blob: 0d2fbf666d72281d9b81c653dc09ff11e775dcc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the html renderer for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Id$
#ifndef render_object_h
#define render_object_h
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include "xml/dom_nodeimpl.h"
#include "misc/khtmllayout.h"
#include "misc/loader_client.h"
#include "render_style.h"
class QPainter;
class CSSStyle;
class KHTMLView;
namespace DOM {
class DOMString;
class NodeImpl;
namespace khtml {
class RenderStyle;
class RenderTable;
class CachedObject;
class RenderRoot;
* Base Class for all rendering tree objects.
class RenderObject : public CachedObjectClient
virtual ~RenderObject();
RenderObject *parent() const { return m_parent; }
RenderObject *previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
RenderObject *nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
virtual RenderObject *firstChild() const { return 0; }
virtual RenderObject *lastChild() const { return 0; }
// RenderObject tree manipulation
virtual void addChild(RenderObject *newChild, RenderObject *beforeChild = 0);
virtual void removeChild(RenderObject *oldChild);
// raw tree manipulation
virtual RenderObject* removeChildNode(RenderObject* child);
virtual void appendChildNode(RenderObject* child);
virtual void insertChildNode(RenderObject* child, RenderObject* before);
// Helper functions. Dangerous to use!
void setPreviousSibling(RenderObject *previous) { m_previous = previous; }
void setNextSibling(RenderObject *next) { m_next = next; }
void setParent(RenderObject *parent) { m_parent = parent; }
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderObject"; }
virtual void printTree(int indent=0) const;
static RenderObject *createObject(DOM::NodeImpl *node);
// some helper functions...
virtual bool childrenInline() const { return false; }
virtual bool isRendered() const { return false; }
virtual bool isFlow() const { return false; }
virtual bool isListItem() const { return false; }
virtual bool isRoot() const { return false; }
virtual bool isBR() const { return false; }
virtual bool isHtml() const { return false; }
virtual bool isTableCell() const { return false; }
virtual bool isTableRow() const { return false; }
virtual bool isTableSection() const { return false; }
virtual bool isTable() const { return false; }
virtual bool isWidget() const { return false; }
virtual bool isBody() const { return false; }
virtual bool isFormElement() const { return false; }
bool isAnonymousBox() const { return m_isAnonymous; }
void setIsAnonymousBox(bool b) { m_isAnonymous = b; }
bool isFloating() const { return m_floating; }
bool isPositioned() const { return m_positioned; } // absolute or fixed positioning
bool isRelPositioned() const { return m_relPositioned; } // relative positioning
bool isText() const { return m_isText; } // inherits RenderText
bool isInline() const { return m_inline; } // inline object
bool isReplaced() const { return m_replaced; } // a "replaced" element (see CSS)
bool hasSpecialObjects() const { return m_printSpecial; }
bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; }
bool layouted() const { return m_layouted; }
bool parsing() const { return m_parsing; }
bool minMaxKnown() const{ return m_minMaxKnown; }
bool containsPositioned() const { return m_containsPositioned; }
bool containsWidget() const { return m_containsWidget; }
bool hasFirstLine() const { return m_hasFirstLine; }
RenderRoot* root() const;
* returns the object containing this one. can be different from parent for
* positioned elements
RenderObject *container() const;
void setContainsPositioned(bool p);
void setLayouted(bool b=true) { m_layouted = b; }
void setParsing(bool b=true) { m_parsing = b; }
void setMinMaxKnown(bool b=true) { m_minMaxKnown = b; }
void setPositioned(bool b=true) { m_positioned = b; }
void setRelPositioned(bool b=true) { m_relPositioned = b; }
void setFloating(bool b=true) { m_floating = b; }
void setInline(bool b=true) { m_inline = b; }
void setSpecialObjects(bool b=true) { m_printSpecial = b; }
void setVisible(bool b=true) { m_visible = b; }
void setRenderText() { m_isText = true; }
void setReplaced(bool b=true) { m_replaced = b; }
void setContainsWidget(bool b=true) { m_containsWidget = b; }
// for discussion of lineHeight see CSS2 spec
virtual int lineHeight( bool firstLine ) const;
// for the vertical-align property of inline elements
// the difference between this objects baseline position and the lines baseline position.
virtual short verticalPositionHint( bool firstLine ) const;
// the offset of baseline from the top of the object.
virtual short baselinePosition( bool firstLine ) const;
* Print the object and it's children, clipped by (x|y|w|h).
* (tx|ty) is the calculated position of the parent
virtual void print( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int tx, int ty);
virtual void printObject( QPainter */*p*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/,
int /*w*/, int /*h*/, int /*tx*/, int /*ty*/) {}
void printBorder(QPainter *p, int _tx, int _ty, int w, int h, const RenderStyle* style, bool begin=true, bool end=true);
void printOutline(QPainter *p, int _tx, int _ty, int w, int h, const RenderStyle* style);
* This function calculates the minimum & maximum width that the object
* can be set to.
* when the Element calls setMinMaxKnown(true), calcMinMaxWidth() will
* be no longer called.
* when a element has a fixed size, m_minWidth and m_maxWidth should be
* set to the same value. This has the special meaning that m_width,
* contains the actual value.
