blob: 6bef188753c05d6fe94b3f8c90be3fb2231b9125 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace catalog {
// TODO(rockot): Clean this up now that it's only a namespace for constants.
// Alternatively, re-introduce a Store interface once it makes sense to do so.
class Store {
// Value is a string.
static const char kNameKey[];
// Value is a string.
static const char kDisplayNameKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kInterfaceProviderSpecsKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kInterfaceProviderSpecs_ProvidesKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kInterfaceProviderSpecs_RequiresKey[];
// Value is a list.
static const char kServicesKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kRequiredFilesKey[];
// Value is a string.
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PathKey[];
// Value is a string.
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PlatformKey[];
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PlatformValue_Windows[];
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PlatformValue_Linux[];
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PlatformValue_MacOSX[];
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PlatformValue_Android[];
static const char kRequiredFilesKey_PlatformValue_Fuchsia[];
} // namespace catalog