| # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| """Test runners for iOS.""" |
| |
| import errno |
| import signal |
| import sys |
| |
| import collections |
| import distutils.version |
| import logging |
| import os |
| import psutil |
| import re |
| import shutil |
| import subprocess |
| import threading |
| import time |
| |
| import coverage_util |
| import gtest_utils |
| import iossim_util |
| import standard_json_util as sju |
| import test_apps |
| import xctest_utils |
| |
| LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
| DERIVED_DATA = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData') |
| |
| |
| class Error(Exception): |
| """Base class for errors.""" |
| pass |
| |
| |
| class OtoolError(Error): |
| """OTool non-zero error code""" |
| |
| def __init__(self, code): |
| super(OtoolError, |
| self).__init__('otool returned a non-zero return code: %s' % code) |
| |
| |
| class TestRunnerError(Error): |
| """Base class for TestRunner-related errors.""" |
| pass |
| |
| |
| class AppLaunchError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The app failed to launch.""" |
| pass |
| |
| |
| class AppNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The requested app was not found.""" |
| def __init__(self, app_path): |
| super(AppNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'App does not exist: %s' % app_path) |
| |
| |
| class SystemAlertPresentError(TestRunnerError): |
| """System alert is shown on the device.""" |
| def __init__(self): |
| super(SystemAlertPresentError, self).__init__( |
| 'System alert is shown on the device.') |
| |
| |
| class DeviceDetectionError(TestRunnerError): |
| """Unexpected number of devices detected.""" |
| def __init__(self, udids): |
| super(DeviceDetectionError, self).__init__( |
| 'Expected one device, found %s:\n%s' % (len(udids), '\n'.join(udids))) |
| |
| |
| class DeviceRestartError(TestRunnerError): |
| """Error restarting a device.""" |
| def __init__(self): |
| super(DeviceRestartError, self).__init__('Error restarting a device') |
| |
| |
| class PlugInsNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The PlugIns directory was not found.""" |
| def __init__(self, plugins_dir): |
| super(PlugInsNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'PlugIns directory does not exist: %s' % plugins_dir) |
| |
| |
| class SimulatorNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The given simulator binary was not found.""" |
| def __init__(self, iossim_path): |
| super(SimulatorNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'Simulator does not exist: %s' % iossim_path) |
| |
| |
| class TestDataExtractionError(TestRunnerError): |
| """Error extracting test data or crash reports from a device.""" |
| def __init__(self): |
| super(TestDataExtractionError, self).__init__('Failed to extract test data') |
| |
| |
| class XcodeVersionNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The requested version of Xcode was not found.""" |
| def __init__(self, xcode_version): |
| super(XcodeVersionNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'Xcode version not found: %s' % xcode_version) |
| |
| |
| class XCTestPlugInNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The .xctest PlugIn was not found.""" |
| def __init__(self, xctest_path): |
| super(XCTestPlugInNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'XCTest not found: %s' % xctest_path) |
| |
| |
| class MacToolchainNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The mac_toolchain is not specified.""" |
| def __init__(self, mac_toolchain): |
| super(MacToolchainNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'mac_toolchain is not specified or not found: "%s"' % mac_toolchain) |
| |
| |
| class XcodePathNotFoundError(TestRunnerError): |
| """The path to Xcode.app is not specified.""" |
| def __init__(self, xcode_path): |
| super(XcodePathNotFoundError, self).__init__( |
| 'xcode_path is not specified or does not exist: "%s"' % xcode_path) |
| |
| |
| class ShardingDisabledError(TestRunnerError): |
| """Temporary error indicating that sharding is not yet implemented.""" |
| def __init__(self): |
| super(ShardingDisabledError, self).__init__( |
| 'Sharding has not been implemented!') |
| |
| |
| def get_device_ios_version(udid): |
| """Gets device iOS version. |
| |
| Args: |
| udid: (str) iOS device UDID. |
| |
| Returns: |
| Device UDID. |
| """ |
| return subprocess.check_output(['ideviceinfo', |
