blob: 78ec739ae2c01d3e9777f98590969f8a74271009 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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import '../utils/boot.js';
import { dedupingMixin } from '../utils/mixin.js';
import { microTask } from '../utils/async.js';
import { wrap } from '../utils/wrap.js';
/** @const {!AsyncInterface} */
const microtask = microTask;
* Element class mixin that provides basic meta-programming for creating one
* or more property accessors (getter/setter pair) that enqueue an async
* (batched) `_propertiesChanged` callback.
* For basic usage of this mixin, call `MyClass.createProperties(props)`
* once at class definition time to create property accessors for properties
* named in props, implement `_propertiesChanged` to react as desired to
* property changes, and implement `static get observedAttributes()` and
* include lowercase versions of any property names that should be set from
* attributes. Last, call `this._enableProperties()` in the element's
* `connectedCallback` to enable the accessors.
* @mixinFunction
* @polymer
* @summary Element class mixin for reacting to property changes from
* generated property accessors.
export const PropertiesChanged = dedupingMixin(
* @template T
* @param {function(new:T)} superClass Class to apply mixin to.
* @return {function(new:T)} superClass with mixin applied.
(superClass) => {
* @polymer
* @mixinClass
* @implements {Polymer_PropertiesChanged}
* @unrestricted
class PropertiesChanged extends superClass {
* Creates property accessors for the given property names.
* @param {!Object} props Object whose keys are names of accessors.
* @return {void}
* @protected
static createProperties(props) {
const proto = this.prototype;
for (let prop in props) {
// don't stomp an existing accessor
if (!(prop in proto)) {
* Returns an attribute name that corresponds to the given property.
* The attribute name is the lowercased property name. Override to
* customize this mapping.
* @param {string} property Property to convert
* @return {string} Attribute name corresponding to the given property.
* @protected
static attributeNameForProperty(property) {
return property.toLowerCase();
* Override point to provide a type to which to deserialize a value to
* a given property.
* @param {string} name Name of property
* @protected
static typeForProperty(name) { } //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
* Creates a setter/getter pair for the named property with its own
* local storage. The getter returns the value in the local storage,
* and the setter calls `_setProperty`, which updates the local storage
* for the property and enqueues a `_propertiesChanged` callback.
* This method may be called on a prototype or an instance. Calling
* this method may overwrite a property value that already exists on
* the prototype/instance by creating the accessor.
* @param {string} property Name of the property
* @param {boolean=} readOnly When true, no setter is created; the
* protected `_setProperty` function must be used to set the property
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_createPropertyAccessor(property, readOnly) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty('__dataHasAccessor')) {
this.__dataHasAccessor = Object.assign({}, this.__dataHasAccessor);
if (!this.__dataHasAccessor[property]) {
this.__dataHasAccessor[property] = true;
this._definePropertyAccessor(property, readOnly);
* Adds the given `property` to a map matching attribute names
* to property names, using `attributeNameForProperty`. This map is
* used when deserializing attribute values to properties.
* @param {string} property Name of the property
* @override
_addPropertyToAttributeMap(property) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty('__dataAttributes')) {
this.__dataAttributes = Object.assign({}, this.__dataAttributes);
if (!this.__dataAttributes[property]) {
const attr = this.constructor.attributeNameForProperty(property);
this.__dataAttributes[attr] = property;
* Defines a property accessor for the given property.
* @param {string} property Name of the property
* @param {boolean=} readOnly When true, no setter is created
* @return {void}
* @override
_definePropertyAccessor(property, readOnly) {
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
/** @this {PropertiesChanged} */
get() {
return this._getProperty(property);
/** @this {PropertiesChanged} */
set: readOnly ? function () {} : function (value) {
this._setProperty(property, value);
/* eslint-enable */
constructor() {
/** @protected {boolean} */
this.__dataEnabled = false;
this.__dataReady = false;
this.__dataInvalid = false;
this.__data = {};
this.__dataPending = null;
this.__dataOld = null;
this.__dataInstanceProps = null;
this.__serializing = false;
* Lifecycle callback called when properties are enabled via
* `_enableProperties`.
* Users may override this function to implement behavior that is
* dependent on the element having its property data initialized, e.g.
