blob: 936f6cb55233027ec5cf47a2417c44d6160880c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: OpenVR SDK
Short Name: OpenVR
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2 Feb 2017
Revision: 7fa6470f2972970859f2395f1390f6d87d4b0fc3
License: MIT
License File: src\LICENSE
Security Critical: yes
The OpenVR API supports HTC Vive and other headsets for VR.
Local Modifications:
Only contains a subset of the git repo necessary to build Chromium.
Copy the correct files with these commands:
copy %openvrsdk%\ %chromium%\src\third_party\openvr\src
copy %openvrsdk%\LICENSE %chromium%\src\third_party\openvr\src
xcopy /S %openvrsdk%\src %chromium%\src\third_party\openvr\src\src
xcopy /S %openvrsdk%\headers %chromium%\src\third_party\openvr\src\headers