Building Dex

This doc aims to describe the Chrome build process that takes a set of .java files and turns them into a classes.dex file.

Core GN Target Types

The following have supports_android and requires_android set to false by default:

  • java_library(): Compiles .java -> .jar
  • java_prebuilt(): Imports a prebuilt .jar file.

The following have supports_android and requires_android set to true. They also have a default jar_excluded_patterns set (more on that later):

  • android_library()
  • android_java_prebuilt()

All targets names must end with “_java” so that the build system can distinguish them from non-java targets (or other variations).

Step 1: Compile

This step is the only step that does not apply to prebuilt targets.

  • All .java files in a target are compiled by javac into .class files.
    • This includes .java files that live within .srcjar files, referenced through srcjar_deps.
  • The classpath used when compiling a target is comprised of .jar files of its deps.
    • When deps are library targets, the Step 1 .jar file is used.
    • When deps are prebuilt targets, the original .jar file is used.
    • All .jar processing done in subsequent steps does not impact compilation classpath.
  • .class files are zipped into an output .jar file.
  • There is no support for incremental compilation at this level.
    • If one source file changes within a library, then the entire library is recompiled.
    • Prefer smaller targets to avoid slow compiles.

Step 2: Creating an .interface.jar

This step happens in parallel with subsequent steps.

  • //third_party/ijar converts the .jar into an .interface.jar, which is a copy of the input with all non-public symbols and function bodies removed.
  • Dependant targets use .interface.jar files to skip having to be rebuilt when only private implementation details change.

Step 3: Bytecode Processing

  • //build/android/bytecode runs on the compiled .jar in order to:
    • Enable Java assertions (when dcheck is enabled).
    • Assert that libraries have properly declared deps.

Step 4: Desugaring

This step happens only when targets have supports_android = true.

  • //third_party/bazel/desugar converts certain Java 8 constructs, such as lambdas and default interface methods, into constructs that are compatible with Java 7.

Step 5: Filtering

This step happens only when targets that have jar_excluded_patterns or jar_included_patterns set (e.g. all android_ targets).

  • Remove .class files that match the filters from the .jar. These .class files are generally those that are re-created with different implementations further on in the build process.
    • E.g.: R.class files - a part of Android Resources.
    • E.g.: GEN_JNI.class - a part of our JNI glue.
    • E.g.: AppHooksImpl.class - how chrome_java wires up different implementations for non-public builds.

Step 6: Instrumentation

This step happens only when this GN arg is set: use_jacoco_coverage = true

  • Jacoco adds instrumentation hooks to methods.

Step 7: Copy to

  • The .jar is copied into $root_build_dir/ (under target-specific subdirectories) so that it will be included by bot archive steps.
    • These .jar files are the ones used when running java_binary and junit_binary targets.

Step 8: Per-Library Dexing

This step happens only when targets have supports_android = true.

  • d8 converts .jar files contain .class files into .dex.jar files containing .dex files.
  • Dexing is incremental - it will reuse dex'ed classes from a previous build if the corresponding .class file is unchanged.
  • These per-library .dex.jar files are used directly by incremental install, and are inputs to the Apk step when enable_proguard = false.
    • Even when is_java_debug = false, many apk targets do not enable ProGuard (e.g. unit tests).

Step 9: Apk / Bundle Module Compile

  • Each android_apk and android_bundle_module template has a nested java_library target. The nested library includes final copies of files stripped out by prior filtering steps. These files include:
    • Final files, created by
    • Final for JNI glue.
    • and (//base dependencies).

Step 10: Final Dexing

When is_java_debug = true:

  • d8 merges all library .dex.jar files into a final

When is_java_debug = false:

  • R8 performs whole-program optimization on all library .jar files and outputs a final
    • For App Bundles, R8 creates a single with the code from all modules.

Step 11: Bundle Module Dex Splitting

This step happens only when is_java_debug = false.

  • [] splits the single into per-module files.