* from defaults (initialized from `constructor`, `_initializeProperties`),
* `attributeChangedCallback`, or values propagated from host e.g. via
* bindings. `super.ready()` must be called to ensure the data system
* becomes enabled.
* @return {void}
* @public
* @override
ready() {
this.__dataReady = true;
* Initializes the local storage for property accessors.
* Provided as an override point for performing any setup work prior
* to initializing the property accessor system.
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_initializeProperties() {
// Capture instance properties; these will be set into accessors
// during first flush. Don't set them here, since we want
// these to overwrite defaults/constructor assignments
for (let p in this.__dataHasAccessor) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
this.__dataInstanceProps = this.__dataInstanceProps || {};
this.__dataInstanceProps[p] = this[p];
delete this[p];
* Called at ready time with bag of instance properties that overwrote
* accessors when the element upgraded.
* The default implementation sets these properties back into the
* setter at ready time. This method is provided as an override
* point for customizing or providing more efficient initialization.
* @param {Object} props Bag of property values that were overwritten
* when creating property accessors.
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_initializeInstanceProperties(props) {
Object.assign(this, props);
* Updates the local storage for a property (via `_setPendingProperty`)
* and enqueues a `_proeprtiesChanged` callback.
* @param {string} property Name of the property
* @param {*} value Value to set
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_setProperty(property, value) {
if (this._setPendingProperty(property, value)) {
* Returns the value for the given property.
* @param {string} property Name of property
* @return {*} Value for the given property
* @protected
* @override
_getProperty(property) {
return this.__data[property];
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
* Updates the local storage for a property, records the previous value,
* and adds it to the set of "pending changes" that will be passed to the
* `_propertiesChanged` callback. This method does not enqueue the
* `_propertiesChanged` callback.
* @param {string} property Name of the property
* @param {*} value Value to set
* @param {boolean=} ext Not used here; affordance for closure
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the property changed
* @protected
* @override
_setPendingProperty(property, value, ext) {
let old = this.__data[property];
let changed = this._shouldPropertyChange(property, value, old);
if (changed) {
if (!this.__dataPending) {
this.__dataPending = {};
this.__dataOld = {};
// Ensure old is captured from the last turn
if (this.__dataOld && !(property in this.__dataOld)) {
this.__dataOld[property] = old;
this.__data[property] = value;
this.__dataPending[property] = value;
return changed;
/* eslint-enable */
* Marks the properties as invalid, and enqueues an async
* `_propertiesChanged` callback.
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_invalidateProperties() {
if (!this.__dataInvalid && this.__dataReady) {
this.__dataInvalid = true; => {
if (this.__dataInvalid) {
this.__dataInvalid = false;
* Call to enable property accessor processing. Before this method is
* called accessor values will be set but side effects are
* queued. When called, any pending side effects occur immediately.
* For elements, generally `connectedCallback` is a normal spot to do so.
* It is safe to call this method multiple times as it only turns on
* property accessors once.
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_enableProperties() {
if (!this.__dataEnabled) {
this.__dataEnabled = true;
if (this.__dataInstanceProps) {
this.__dataInstanceProps = null;
* Calls the `_propertiesChanged` callback with the current set of
* pending changes (and old values recorded when pending changes were
* set), and resets the pending set of changes. Generally, this method
* should not be called in user code.
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_flushProperties() {
const props = this.__data;
const changedProps = this.__dataPending;
const old = this.__dataOld;
if (this._shouldPropertiesChange(props, changedProps, old)) {
this.__dataPending = null;
this.__dataOld = null;
this._propertiesChanged(props, changedProps, old);
* Called in `_flushProperties` to determine if `_propertiesChanged`
* should be called. The default implementation returns true if
* properties are pending. Override to customize when
* `_propertiesChanged` is called.
* @param {!Object} currentProps Bag of all current accessor values
* @param {?Object} changedProps Bag of properties changed since the last
* call to `_propertiesChanged`
* @param {?Object} oldProps Bag of previous values for each property
* in `changedProps`
* @return {boolean} true if changedProps is truthy
* @override
_shouldPropertiesChange(currentProps, changedProps, oldProps) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return Boolean(changedProps);
* Callback called when any properties with accessors created via
* `_createPropertyAccessor` have been set.
