blob: ee9d75c315596981b954cb27b0a537b0c732e0e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/css/preferred_color_scheme.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/v8_cache_options.mojom.h"
#include "ui/base/pointer/pointer_device.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace blink {
class WebView;
namespace content {
// Map of ISO 15924 four-letter script code to font family. For example,
// "Arab" to "My Arabic Font".
typedef std::map<std::string, base::string16> ScriptFontFamilyMap;
enum EditingBehavior {
// ImageAnimationPolicy is used for controlling image animation
// when image frame is rendered for animation.
// See third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/graphics/ImageAnimationPolicy.h
// for information on the options.
enum ImageAnimationPolicy {
// Defines the autoplay policy to be used. Should match the class in
// WebSettings.h.
enum class AutoplayPolicy {
// The ISO 15924 script code for undetermined script aka Common. It's the
// default used on WebKit's side to get/set a font setting when no script is
// specified.
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kCommonScript[];
// A struct for managing blink's settings.
// Adding new values to this class probably involves updating
// blink::WebSettings, content/common/view_messages.h,
// browser/profiles/, and
// content/public/common/common_param_traits_macros.h
struct CONTENT_EXPORT WebPreferences {
ScriptFontFamilyMap standard_font_family_map;
ScriptFontFamilyMap fixed_font_family_map;
ScriptFontFamilyMap serif_font_family_map;
ScriptFontFamilyMap sans_serif_font_family_map;
ScriptFontFamilyMap cursive_font_family_map;
ScriptFontFamilyMap fantasy_font_family_map;
ScriptFontFamilyMap pictograph_font_family_map;
int default_font_size;
int default_fixed_font_size;
int minimum_font_size;
int minimum_logical_font_size;
std::string default_encoding;
bool context_menu_on_mouse_up;
bool javascript_enabled;
bool web_security_enabled;
bool loads_images_automatically;
bool images_enabled;
bool plugins_enabled;
bool dom_paste_enabled;
bool shrinks_standalone_images_to_fit;
bool text_areas_are_resizable;
bool allow_scripts_to_close_windows;
bool remote_fonts_enabled;
bool javascript_can_access_clipboard;
bool xslt_enabled;
bool xss_auditor_enabled;
// We don't use dns_prefetching_enabled to disable DNS prefetching. Instead,
// we disable the feature at a lower layer so that we catch non-WebKit uses
// of DNS prefetch as well.
bool dns_prefetching_enabled;
// Preference to save data. When enabled, requests will contain the header
// 'Save-Data: on'.
bool data_saver_enabled;
// Whether data saver holdback for Web APIs is enabled. If enabled, data saver
// appears as disabled to the web consumers even if it has been actually
// enabled by the user.
bool data_saver_holdback_web_api_enabled;
bool local_storage_enabled;
bool databases_enabled;
bool application_cache_enabled;
bool tabs_to_links;
bool history_entry_requires_user_gesture;
bool disable_ipc_flooding_protection;
bool hyperlink_auditing_enabled;
bool allow_universal_access_from_file_urls;
bool allow_file_access_from_file_urls;
bool webgl1_enabled;
bool webgl2_enabled;
bool pepper_3d_enabled;
bool flash_3d_enabled;
bool flash_stage3d_enabled;
bool flash_stage3d_baseline_enabled;
bool privileged_webgl_extensions_enabled;
bool webgl_errors_to_console_enabled;
bool mock_scrollbars_enabled;
bool hide_scrollbars;
bool accelerated_2d_canvas_enabled;
int minimum_accelerated_2d_canvas_size;
bool antialiased_2d_canvas_disabled;
bool antialiased_clips_2d_canvas_enabled;
int accelerated_2d_canvas_msaa_sample_count;
bool accelerated_filters_enabled;
bool deferred_filters_enabled;
bool container_culling_enabled;
bool allow_running_insecure_content;
// If true, taints all <canvas> elements, regardless of origin.
bool disable_reading_from_canvas;
// Strict mixed content checking disables both displaying and running insecure
// mixed content, and disables embedder notifications that such content was
// requested (thereby preventing user override).
bool strict_mixed_content_checking;
// Strict powerful feature restrictions block insecure usage of powerful
// features (like device orientation) that we haven't yet disabled for the web
// at large.
bool strict_powerful_feature_restrictions;
// TODO(jww): Remove when WebView no longer needs this exception.
bool allow_geolocation_on_insecure_origins;
// Disallow user opt-in for blockable mixed content.
bool strictly_block_blockable_mixed_content;
bool block_mixed_plugin_content;
bool password_echo_enabled;
bool should_print_backgrounds;
bool should_clear_document_background;
bool enable_scroll_animator;
bool prefers_reduced_motion;
bool touch_event_feature_detection_enabled;
bool touch_adjustment_enabled;
int pointer_events_max_touch_points;
int available_pointer_types;
ui::PointerType primary_pointer_type;
int available_hover_types;
ui::HoverType primary_hover_type;
bool barrel_button_for_drag_enabled = false;
bool sync_xhr_in_documents_enabled;
bool should_respect_image_orientation;
int number_of_cpu_cores;
EditingBehavior editing_behavior;
bool supports_multiple_windows;
bool viewport_enabled;
bool viewport_meta_enabled;
// If true - Blink will clamp the minimum scale factor to the content width,
// preventing zoom beyond the visible content. This is really only needed if
// viewport_enabled is on.
bool shrinks_viewport_contents_to_fit;
ViewportStyle viewport_style;
bool always_show_context_menu_on_touch;
bool smooth_scroll_for_find_enabled;
bool main_frame_resizes_are_orientation_changes;
bool initialize_at_minimum_page_scale;
bool smart_insert_delete_enabled;
bool spatial_navigation_enabled;
bool use_solid_color_scrollbars;
bool navigate_on_drag_drop;
blink::mojom::V8CacheOptions v8_cache_options;
bool record_whole_document;
// This flags corresponds to a Page's Settings' setCookieEnabled state. It
// only controls whether or not the "document.cookie" field is properly
// connected to the backing store, for instance if you wanted to be able to
// define custom getters and setters from within a unique security content
// without raising a DOM security exception.
bool cookie_enabled;
// This flag indicates whether H/W accelerated video decode is enabled.
