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<title>Console Number Format Specifiers on Symbols</title>
<meta name="author" title="Dominic Farolino" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="Console format specifiers on Symbols">
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<p>Open the console inside the developer tools. It should contain 15 entries, each of which are:</p>
const methods = ["log", "dirxml", "trace", "group", "groupCollapsed"];
for (method of methods) {
console[method]("%i", Symbol.for("description"));
if (method == "group" || method == "groupCollapsed") console.groupEnd();
console[method]("%d", Symbol.for("description"));
if (method == "group" || method == "groupCollapsed") console.groupEnd();
console[method]("%f", Symbol.for("description"));
if (method == "group" || method == "groupCollapsed") console.groupEnd();