| '--udid', udid, |
| '-k', 'ProductVersion']).strip() |
| |
| |
| def is_iOS13_or_higher_device(udid): |
| """Checks whether device with udid has iOS 13.0+. |
| |
| Args: |
| udid: (str) iOS device UDID. |
| |
| Returns: |
| True for iOS 13.0+ devices otherwise false. |
| """ |
| return (distutils.version.LooseVersion(get_device_ios_version(udid)) >= |
| distutils.version.LooseVersion('13.0')) |
| |
| |
| def defaults_write(d, key, value): |
| """Run 'defaults write d key value' command. |
| |
| Args: |
| d: (str) A dictionary. |
| key: (str) A key. |
| value: (str) A value. |
| """ |
| LOGGER.info('Run \'defaults write %s %s %s\'' % (d, key, value)) |
| subprocess.call(['defaults', 'write', d, key, value]) |
| |
| |
| def defaults_delete(d, key): |
| """Run 'defaults delete d key' command. |
| |
| Args: |
| d: (str) A dictionary. |
| key: (str) Key to delete. |
| """ |
| LOGGER.info('Run \'defaults delete %s %s\'' % (d, key)) |
| subprocess.call(['defaults', 'delete', d, key]) |
| |
| |
| def terminate_process(proc, proc_name): |
| """Terminates the process. |
| |
| If an error occurs ignore it, just print out a message. |
| |
| Args: |
| proc: A subprocess to terminate. |
| proc_name: A name of process. |
| """ |
| try: |
| LOGGER.info('Killing hung process %s' % proc.pid) |
| proc.terminate() |
| attempts_to_kill = 3 |
| ps = psutil.Process(proc.pid) |
| for _ in range(attempts_to_kill): |
| # Check whether proc.pid process is still alive. |
| if ps.is_running(): |
| LOGGER.info( |
| 'Process %s is still alive! %s process might block it.', |
| psutil.Process(proc.pid).name(), proc_name) |
| running_processes = [ |
| p for p in psutil.process_iter() |
| # Use as_dict() to avoid API changes across versions of psutil. |
| if proc_name == p.as_dict(attrs=['name'])['name']] |
| if not running_processes: |
| LOGGER.debug('There are no running %s processes.', proc_name) |
| break |
| LOGGER.debug('List of running %s processes: %s' |
| % (proc_name, running_processes)) |
| # Killing running processes with proc_name |
| for p in running_processes: |
| p.send_signal(signal.SIGKILL) |
| psutil.wait_procs(running_processes) |
| else: |
| LOGGER.info('Process was killed!') |
| break |
| except OSError as ex: |
| LOGGER.info('Error while killing a process: %s' % ex) |
| |
| |
| # TODO(crbug.com/1044812): Moved print_process_output to utils class. |
| def print_process_output(proc, |
| proc_name=None, |
| parser=None, |
| timeout=READLINE_TIMEOUT): |
| """Logs process messages in console and waits until process is done. |
| |
| Method waits until no output message and if no message for timeout seconds, |
| process will be terminated. |
| |
| Args: |
| proc: A running process. |
| proc_name: (str) A process name that has to be killed |
| if no output occurs in specified timeout. Sometimes proc generates |
| child process that may block its parent and for such cases |
| proc_name refers to the name of child process. |
| If proc_name is not specified, process name will be used to kill process. |
| parser: A parser. |
| timeout: A timeout(in seconds) to subprocess.stdout.readline method. |
| """ |
| out = [] |
| if not proc_name: |
| proc_name = psutil.Process(proc.pid).name() |
| while True: |
| # subprocess.stdout.readline() might be stuck from time to time |
| # and tests fail because of TIMEOUT. |
| # Try to fix the issue by adding timer-thread for `timeout` seconds |
| # that will kill `frozen` running process if no new line is read |
| # and will finish test attempt. |
| # If new line appears in timeout, just cancel timer. |
| try: |
| timer = threading.Timer(timeout, terminate_process, [proc, proc_name]) |
| timer.start() |
| line = proc.stdout.readline() |
| finally: |
| timer.cancel() |
| if not line: |
| break |
| line = line.rstrip() |
| out.append(line) |
| if parser: |
| parser.ProcessLine(line) |
| LOGGER.info(line) |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| LOGGER.debug('Finished print_process_output.') |
| return out |
| |
| |
| def get_current_xcode_info(): |
| """Returns the current Xcode path, version, and build number. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A dict with 'path', 'version', and 'build' keys. |
| 'path': The absolute path to the Xcode installation. |
| 'version': The Xcode version. |
| 'build': The Xcode build version. |
| """ |
| try: |
| out = subprocess.check_output(['xcodebuild', '-version']).splitlines() |
