolidColorPaint(const PaintFlags& flags) {
SkBlendMode blendmode = flags.getBlendMode();
// Paint is solid color if the following holds:
// - Alpha is 1.0, style is fill, and there are no special effects
// - Xfer mode is either kSrc or kSrcOver (kSrcOver is equivalent
// to kSrc if source alpha is 1.0, which is already checked).
return IsSolidColor(flags.getColor(), blendmode) && !flags.HasShader() &&
!flags.getLooper() && !flags.getMaskFilter() &&
!flags.getColorFilter() && !flags.getImageFilter() &&
flags.getStyle() == PaintFlags::kFill_Style;
// Returns true if the specified |drawn_shape| will cover the entire canvas
// and that the canvas is not clipped (i.e. it covers ALL of the canvas).
template <typename T>
bool IsFullQuad(const SkCanvas& canvas, const T& drawn_shape) {
if (!canvas.isClipRect())
return false;
SkIRect clip_irect;
if (!canvas.getDeviceClipBounds(&clip_irect))
return false;
// if the clip is smaller than the canvas, we're partly clipped, so abort.
if (!clip_irect.contains(SkIRect::MakeSize(canvas.getBaseLayerSize())))
return false;
const SkMatrix& matrix = canvas.getTotalMatrix();
// If the transform results in a non-axis aligned
// rect, then be conservative and return false.
if (!matrix.rectStaysRect())
return false;
SkMatrix inverse;
if (!matrix.invert(&inverse))
return false;
SkRect clip_rect = SkRect::Make(clip_irect);
inverse.mapRect(&clip_rect, clip_rect);
return drawn_shape.contains(clip_rect);
void CheckIfSolidColor(const SkCanvas& canvas,
SkColor color,
SkBlendMode blendmode,
bool* is_solid_color,
bool* is_transparent,
SkColor* out_color) {
SkRect rect;
if (!canvas.getLocalClipBounds(&rect)) {
*is_transparent = false;
*is_solid_color = false;
bool does_cover_canvas = IsFullQuad(canvas, rect);
uint8_t alpha = SkColorGetA(color);
if (does_cover_canvas && ActsLikeClear(blendmode, alpha))
*is_transparent = true;
else if (alpha != 0 || blendmode != SkBlendMode::kSrc)
*is_transparent = false;
if (does_cover_canvas && IsSolidColor(color, blendmode)) {
*is_solid_color = true;
*out_color = color;
} else {
*is_solid_color = false;
template <typename T>
void CheckIfSolidShape(const SkCanvas& canvas,
const T& shape,
const PaintFlags& flags,
bool* is_solid_color,
bool* is_transparent,
SkColor* color) {
if (flags.nothingToDraw())
bool does_cover_canvas = IsFullQuad(canvas, shape);
SkBlendMode blendmode = flags.getBlendMode();
if (does_cover_canvas && ActsLikeClear(blendmode, flags.getAlpha()))
*is_transparent = true;
else if (flags.getAlpha() != 0 || blendmode != SkBlendMode::kSrc)
*is_transparent = false;
if (does_cover_canvas && IsSolidColorPaint(flags)) {
*is_solid_color = true;
*color = flags.getColor();
} else {
*is_solid_color = false;
bool CheckIfRRectClipCoversCanvas(const SkCanvas& canvas,
const SkRRect& rrect) {
return IsFullQuad(canvas, rrect);
} // namespace
base::Optional<SkColor> SolidColorAnalyzer::DetermineIfSolidColor(
const PaintOpBuffer* buffer,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
int max_ops_to_analyze,
const std::vector<size_t>* offsets) {
if (buffer->size() == 0 || (offsets && offsets->empty()))
bool is_solid = false;
bool is_transparent = true;
SkColor color = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
struct Frame {
Frame() = default;
Frame(PaintOpBuffer::CompositeIterator iter,
const SkMatrix& original_ctm,
int save_count)
: iter(iter), original_ctm(original_ctm), save_count(save_count) {}
PaintOpBuffer::CompositeIterator iter;
const SkMatrix original_ctm;
int save_count = 0;
SkNoDrawCanvas canvas(rect.width(), rect.height());
canvas.translate(-rect.x(), -rect.y());
canvas.clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(rect), SkClipOp::kIntersect, false);
std::vector<Frame> stack;
// We expect to see at least one DrawRecordOp because of the way items are
// constructed. Reserve this to 2, and go from there.