// Defaults to false.
bool accelerated_video_decode_enabled;
ImageAnimationPolicy animation_policy;
bool user_gesture_required_for_presentation;
// These fields specify the foreground and background color for WebVTT text
// tracks. Their values can be any legal CSS color descriptor.
std::string text_track_background_color;
std::string text_track_text_color;
// These fields specify values for CSS properties used to style WebVTT text
// tracks.
// Specifies CSS font-size property in percentage.
std::string text_track_text_size;
std::string text_track_text_shadow;
std::string text_track_font_family;
// Specifies the value for CSS font-variant property.
std::string text_track_font_variant;
// Specifies the margin for WebVTT text tracks as a percentage of media
// element height/width (for horizontal/vertical text respectively).
// Cues will not be placed in this margin area.
float text_track_margin_percentage;
bool immersive_mode_enabled;
bool double_tap_to_zoom_enabled;
bool text_autosizing_enabled;
// Representation of the Web App Manifest scope if any.
GURL web_app_scope;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
float font_scale_factor;
float device_scale_adjustment;
bool force_enable_zoom;
bool fullscreen_supported;
GURL default_video_poster_url;
bool support_deprecated_target_density_dpi;
bool use_legacy_background_size_shorthand_behavior;
bool wide_viewport_quirk;
bool use_wide_viewport;
bool force_zero_layout_height;
bool viewport_meta_layout_size_quirk;
bool viewport_meta_merge_content_quirk;
bool viewport_meta_non_user_scalable_quirk;
bool viewport_meta_zero_values_quirk;
bool clobber_user_agent_initial_scale_quirk;
bool ignore_main_frame_overflow_hidden_quirk;
bool report_screen_size_in_physical_pixels_quirk;
// Used by Android_WebView only to support legacy apps that inject script into
// a top-level initial empty document and expect it to persist on navigation.
bool reuse_global_for_unowned_main_frame;
// Specifies default setting for spellcheck when the spellcheck attribute is
// not explicitly specified.
bool spellcheck_enabled_by_default;
// If enabled, when a video goes fullscreen, the orientation should be locked.
bool video_fullscreen_orientation_lock_enabled;
// If enabled, fullscreen should be entered/exited when the device is rotated
// to/from the orientation of the video.
bool video_rotate_to_fullscreen_enabled;
// If enabled, video fullscreen detection will be enabled.
bool video_fullscreen_detection_enabled;
bool embedded_media_experience_enabled;
// Enable 8 (#RRGGBBAA) and 4 (#RGBA) value hex colors in CSS Android
// WebView quirk (
bool css_hex_alpha_color_enabled;
// Enable support for document.scrollingElement
// WebView sets this to false to retain old documentElement behaviour
// (
bool scroll_top_left_interop_enabled;
// Enable forcibly modifying content rendering to result in a light on dark
// colour scheme.
bool force_dark_mode_enabled = false;
#else // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Default (used if the page or UA doesn't override these) values for page
// scale limits. These are set directly on the WebView so there's no analogue
// in WebSettings.
float default_minimum_page_scale_factor;
float default_maximum_page_scale_factor;
// Whether download UI should be hidden on this page.
bool hide_download_ui;
// Whether it is a presentation receiver.
bool presentation_receiver;
// If disabled, media controls should never be used.
bool media_controls_enabled;
// Whether we want to disable updating selection on mutating selection range.
// This is to work around Samsung's email app issue. See
// for details.
// TODO(changwan): remove this once we no longer support Android N.
bool do_not_update_selection_on_mutating_selection_range;
// Defines the current autoplay policy.
AutoplayPolicy autoplay_policy;
// The preferred color scheme for the web content. The scheme is used to
// evaluate the prefers-color-scheme media query and resolve UA color scheme
// to be used based on the supported-color-schemes META tag and CSS property.
blink::PreferredColorScheme preferred_color_scheme =
// Network quality threshold below which resources from iframes are assigned
// either kVeryLow or kVeryLow Blink priority.
net::EffectiveConnectionType low_priority_iframes_threshold;
// Whether Picture-in-Picture is enabled.
bool picture_in_picture_enabled;
// Whether a translate service is available.
// blink's hrefTranslate attribute existence relies on the result.
// See
bool translate_service_available;
// A value other than net::EFFECTIVE_CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN implies that the
// network quality estimate related Web APIs are in the holdback mode. When
// the holdback is enabled, the related Web APIs return network quality
// estimate corresponding to |network_quality_estimator_web_holdback|
// regardless of the actual quality.
net::EffectiveConnectionType network_quality_estimator_web_holdback;
// Whether lazy loading of frames and images is enabled.
bool lazy_load_enabled = true;
// Specifies how close a lazily loaded iframe or image should be from the
// viewport before it should start being loaded in, depending on the effective
// connection type of the current network. Blink will use the default distance
// threshold for effective connection types that aren't specified here.
std::map<net::EffectiveConnectionType, int>
std::map<net::EffectiveConnectionType, int>
// We try to keep the default values the same as the default values in
// chrome, except for the cases where it would require lots of extra work for
// the embedder to use the same default value.
WebPreferences(const WebPreferences& other);
} // namespace content