| version, build_version = out[0].split(' ')[-1], out[1].split(' ')[-1] |
| path = subprocess.check_output(['xcode-select', '--print-path']).rstrip() |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
| version = build_version = path = None |
| |
| return { |
| 'path': path, |
| 'version': version, |
| 'build': build_version, |
| } |
| |
| |
| def get_xctest_from_app(app): |
| """Gets xctest path for an app. |
| |
| Args: |
| app: (str) A path to an app. |
| |
| Returns: |
| The xctest path. |
| """ |
| plugins_dir = os.path.join(app, 'PlugIns') |
| if not os.path.exists(plugins_dir): |
| return None |
| for plugin in os.listdir(plugins_dir): |
| if plugin.endswith('.xctest'): |
| return os.path.join(plugins_dir, plugin) |
| return None |
| |
| |
| class TestRunner(object): |
| """Base class containing common functionality.""" |
| |
| def __init__( |
| self, |
| app_path, |
| out_dir, |
| env_vars=None, |
| retries=None, |
| shards=None, |
| test_args=None, |
| test_cases=None, |
| xctest=False, |
| ): |
| """Initializes a new instance of this class. |
| |
| Args: |
| app_path: Path to the compiled .app to run. |
| out_dir: Directory to emit test data into. |
| env_vars: List of environment variables to pass to the test itself. |
| retries: Number of times to retry failed test cases. |
| test_args: List of strings to pass as arguments to the test when |
| launching. |
| test_cases: List of tests to be included in the test run. None or [] to |
| include all tests. |
| xctest: Whether or not this is an XCTest. |
| |
| Raises: |
| AppNotFoundError: If the given app does not exist. |
| PlugInsNotFoundError: If the PlugIns directory does not exist for XCTests. |
| XcodeVersionNotFoundError: If the given Xcode version does not exist. |
| XCTestPlugInNotFoundError: If the .xctest PlugIn does not exist. |
| """ |
| app_path = os.path.abspath(app_path) |
| if not os.path.exists(app_path): |
| raise AppNotFoundError(app_path) |
| |
| xcode_info = get_current_xcode_info() |
| LOGGER.info('Using Xcode version %s build %s at %s', |
| xcode_info['version'], |
| xcode_info['build'], |
| xcode_info['path']) |
| |
| if not os.path.exists(out_dir): |
| os.makedirs(out_dir) |
| |
| self.app_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(app_path)[-1])[0] |
| self.app_path = app_path |
| self.cfbundleid = test_apps.get_bundle_id(app_path) |
| self.env_vars = env_vars or [] |
| self.logs = collections.OrderedDict() |
| self.out_dir = out_dir |
| self.retries = retries or 0 |
| self.shards = shards or 1 |
| self.test_args = test_args or [] |
| self.test_cases = test_cases or [] |
| self.xctest_path = '' |
| # TODO(crbug.com/1006881): Separate "running style" from "parser style" |
| # for XCtests and Gtests. |
| self.xctest = xctest |
| |
| self.test_results = {} |
| self.test_results['version'] = 3 |
| self.test_results['path_delimiter'] = '.' |
| self.test_results['seconds_since_epoch'] = int(time.time()) |
| # This will be overwritten when the tests complete successfully. |
| self.test_results['interrupted'] = True |
| |
| if self.xctest: |
| plugins_dir = os.path.join(self.app_path, 'PlugIns') |
| if not os.path.exists(plugins_dir): |
| raise PlugInsNotFoundError(plugins_dir) |
| for plugin in os.listdir(plugins_dir): |
| if plugin.endswith('.xctest'): |
| self.xctest_path = os.path.join(plugins_dir, plugin) |
| if not os.path.exists(self.xctest_path): |
| raise XCTestPlugInNotFoundError(self.xctest_path) |
| |
| def get_launch_command(self, test_app, out_dir, destination, shards=1): |
| """Returns the command that can be used to launch the test app. |
| |
| Args: |
| test_app: An app that stores data about test required to run. |
| out_dir: (str) A path for results. |
| destination: (str) A destination of device/simulator. |
| shards: (int) How many shards the tests should be divided into. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A list of strings forming the command to launch the test. |
| """ |
| raise NotImplementedError |
| |
| def get_launch_env(self): |
| """Returns a dict of environment variables to use to launch the test app. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A dict of environment variables. |
| """ |
| return os.environ.copy() |
| |
| def start_proc(self, cmd): |
| """Starts a process with cmd command and os.environ. |
| |
| Returns: |
| An instance of process. |
| """ |
| return subprocess.Popen( |
| cmd, |