* ### assumes calcMinMaxWidth has already been called for all children.
virtual void calcMinMaxWidth() { }
* Calculates the actual width of the object (only for non inline
* objects)
virtual void calcWidth() {}
* This function should cause the Element to calculate its
* width and height and the layout of it's content
* when the Element calls setLayouted(true), layout() is no
* longer called during relayouts, as long as there is no
* style sheet change. When that occurs, isLayouted will be
* set to false and the Element receives layout() calls
* again.
virtual void layout() = 0;
// propagates size changes upwards in the tree
virtual void updateSize();
virtual void updateHeight() {}
// The corresponding closing element has been parsed.
virtual void close() { setParsing(false); }
// set the style of the object.
virtual void setStyle(RenderStyle *style);
// returns the containing block level element for this element.
RenderObject *containingBlock() const;
// return just the width of the containing block
virtual short containingBlockWidth() const;
// return just the height of the containing block
virtual int containingBlockHeight() const;
// size of the content area (box size minus padding/border)
virtual short contentWidth() const { return 0; }
virtual int contentHeight() const { return 0; }
// intrinsic extend of replaced elements. undefined otherwise
virtual short intrinsicWidth() const { return 0; }
virtual int intrinsicHeight() const { return 0; }
// relative to parent node
virtual void setPos( int /*xPos*/, int /*yPos*/ ) { }
virtual void setWidth( int /*width*/ ) { }
virtual void setHeight( int /*height*/ ) { }
virtual int xPos() const { return 0; }
virtual int yPos() const { return 0; }
// calculate client position of box
virtual bool absolutePosition(int &/*xPos*/, int &/*yPos*/, bool fixed = false);
// width and height are without margins but include paddings and borders
virtual short width() const { return 0; }
virtual int height() const { return 0; }
virtual short marginTop() const { return 0; }
virtual short marginBottom() const { return 0; }
virtual short marginLeft() const { return 0; }
virtual short marginRight() const { return 0; }
int paddingTop() const;
int paddingBottom() const;
int paddingLeft() const;
int paddingRight() const;
int borderTop() const { return m_style->borderTopWidth(); }
int borderBottom() const { return m_style->borderBottomWidth(); }
int borderLeft() const { return m_style->borderLeftWidth(); }
int borderRight() const { return m_style->borderRightWidth(); }
virtual short minWidth() const { return 0; }
virtual short maxWidth() const { return 0; }
virtual RenderStyle* style() const { return m_style; }
enum BorderSide {
BSTop, BSBottom, BSLeft, BSRight
void drawBorder(QPainter *p, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, BorderSide s,
QColor c, const QColor& textcolor, EBorderStyle style, bool sb1, bool sb2,
int adjbw1, int adjbw2, bool invalidisInvert = false);
virtual void setTable(RenderTable*) {};
// force a complete repaint
virtual void repaint() { if(m_parent) m_parent->repaint(); }
virtual void repaintRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool f=false);
virtual unsigned int length() const { return 1; }
virtual bool isHidden() const { return isFloating() || isPositioned(); }
// Special objects are objects that are neither really inline nor blocklevel
bool isSpecial() const { return (isFloating() || isPositioned()); };
virtual bool containsSpecial() { return false; }
virtual bool hasOverhangingFloats() { return false; }
// positioning of inline childs (bidi)
virtual void position(int, int, int, int, int, bool, bool) {}
enum SelectionState {
virtual SelectionState selectionState() const { return SelectionNone;}
virtual void setSelectionState(SelectionState) {}
virtual void cursorPos(int /*offset*/, int &/*_x*/, int &/*_y*/, int &/*height*/);
virtual int lowestPosition() const {return 0;}
virtual int rightmostPosition() const {return 0;}
// recursively invalidate current layout
void invalidateLayout();
virtual void calcVerticalMargins() {}
void removeFromSpecialObjects();
virtual void detach();
virtual bool containsPoint(int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty);
QFont font(bool firstLine) const;
virtual void selectionStartEnd(int& spos, int& epos);
virtual void printBoxDecorations(QPainter* /*p*/, int /*_x*/, int /*_y*/,
int /*_w*/, int /*_h*/, int /*_tx*/, int /*_ty*/) {}
virtual QRect viewRect() const;
void remove() {
if ( parent() )
//have parent, take care of the tree integrity
void invalidateVerticalPositions();
short getVerticalPosition( bool firstLine ) const;
RenderStyle *m_style;
RenderObject *m_parent;
RenderObject *m_previous;
RenderObject *m_next;
short m_verticalPosition;
bool m_layouted : 1;
bool m_parsing : 1;
bool m_minMaxKnown : 1;
bool m_floating : 1;
bool m_positioned : 1;
bool m_containsPositioned : 1;
bool m_relPositioned : 1;
bool m_printSpecial : 1; // if the box has something special to print (background, border, etc)
bool m_isAnonymous : 1;
bool m_visible : 1;
bool m_isText : 1;
bool m_inline : 1;
bool m_replaced : 1;
bool m_containsWidget : 1;
bool m_containsOverhangingFloats : 1;
bool m_hasFirstLine : 1;
friend class RenderContainer;
friend class RenderRoot;
enum VerticalPositionHint {
PositionTop = -0x4000,
PositionBottom = 0x4000,
PositionUndefined = 0x3fff
}; //namespace