blob: 2642a8e860ea65969d4a69a3bcc25035b7efce3d [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* This file contains NaCl private interfaces. */
/* PPB_NaCl_Private */
interface PPB_NaCl_Private_0_2 {
/* This function launches NaCl's sel_ldr process. On success, the function
* returns true, otherwise it returns false. When it returns true, it will
* write |socket_count| nacl::Handles to imc_handles and will write the
* nacl::Handle of the created process to |nacl_process_handle|. Finally,
* the function will write the process ID of the created process to
* |nacl_process_id|.
bool LaunchSelLdr(
[in] str_t alleged_url,
[in] int32_t socket_count,
[out] mem_t imc_handles,
[out] mem_t nacl_process_handle,
[out] int32_t nacl_process_id);
/* On POSIX systems, this function returns the file descriptor of
* /dev/urandom. On non-POSIX systems, this function returns 0.
int32_t UrandomFD();
/* Whether the Pepper 3D interfaces should be disabled in the NaCl PPAPI
* proxy. This is so paranoid admins can effectively prevent untrusted shader
* code to be processed by the graphics stack.
bool Are3DInterfacesDisabled();