* @param {!Object} currentProps Bag of all current accessor values
* @param {?Object} changedProps Bag of properties changed since the last
* call to `_propertiesChanged`
* @param {?Object} oldProps Bag of previous values for each property
* in `changedProps`
* @return {void}
* @protected
* @override
_propertiesChanged(currentProps, changedProps, oldProps) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
* Method called to determine whether a property value should be
* considered as a change and cause the `_propertiesChanged` callback
* to be enqueued.
* The default implementation returns `true` if a strict equality
* check fails. The method always returns false for `NaN`.
* Override this method to e.g. provide stricter checking for
* Objects/Arrays when using immutable patterns.
* @param {string} property Property name
* @param {*} value New property value
* @param {*} old Previous property value
* @return {boolean} Whether the property should be considered a change
* and enqueue a `_proeprtiesChanged` callback
* @protected
* @override
_shouldPropertyChange(property, value, old) {
return (
// Strict equality check
(old !== value &&
// This ensures (old==NaN, value==NaN) always returns false
(old === old || value === value))
* Implements native Custom Elements `attributeChangedCallback` to
* set an attribute value to a property via `_attributeToProperty`.
* @param {string} name Name of attribute that changed
* @param {?string} old Old attribute value
* @param {?string} value New attribute value
* @param {?string=} namespace Attribute namespace.
* @return {void}
* @suppress {missingProperties} Super may or may not implement the callback
* @override
attributeChangedCallback(name, old, value, namespace) {
if (old !== value) {
this._attributeToProperty(name, value);
if (super.attributeChangedCallback) {
super.attributeChangedCallback(name, old, value, namespace);
* Deserializes an attribute to its associated property.
* This method calls the `_deserializeValue` method to convert the string to
* a typed value.
* @param {string} attribute Name of attribute to deserialize.
* @param {?string} value of the attribute.
* @param {*=} type type to deserialize to, defaults to the value
* returned from `typeForProperty`
* @return {void}
* @override
_attributeToProperty(attribute, value, type) {
if (!this.__serializing) {
const map = this.__dataAttributes;
const property = map && map[attribute] || attribute;
this[property] = this._deserializeValue(value, type ||
* Serializes a property to its associated attribute.
* @suppress {invalidCasts} Closure can't figure out `this` is an element.
* @param {string} property Property name to reflect.
* @param {string=} attribute Attribute name to reflect to.
* @param {*=} value Property value to refect.
* @return {void}
* @override
_propertyToAttribute(property, attribute, value) {
this.__serializing = true;
value = (arguments.length < 3) ? this[property] : value;
this._valueToNodeAttribute(/** @type {!HTMLElement} */(this), value,
attribute || this.constructor.attributeNameForProperty(property));
this.__serializing = false;
* Sets a typed value to an HTML attribute on a node.
* This method calls the `_serializeValue` method to convert the typed
* value to a string. If the `_serializeValue` method returns `undefined`,
* the attribute will be removed (this is the default for boolean
* type `false`).
* @param {Element} node Element to set attribute to.
* @param {*} value Value to serialize.
* @param {string} attribute Attribute name to serialize to.
* @return {void}
* @override
_valueToNodeAttribute(node, value, attribute) {
const str = this._serializeValue(value);
if (str === undefined) {
} else {
if (attribute === 'class' || attribute === 'name' || attribute === 'slot') {
node = /** @type {?Element} */(wrap(node));
node.setAttribute(attribute, str);
* Converts a typed JavaScript value to a string.
* This method is called when setting JS property values to
* HTML attributes. Users may override this method to provide
* serialization for custom types.
* @param {*} value Property value to serialize.
* @return {string | undefined} String serialized from the provided
* property value.
* @override
_serializeValue(value) {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'boolean':
return value ? '' : undefined;
return value != null ? value.toString() : undefined;
* Converts a string to a typed JavaScript value.
* This method is called when reading HTML attribute values to
* JS properties. Users may override this method to provide
* deserialization for custom `type`s. Types for `Boolean`, `String`,
* and `Number` convert attributes to the expected types.
* @param {?string} value Value to deserialize.
* @param {*=} type Type to deserialize the string to.
* @return {*} Typed value deserialized from the provided string.
* @override
_deserializeValue(value, type) {
switch (type) {
case Boolean:
return (value !== null);
case Number:
return Number(value);
return value;
return PropertiesChanged;