blob: 2cb30f161414ce2e033f106402a4bdea53e067f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/syscall_broker/broker_file_permission.h"
namespace sandbox {
namespace syscall_broker {
// BrokerPermissionList defines the file access control list enforced by
// a BrokerHost. The BrokerHost will evaluate requests to manipulate files
// sent over its IPC channel according to the BrokerPermissionList.
// The methods of this class must be usable in an async-signal safe manner.
class BrokerPermissionList {
// |denied_errno| is the error code returned when IPC requests for system
// calls such as open() or access() are denied because a file is not in the
// whitelist. EACCESS would be a typical value.
// |permissions| is a list of BrokerPermission objects that define
// what the broker will allow.
BrokerPermissionList(int denied_errno,
const std::vector<BrokerFilePermission>& permissions);
// Check if calling access() should be allowed on |requested_filename| with
// mode |requested_mode|.
// Note: access() being a system call to check permissions, this can get a bit
// confusing. We're checking if calling access() should even be allowed with
// If |file_to_open| is not NULL, a pointer to the path will be returned.
// In the case of a recursive match, this will be the requested_filename,
// otherwise it will return the matching pointer from the
// whitelist. For paranoia a caller should then use |file_to_access|. See
// GetFileNameIfAllowedToOpen() for more explanation.
// return true if calling access() on this file should be allowed, false
// otherwise.
// Async signal safe if and only if |file_to_access| is NULL.
bool GetFileNameIfAllowedToAccess(const char* requested_filename,
int requested_mode,
const char** file_to_access) const;
// Check if |requested_filename| can be opened with flags |requested_flags|.
// If |file_to_open| is not NULL, a pointer to the path will be returned.
// In the case of a recursive match, this will be the requested_filename,
// otherwise it will return the matching pointer from the
// whitelist. For paranoia, a caller should then use |file_to_open| rather
// than |requested_filename|, so that it never attempts to open an
// attacker-controlled file name, even if an attacker managed to fool the
// string comparison mechanism.
// |unlink_after_open| if not NULL will be set to point to true if the
// policy requests the caller unlink the path after opening.
// Return true if opening should be allowed, false otherwise.
// Async signal safe if and only if |file_to_open| is NULL.
bool GetFileNameIfAllowedToOpen(const char* requested_filename,
int requested_flags,
const char** file_to_open,
bool* unlink_after_open) const;
// Check if calling stat() should be allowed on |requested_filename|.
// Async signal safe if and only if |file_to_open| is NULL. This is
// similar to GetFileNameIfAllowedToAccess(), except that if we have
// create permission on file, we permit stat() on all its leading
// components, otherwise checking for missing intermediate directories
// can't happen proplery during a base::CreateDirectory() call.
// Async signal safe if and only if |file_to_open| is NULL.
bool GetFileNameIfAllowedToStat(const char* requested_filename,
const char** file_to_access) const;
int denied_errno() const { return denied_errno_; }
const int denied_errno_;
// The permissions_ vector is used as storage for the BrokerFilePermission
// objects but is not referenced outside of the constructor as
// vectors are unfriendly in async signal safe code.
const std::vector<BrokerFilePermission> permissions_;
// permissions_array_ is set up to point to the backing store of
// permissions_ and is used in async signal safe methods.
const BrokerFilePermission* permissions_array_;
const size_t num_of_permissions_;
} // namespace syscall_broker
} // namespace sandbox