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<title>CSS Test: font-variant descriptor in @font-face rule is overriden by equivalent style rules</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Setting ‘font-variant-ligatures’ properties will override the same properties set in the @font-face rule. But properties set there and not explicitly turned off or on later remain set." />
@font-face {
font-family: fwf;
src: url(support/fonts/FontWithFancyFeatures.otf);
font-variant: no-common-ligatures no-contextual discretionary-ligatures historical-ligatures;
.test {
font-family: fwf;
font-size: 2.4em;
line-height: 0.5;
color: purple;
.line1 { }
.line2 { font-variant-ligatures: normal; }
.line3 { font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures contextual; }
.line4 { font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures contextual discretionary-ligatures historical-ligatures; }
.line5 { font-feature-settings: "liga" on, "clig" on, "calt" on, "hlig" on, "dlig" on }
* Some notes on this test case, which aims to explore the
* font-variant precedence rules and the exact value of
* "normal" for font-variant-ligatures.
* line1:
* font-variant is completely set in the @font-face rule.
* line2:
* font-variant-ligatures: normal will reset "common-ligatures"
* and "contextual" both to true. Discretionary and historical
* ligatures are off by default, but they are not explicitly
* disabled with a value of "normal". As stated in section 7.1,
* "Individual features are only disabled when explicitly
* overridden by the author". These features were turned on in
* the @font-face rule, so remain on.
* line3:
* identical to line2 except that instead of "normal" for
* font-variant-ligatures we use the expanded equivalent,
* explicitly turning on common-ligatures and contextual, and
* leaving discretionary and historical unchanged.
* line4:
* we explicitly reset all values of font-variant-ligatures
* properties to the same values as are set in the @font-face
* rule.
<p>Test passes if the six lines below are identical, with five check marks.</p>
<section class="test">
<p class="line1">AAAFE</p>
<p class="line2">CDGFE</p>
<p class="line3">CDGFE</p>
<p class="line4">CDGFE</p>
<p class="line5">CDGFE</p>