blob: be0aa7894b1b6e7b7f894f30497332d96f701ac6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Secure chrome extension update manifest parser provided by the utility
// process and exposed by mojo policy to the chrome browser process.
module extensions.mojom;
import "url/mojo/url.mojom";
interface ManifestParser {
// Parse an extensions update manifest |xml| document and return the
// |results|, or null if parsing fails.
Parse(string xml) => (UpdateManifestResults? results);
struct UpdateManifestResults {
array<UpdateManifestResult> list;
int32 daystart_elapsed_seconds;
struct UpdateManifestResult {
string extension_id;
string version;
string browser_min_version;
url.mojom.Url crx_url;
string package_hash;
int32 size;
string package_fingerprint;
url.mojom.Url diff_crx_url;
string diff_package_hash;
int32 diff_size;