blob: 0c2f9f032d5aa622fd7b86539e3db96b46885c36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is the transformation and adjustment for all executables.
// The executable type is determined by ParseDetectedExecutable function.
#include <memory>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "courgette/assembly_program.h"
#include "courgette/ensemble.h"
#include "courgette/patcher_x86_32.h"
#include "courgette/program_detector.h"
namespace courgette {
class PatchGeneratorX86_32 : public TransformationPatchGenerator {
PatchGeneratorX86_32(Element* old_element,
Element* new_element,
PatcherX86_32* patcher,
ExecutableType kind)
: TransformationPatchGenerator(old_element, new_element, patcher),
kind_(kind) {
virtual ExecutableType Kind() { return kind_; }
Status WriteInitialParameters(SinkStream* parameter_stream) {
if (!parameter_stream->WriteSizeVarint32(
old_element_->offset_in_ensemble()) ||
!parameter_stream->WriteSizeVarint32(old_element_->region().length())) {
return C_OK;
// TODO(sra): Initialize |patcher_| with these parameters.
Status PredictTransformParameters(SinkStreamSet* prediction) {
return TransformationPatchGenerator::PredictTransformParameters(prediction);
Status CorrectedTransformParameters(SinkStreamSet* parameters) {
// No code needed to write an 'empty' parameter set.
return C_OK;
// The format of a transformed_element is a serialized EncodedProgram. We
// first disassemble the original old and new Elements into AssemblyPrograms.
// Then we adjust the new AssemblyProgram to make it as much like the old one
// as possible, before converting the AssemblyPrograms to EncodedPrograms and
// serializing them.
Status Transform(SourceStreamSet* corrected_parameters,
SinkStreamSet* old_transformed_element,
SinkStreamSet* new_transformed_element) {
// Don't expect any corrected parameters.
if (!corrected_parameters->Empty())
// Generate old version of program using |corrected_parameters|.
// TODO(sra): refactor to use same code from patcher_.
std::unique_ptr<AssemblyProgram> old_program;
Status old_parse_status = ParseDetectedExecutableWithAnnotation(
old_element_->region().start(), old_element_->region().length(),
if (old_parse_status != C_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse an executable " << old_element_->Name();
return old_parse_status;
// TODO(huangs): Move the block below to right before |new_program| gets
// used, so we can reduce Courgette-gen peak memory.
std::unique_ptr<AssemblyProgram> new_program;
Status new_parse_status = ParseDetectedExecutableWithAnnotation(
new_element_->region().start(), new_element_->region().length(),
if (new_parse_status != C_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse an executable " << new_element_->Name();
return new_parse_status;
std::unique_ptr<EncodedProgram> old_encoded;
Status old_encode_status = Encode(*old_program, &old_encoded);
if (old_encode_status != C_OK)
return old_encode_status;
Status old_write_status =
WriteEncodedProgram(old_encoded.get(), old_transformed_element);
if (old_write_status != C_OK)
return old_write_status;
Status adjust_status = Adjust(*old_program, new_program.get());
if (adjust_status != C_OK)
return adjust_status;
std::unique_ptr<EncodedProgram> new_encoded;
Status new_encode_status = Encode(*new_program, &new_encoded);
if (new_encode_status != C_OK)
return new_encode_status;
Status new_write_status =
WriteEncodedProgram(new_encoded.get(), new_transformed_element);
return new_write_status;
Status Reform(SourceStreamSet* transformed_element,
SinkStream* reformed_element) {
return TransformationPatchGenerator::Reform(transformed_element,
virtual ~PatchGeneratorX86_32() { }
ExecutableType kind_;
} // namespace courgette