blob: 2e761125cb6cebefcca7cc70bf5f1e5c0dbbe967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// AudioConverter implementation. Uses MultiChannelSincResampler for resampling
// audio, ChannelMixer for channel mixing, and AudioPullFifo for buffering.
// Delay estimates are provided to InputCallbacks based on the frame delay
// information reported via the resampler and FIFO units.
#include "media/base/audio_converter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "media/base/audio_pull_fifo.h"
#include "media/base/channel_mixer.h"
#include "media/base/multi_channel_resampler.h"
#include "media/base/vector_math.h"
namespace media {
AudioConverter::AudioConverter(const AudioParameters& input_params,
const AudioParameters& output_params,
bool disable_fifo)
: chunk_size_(input_params.frames_per_buffer()),
io_sample_rate_ratio_(input_params.sample_rate() /
input_channel_count_(input_params.channels()) {
// Handle different input and output channel layouts.
if (input_params.channel_layout() != output_params.channel_layout() ||
input_params.channels() != output_params.channels()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Remixing channel layout from " << input_params.channel_layout()
<< " to " << output_params.channel_layout() << "; from "
<< input_params.channels() << " channels to "
<< output_params.channels() << " channels.";
channel_mixer_.reset(new ChannelMixer(input_params, output_params));
// Pare off data as early as we can for efficiency.
downmix_early_ = input_params.channels() > output_params.channels();
// Only resample if necessary since it's expensive.
if (input_params.sample_rate() != output_params.sample_rate()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Resampling from " << input_params.sample_rate() << " to "
<< output_params.sample_rate();
const int request_size = disable_fifo ? SincResampler::kDefaultRequestSize :
resampler_.reset(new MultiChannelResampler(
downmix_early_ ? output_params.channels() : input_params.channels(),
io_sample_rate_ratio_, request_size,
base::Bind(&AudioConverter::ProvideInput, base::Unretained(this))));
// The resampler can be configured to work with a specific request size, so a
// FIFO is not necessary when resampling.
if (disable_fifo || resampler_)
// Since the output device may want a different buffer size than the caller
// asked for, we need to use a FIFO to ensure that both sides read in chunk
// sizes they're configured for.
if (input_params.frames_per_buffer() != output_params.frames_per_buffer()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Rebuffering from " << input_params.frames_per_buffer()
<< " to " << output_params.frames_per_buffer();
chunk_size_ = input_params.frames_per_buffer();
audio_fifo_.reset(new AudioPullFifo(
downmix_early_ ? output_params.channels() : input_params.channels(),
base::Bind(&AudioConverter::SourceCallback, base::Unretained(this))));
AudioConverter::~AudioConverter() {}
void AudioConverter::AddInput(InputCallback* input) {
DCHECK(std::find(transform_inputs_.begin(), transform_inputs_.end(), input) ==
void AudioConverter::RemoveInput(InputCallback* input) {
DCHECK(std::find(transform_inputs_.begin(), transform_inputs_.end(), input) !=
if (transform_inputs_.empty())
void AudioConverter::Reset() {
if (audio_fifo_)
if (resampler_)
int AudioConverter::ChunkSize() const {
if (!resampler_)
return chunk_size_;
return resampler_->ChunkSize();
void AudioConverter::PrimeWithSilence() {
if (resampler_) {
void AudioConverter::ConvertWithDelay(uint32_t initial_frames_delayed,
AudioBus* dest) {
initial_frames_delayed_ = initial_frames_delayed;
if (transform_inputs_.empty()) {
// Determine if channel mixing should be done and if it should be done before
// or after resampling. If it's possible to reduce the channel count prior to
// resampling we can save a lot of processing time. Vice versa, we don't want
// to increase the channel count prior to resampling for the same reason.
bool needs_mixing = channel_mixer_ && !downmix_early_;
if (needs_mixing)
AudioBus* temp_dest = needs_mixing ? unmixed_audio_.get() : dest;
// Figure out which method to call based on whether we're resampling and
// rebuffering, just resampling, or just mixing. We want to avoid any extra
// steps when possible since we may be converting audio data in real time.
