blob: 01226aebb3dd9599263cba23aa2d6e71a81e956d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "courgette/image_utils.h"
namespace courgette {
// A helper class to scan through a section of code to extract RVAs.
class Rel32FinderWin32X86 {
Rel32FinderWin32X86(RVA relocs_start_rva, RVA relocs_end_rva,
RVA image_end_rva);
virtual ~Rel32FinderWin32X86();
// Subsumes rva != kUnassignedRVA.
bool IsValidRVA(RVA rva) const { return rva < image_end_rva_; }
// Swaps data in |rel32_locations_| to |dest|.
void SwapRel32Locations(std::vector<RVA>* dest);
// Swaps data in |rel32_target_rvas_| to |dest|.
void SwapRel32TargetRVAs(std::map<RVA, int>* dest);
// Scans through [|start_pointer|, |end_pointer|) for rel32 addresses. Seeks
// RVAs that satisfy the following:
// - Do not collide with |abs32_pos| (assumed sorted).
// - Do not collide with |base_relocation_table|'s RVA range,
// - Whose targets are in [|start_rva|, |end_rva|).
// The sorted results are written to |rel32_locations_|.
virtual void Find(const uint8_t* start_pointer,
const uint8_t* end_pointer,
RVA start_rva,
RVA end_rva,
const std::vector<RVA>& abs32_locations) = 0;
const RVA relocs_start_rva_;
const RVA relocs_end_rva_;
const RVA image_end_rva_;
std::vector<RVA> rel32_locations_;
std::map<RVA, int> rel32_target_rvas_;
// The basic implementation performs naive scan for rel32 JMP and Jcc opcodes
// (excluding JPO/JPE) disregarding instruction alignment.
class Rel32FinderWin32X86_Basic : public Rel32FinderWin32X86 {
Rel32FinderWin32X86_Basic(RVA relocs_start_rva, RVA relocs_end_rva,
RVA image_end_rva);
virtual ~Rel32FinderWin32X86_Basic();
// Rel32FinderWin32X86 implementation.
void Find(const uint8_t* start_pointer,
const uint8_t* end_pointer,
RVA start_rva,
RVA end_rva,
const std::vector<RVA>& abs32_locations) override;
} // namespace courgette