blob: 88154bd3aa4e95015c22221b9eb147251413d3ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "chrome/test/webdriver/commands/response.h"
#include "third_party/mongoose/mongoose.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class WaitableEvent;
namespace webdriver {
class Command;
class HttpResponse;
namespace internal {
// Converts a |Response| into a |HttpResponse| to be returned to the client.
// This function is exposed for testing.
void PrepareHttpResponse(const Response& command_response,
HttpResponse* const http_response);
// Sends a |response| to a WebDriver command back to the client.
// |connection| is the communication pipe to the HTTP server and
// |request_info| contains any data sent by the user.
void SendResponse(struct mg_connection* const connection,
const std::string& request_method,
const Response& response);
// Parses the request info and returns whether parsing was successful. If not,
// |response| has been modified with the error.
bool ParseRequestInfo(const struct mg_request_info* const request_info,
std::string* method,
std::vector<std::string>* path_segments,
base::DictionaryValue** parameters,
Response* const response);
// Allows the bulk of the implementation of |Dispatch| to be moved out of this
// header file. Takes ownership of |command|.
void DispatchHelper(Command* const command,
const std::string& method,
Response* const response);
} // namespace internal
// Template function for dispatching commands sent to the WebDriver REST
// service. |CommandType| must be a subtype of |webdriver::Command|.
template<typename CommandType>
void Dispatch(struct mg_connection* connection,
const struct mg_request_info* request_info,
void* user_data) {
std::string method;
std::vector<std::string> path_segments;
base::DictionaryValue* parameters = NULL;
Response response;
if (internal::ParseRequestInfo(request_info,
&response)) {
std::string post_data(request_info->post_data, request_info->post_data_len);
LOG(INFO) << "Received command, url: " << request_info->uri
<< ", method: " << request_info->request_method
<< ", postd data: " << post_data;
new CommandType(path_segments, parameters),
LOG(INFO) << "Sent command response, url: " << request_info->uri;
class Dispatcher {
// Creates a new dispatcher that will register all URL callbacks with the
// given |context|. Each callback's pattern will be prefixed with the provided
// |root|.
Dispatcher(struct mg_context* context, const std::string& root);
// Registers a callback for a WebDriver command using the given URL |pattern|.
// The |CommandType| must be a subtype of |webdriver::Command|.
template<typename CommandType>
void Add(const std::string& pattern);
// Registers a callback that will shutdown the server. When any HTTP request
// is received at this URL |pattern|, the |shutdown_event| will be signaled.
void AddShutdown(const std::string& pattern,
base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event);
// Registers a callback for the given pattern that will return a simple
// "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" message with "ok" in the body. Used for checking the
// status of the server.
void AddHealthz(const std::string& pattern);
// Registers a callback for the given pattern that will return the current
// WebDriver log contents.
void AddLog(const std::string& pattern);
// Registers a callback that will always respond with a
// "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented" message.
void SetNotImplemented(const std::string& pattern);
// Registers a callback that will respond for all other requests with a
// "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" message. Should be called only after registering
// other callbacks.
void ForbidAllOtherRequests();
struct mg_context* context_;
const std::string root_;
template <typename CommandType>
void Dispatcher::Add(const std::string& pattern) {
mg_set_uri_callback(context_, (root_ + pattern).c_str(),
&Dispatch<CommandType>, NULL);
} // namespace webdriver