if (!resampler_ && !audio_fifo_) {
SourceCallback(0, temp_dest);
} else {
if (resampler_)
resampler_->Resample(temp_dest->frames(), temp_dest);
ProvideInput(0, temp_dest);
// Finally upmix the channels if we didn't do so earlier.
if (needs_mixing) {
DCHECK_EQ(temp_dest->frames(), dest->frames());
channel_mixer_->Transform(temp_dest, dest);
void AudioConverter::Convert(AudioBus* dest) {
ConvertWithDelay(0, dest);
void AudioConverter::SourceCallback(int fifo_frame_delay, AudioBus* dest) {
const bool needs_downmix = channel_mixer_ && downmix_early_;
if (!mixer_input_audio_bus_ ||
mixer_input_audio_bus_->frames() != dest->frames()) {
mixer_input_audio_bus_ =
AudioBus::Create(input_channel_count_, dest->frames());
// If we're downmixing early we need a temporary AudioBus which matches
// the the input channel count and input frame size since we're passing
// |unmixed_audio_| directly to the |source_callback_|.
if (needs_downmix)
AudioBus* const temp_dest = needs_downmix ? unmixed_audio_.get() : dest;
// Sanity check our inputs.
DCHECK_EQ(temp_dest->frames(), mixer_input_audio_bus_->frames());
DCHECK_EQ(temp_dest->channels(), mixer_input_audio_bus_->channels());
// |total_frames_delayed| is reported to the *input* source in terms of the
// *input* sample rate. |initial_frames_delayed_| is given in terms of the
// output sample rate, so we scale by sample rate ratio (in/out).
uint32_t total_frames_delayed =
std::round(initial_frames_delayed_ * io_sample_rate_ratio_);
if (resampler_) {
// |resampler_frames_delayed_| tallies frames queued up inside the resampler
// that are already converted to the output format. Scale by ratio to get
// delay in terms of input sample rate.
total_frames_delayed +=
std::round(resampler_frames_delayed_ * io_sample_rate_ratio_);
if (audio_fifo_) {
total_frames_delayed += fifo_frame_delay;
// If we only have a single input, avoid an extra copy.
AudioBus* const provide_input_dest =
transform_inputs_.size() == 1 ? temp_dest : mixer_input_audio_bus_.get();
// Have each mixer render its data into an output buffer then mix the result.
for (auto* input : transform_inputs_) {
const float volume =
input->ProvideInput(provide_input_dest, total_frames_delayed);
// Optimize the most common single input, full volume case.
if (input == transform_inputs_.front()) {
if (volume == 1.0f) {
if (temp_dest != provide_input_dest)
} else if (volume > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < provide_input_dest->channels(); ++i) {
provide_input_dest->channel(i), volume,
provide_input_dest->frames(), temp_dest->channel(i));
} else {
// Zero |temp_dest| otherwise, so we're mixing into a clean buffer.
// Volume adjust and mix each mixer input into |temp_dest| after rendering.
if (volume > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < mixer_input_audio_bus_->channels(); ++i) {
mixer_input_audio_bus_->channel(i), volume,
mixer_input_audio_bus_->frames(), temp_dest->channel(i));
if (needs_downmix) {
DCHECK_EQ(temp_dest->frames(), dest->frames());
channel_mixer_->Transform(temp_dest, dest);
void AudioConverter::ProvideInput(int resampler_frame_delay, AudioBus* dest) {
resampler_frames_delayed_ = resampler_frame_delay;
if (audio_fifo_)
audio_fifo_->Consume(dest, dest->frames());
SourceCallback(0, dest);
void AudioConverter::CreateUnmixedAudioIfNecessary(int frames) {
if (!unmixed_audio_ || unmixed_audio_->frames() != frames)
unmixed_audio_ = AudioBus::Create(input_channel_count_, frames);
} // namespace media