blob: cc8444237b6576f5425f74c0c3c5b12d0f644cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=resources/test-helpers.js
promise_test(async t => cleanupSandboxedFileSystem(),
'Cleanup to setup test environment');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'empty_blob');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
await writer.write(0, new Blob([]));
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
}, 'write() with an empty blob to an empty file');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'valid_blob');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
await writer.write(0, new Blob(['1234567890']));
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234567890');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
}, 'write() a blob to an empty file');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'blob_with_offset');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
await writer.write(0, new Blob(['1234567890']));
await writer.write(4, new Blob(['abc']));
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234abc890');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
}, 'write() called with a blob and a valid offset');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'bad_offset');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
await promise_rejects(t, 'InvalidStateError', writer.write(4, new Blob(['abc'])));
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
}, 'write() called with an invalid offset');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'trunc_shrink');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
await writer.write(0, new Blob(['1234567890']));
await writer.truncate(5);
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '12345');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 5);
}, 'truncate() to shrink a file');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'trunc_grow');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
await writer.write(0, new Blob(['abc']));
await writer.truncate(5);
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'abc\0\0');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 5);
}, 'truncate() to grow a file');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'write_stream');
const writer = await handle.createWriter();
const stream = new Response('1234567890').body;
await writer.write(0, stream);
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234567890');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
}, 'write() called with a ReadableStream');
promise_test(async t => {
const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'write_stream');
const handle_writer = await handle.createWriter();
const { writable, readable } = new TransformStream();
const write_result = handle_writer.write(0, readable);
const stream_writer = writable.getWriter();
stream_writer.write(new Uint8Array([0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x65, 0x61, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x21]));
stream_writer.write(new Uint8Array([0x21, 0x21]));
await write_result;
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'streams!!!');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
}, 'Using a WritableStream writer to write');