blob: 1b4c1f88f62f5d94fcd98cb7287d75b210c8aafa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync_sessions/tab_node_pool.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/session_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
#include "components/sync_sessions/synced_tab_delegate.h"
namespace sync_sessions {
const size_t TabNodePool::kFreeNodesLowWatermark = 25;
const size_t TabNodePool::kFreeNodesHighWatermark = 100;
TabNodePool::TabNodePool() : max_used_tab_node_id_(kInvalidTabNodeID) {}
// static
// We start vending tab node IDs at 0.
const int TabNodePool::kInvalidTabNodeID = -1;
TabNodePool::~TabNodePool() {}
void TabNodePool::AddTabNode(int tab_node_id) {
DCHECK_GT(tab_node_id, kInvalidTabNodeID);
DCHECK(nodeid_tabid_map_.find(tab_node_id) == nodeid_tabid_map_.end());
DVLOG(1) << "Adding tab node " << tab_node_id << " to pool.";
max_used_tab_node_id_ = std::max(max_used_tab_node_id_, tab_node_id);
void TabNodePool::AssociateTabNode(int tab_node_id, SessionID::id_type tab_id) {
DCHECK_GT(tab_node_id, kInvalidTabNodeID);
DCHECK_GT(tab_id, kInvalidTabID);
// This is a new node association, the sync node should be free.
// Remove node from free node pool and then associate it with the tab.
std::set<int>::iterator it = free_nodes_pool_.find(tab_node_id);
DCHECK(it != free_nodes_pool_.end());
DCHECK(nodeid_tabid_map_.find(tab_node_id) == nodeid_tabid_map_.end());
DVLOG(1) << "Associating tab node " << tab_node_id << " with tab " << tab_id;
nodeid_tabid_map_[tab_node_id] = tab_id;
tabid_nodeid_map_[tab_id] = tab_node_id;
bool TabNodePool::GetTabNodeForTab(SessionID::id_type tab_id,
int* tab_node_id) {
if (tabid_nodeid_map_.find(tab_id) != tabid_nodeid_map_.end()) {
*tab_node_id = tabid_nodeid_map_[tab_id];
return true;
if (free_nodes_pool_.empty()) {
// Tab pool has no free nodes, allocate new one.
*tab_node_id = ++max_used_tab_node_id_;
AssociateTabNode(*tab_node_id, tab_id);
return false;
} else {
// Return the next free node.
*tab_node_id = *free_nodes_pool_.begin();
AssociateTabNode(*tab_node_id, tab_id);
return true;
void TabNodePool::FreeTab(int tab_id) {
DCHECK_GT(tab_id, kInvalidTabID);
TabIDToTabNodeIDMap::iterator it = tabid_nodeid_map_.find(tab_id);
if (it == tabid_nodeid_map_.end()) {
return; // Already freed.
int tab_node_id = it->second;
DVLOG(1) << "Freeing tab " << tab_id << " at node " << tab_node_id;
void TabNodePool::ReassociateTabNode(int tab_node_id,
SessionID::id_type tab_id) {
DCHECK_GT(tab_node_id, kInvalidTabNodeID);
DCHECK_GT(tab_id, kInvalidTabID);
auto tabid_it = tabid_nodeid_map_.find(tab_id);
if (tabid_it != tabid_nodeid_map_.end()) {
if (tabid_it->second == tab_node_id) {
return; // Already associated properly.
} else {
// Another node is already associated with this tab. Free it.
auto nodeid_it = nodeid_tabid_map_.find(tab_node_id);
if (nodeid_it != nodeid_tabid_map_.end()) {
// This node was already associated with another tab. Free it.
} else {
// This is a new tab node. Add it before association.
AssociateTabNode(tab_node_id, tab_id);
SessionID::id_type TabNodePool::GetTabIdFromTabNodeId(int tab_node_id) const {
TabNodeIDToTabIDMap::const_iterator it = nodeid_tabid_map_.find(tab_node_id);
if (it != nodeid_tabid_map_.end()) {
return it->second;
return kInvalidTabID;
void TabNodePool::CleanupTabNodes(std::set<int>* deleted_node_ids) {
// If number of free nodes exceed kFreeNodesHighWatermark,
// delete sync nodes till number reaches kFreeNodesLowWatermark.
// Note: This logic is to mitigate temporary disassociation issues with old
// clients: Newer versions do not need this.
if (free_nodes_pool_.size() > kFreeNodesHighWatermark) {
for (std::set<int>::iterator free_it = free_nodes_pool_.begin();
free_it != free_nodes_pool_.end();) {
if (free_nodes_pool_.size() <= kFreeNodesLowWatermark) {
// Clear tab pool.
void TabNodePool::Clear() {
max_used_tab_node_id_ = kInvalidTabNodeID;
size_t TabNodePool::Capacity() const {
return nodeid_tabid_map_.size() + free_nodes_pool_.size();
bool TabNodePool::Empty() const {
return free_nodes_pool_.empty();
bool TabNodePool::Full() {
return nodeid_tabid_map_.empty();
} // namespace sync_sessions