stack.emplace_back(PaintOpBuffer::CompositeIterator(buffer, offsets),
canvas.getTotalMatrix(), canvas.getSaveCount());
int num_draw_ops = 0;
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto& frame = stack.back();
if (!frame.iter) {
if (!stack.empty())
const PaintOp* op = *frame.iter;
PlaybackParams params(nullptr, frame.original_ctm);
switch (op->GetType()) {
case PaintOpType::DrawRecord: {
const DrawRecordOp* record_op = static_cast<const DrawRecordOp*>(op);
PaintOpBuffer::CompositeIterator(record_op->record.get(), nullptr),
canvas.getTotalMatrix(), canvas.getSaveCount());
// Any of the following ops result in non solid content.
case PaintOpType::DrawArc:
case PaintOpType::DrawCircle:
case PaintOpType::DrawDRRect:
case PaintOpType::DrawImage:
case PaintOpType::DrawImageRect:
case PaintOpType::DrawIRect:
case PaintOpType::DrawLine:
case PaintOpType::DrawOval:
case PaintOpType::DrawPath:
case PaintOpType::DrawPosText:
return base::nullopt;
// TODO(vmpstr): Add more tests on exceeding max_ops_to_analyze.
case PaintOpType::DrawRRect: {
if (++num_draw_ops > max_ops_to_analyze)
return base::nullopt;
const DrawRRectOp* rrect_op = static_cast<const DrawRRectOp*>(op);
CheckIfSolidShape(canvas, rrect_op->rrect, rrect_op->flags, &is_solid,
&is_transparent, &color);
case PaintOpType::DrawText:
case PaintOpType::DrawTextBlob:
// Anything that has to do a save layer is probably not solid. As it will
// likely need more than one draw op.
// TODO(vmpstr): We could investigate handling these.
case PaintOpType::SaveLayer:
case PaintOpType::SaveLayerAlpha:
// Complex clips will probably result in non solid color as it might not
// cover the canvas.
// TODO(vmpstr): We could investigate handling these.
case PaintOpType::ClipPath:
return base::nullopt;
case PaintOpType::ClipRRect: {
const ClipRRectOp* rrect_op = static_cast<const ClipRRectOp*>(op);
bool does_cover_canvas =
CheckIfRRectClipCoversCanvas(canvas, rrect_op->rrect);
// If the clip covers the full canvas, we can treat it as if there's no
// clip at all and continue, otherwise this is no longer a solid color.
if (!does_cover_canvas)
return base::nullopt;
case PaintOpType::DrawRect: {
if (++num_draw_ops > max_ops_to_analyze)
return base::nullopt;
const DrawRectOp* rect_op = static_cast<const DrawRectOp*>(op);
CheckIfSolidShape(canvas, rect_op->rect, rect_op->flags, &is_solid,
&is_transparent, &color);
case PaintOpType::DrawColor: {
if (++num_draw_ops > max_ops_to_analyze)
return base::nullopt;
const DrawColorOp* color_op = static_cast<const DrawColorOp*>(op);
CheckIfSolidColor(canvas, color_op->color, color_op->mode, &is_solid,
&is_transparent, &color);
case PaintOpType::ClipRect: {
// SolidColorAnalyzer uses an SkNoDrawCanvas which uses an
// SkNoPixelsDevice which says (without looking) that the canvas's
// clip is always a rect. So, if this clip could result in not
// a rect, this is no longer solid color.
const ClipRectOp* clip_op = static_cast<const ClipRectOp*>(op);
if (clip_op->op == SkClipOp::kDifference)
return base::nullopt;
op->Raster(&canvas, params);
case PaintOpType::ClipDeviceRect: {
// Similar to the ClipRect comment above, if clipDeviceRect uses
// a difference op or has an implicit subtraction (which would
// create a non-rect), then this creates a non-rect clip and
// we assume non-solid color.
const ClipDeviceRectOp* clip_op =
static_cast<const ClipDeviceRectOp*>(op);
if (clip_op->op == SkClipOp::kDifference)
return base::nullopt;
if (!clip_op->subtract_rect.isEmpty())
return base::nullopt;
op->Raster(&canvas, params);
// The rest of the ops should only affect our state canvas.
case PaintOpType::Annotate:
case PaintOpType::Concat:
case PaintOpType::Scale:
case PaintOpType::SetMatrix:
case PaintOpType::Restore:
case PaintOpType::Rotate:
case PaintOpType::Save:
case PaintOpType::Translate:
case PaintOpType::Noop:
op->Raster(&canvas, params);
if (is_transparent)
if (is_solid)
return color;
return base::nullopt;
} // namespace cc