blob: 92b6032c17f0e57990ee3d35c86b8f2d4751b62e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/url_pattern_index/fuzzy_pattern_matching.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace url_pattern_index {
namespace {
bool StartsWithFuzzyImpl(base::StringPiece text, base::StringPiece subpattern) {
DCHECK_LE(subpattern.size(), text.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != subpattern.size(); ++i) {
const char text_char = text[i];
const char pattern_char = subpattern[i];
if (text_char != pattern_char &&
(pattern_char != kSeparatorPlaceholder || !IsSeparator(text_char))) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
bool StartsWithFuzzy(base::StringPiece text, base::StringPiece subpattern) {
return subpattern.size() <= text.size() &&
StartsWithFuzzyImpl(text, subpattern);
bool EndsWithFuzzy(base::StringPiece text, base::StringPiece subpattern) {
return subpattern.size() <= text.size() &&
StartsWithFuzzyImpl(text.substr(text.size() - subpattern.size()),
size_t FindFuzzy(base::StringPiece text,
base::StringPiece subpattern,
size_t from) {
if (from > text.size())
return base::StringPiece::npos;
if (subpattern.empty())
return from;
auto fuzzy_compare = [](char text_char, char subpattern_char) {
return text_char == subpattern_char ||
(subpattern_char == kSeparatorPlaceholder && IsSeparator(text_char));
base::StringPiece::const_iterator found =
std::search(text.begin() + from, text.end(), subpattern.begin(),
subpattern.end(), fuzzy_compare);
return found == text.end() ? base::StringPiece::npos : found - text.begin();
} // namespace url_pattern_index