| env=self.get_launch_env(), |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, |
| ) |
| |
| def shutdown_and_restart(self): |
| """Restart a device or relaunch a simulator.""" |
| pass |
| |
| def set_up(self): |
| """Performs setup actions which must occur prior to every test launch.""" |
| raise NotImplementedError |
| |
| def tear_down(self): |
| """Performs cleanup actions which must occur after every test launch.""" |
| raise NotImplementedError |
| |
| def screenshot_desktop(self): |
| """Saves a screenshot of the desktop in the output directory.""" |
| subprocess.check_call([ |
| 'screencapture', |
| os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'desktop_%s.png' % time.time()), |
| ]) |
| |
| def retrieve_derived_data(self): |
| """Retrieves the contents of DerivedData""" |
| # DerivedData contains some logs inside workspace-specific directories. |
| # Since we don't control the name of the workspace or project, most of |
| # the directories are just called "temporary", making it hard to tell |
| # which directory we need to retrieve. Instead we just delete the |
| # entire contents of this directory before starting and return the |
| # entire contents after the test is over. |
| if os.path.exists(DERIVED_DATA): |
| os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'DerivedData')) |
| derived_data = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'DerivedData') |
| for directory in os.listdir(DERIVED_DATA): |
| LOGGER.info('Copying %s directory', directory) |
| shutil.move(os.path.join(DERIVED_DATA, directory), derived_data) |
| |
| def wipe_derived_data(self): |
| """Removes the contents of Xcode's DerivedData directory.""" |
| if os.path.exists(DERIVED_DATA): |
| shutil.rmtree(DERIVED_DATA) |
| os.mkdir(DERIVED_DATA) |
| |
| def run_tests(self, cmd=None): |
| """Runs passed-in tests. |
| |
| Args: |
| cmd: Command to run tests. |
| |
| Return: |
| out: (list) List of strings of subprocess's output. |
| returncode: (int) Return code of subprocess. |
| """ |
| raise NotImplementedError |
| |
| def set_sigterm_handler(self, handler): |
| """Sets the SIGTERM handler for the test runner. |
| |
| This is its own separate function so it can be mocked in tests. |
| |
| Args: |
| handler: The handler to be called when a SIGTERM is caught |
| |
| Returns: |
| The previous SIGTERM handler for the test runner. |
| """ |
| LOGGER.debug('Setting sigterm handler.') |
| return signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler) |
| |
| def handle_sigterm(self, proc): |
| """Handles a SIGTERM sent while a test command is executing. |
| |
| Will SIGKILL the currently executing test process, then |
| attempt to exit gracefully. |
| |
| Args: |
| proc: The currently executing test process. |
| """ |
| LOGGER.warning('Sigterm caught during test run. Killing test process.') |
| proc.kill() |
| |
| def _run(self, cmd, shards=1): |
| """Runs the specified command, parsing GTest output. |
| |
| Args: |
| cmd: List of strings forming the command to run. |
| |
| Returns: |
| GTestResult instance. |
| """ |
| result = gtest_utils.GTestResult(cmd) |
| if self.xctest: |
| parser = xctest_utils.XCTestLogParser() |
| else: |
| parser = gtest_utils.GTestLogParser() |
| |
| # TODO(crbug.com/812705): Implement test sharding for unit tests. |
| # TODO(crbug.com/812712): Use thread pool for DeviceTestRunner as well. |
| proc = self.start_proc(cmd) |
| old_handler = self.set_sigterm_handler( |
| lambda _signum, _frame: self.handle_sigterm(proc)) |
| print_process_output(proc, 'xcodebuild', parser) |
| LOGGER.info('Waiting for test process to terminate.') |
| proc.wait() |
| LOGGER.info('Test process terminated.') |
| self.set_sigterm_handler(old_handler) |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| LOGGER.debug('Stdout flushed after test process.') |
| returncode = proc.returncode |
| |
| if self.xctest and parser.SystemAlertPresent(): |
| raise SystemAlertPresentError() |
| |
| LOGGER.debug('Processing test results.') |
| for test in parser.FailedTests(include_flaky=True): |
| # Test cases are named as <test group>.<test case>. If the test case |
| # is prefixed with "FLAKY_", it should be reported as flaked not failed. |
| if '.' in test and test.split('.', 1)[1].startswith('FLAKY_'): |
| result.flaked_tests[test] = parser.FailureDescription(test) |
| else: |
| result.failed_tests[test] = parser.FailureDescription(test) |
| |
| result.passed_tests.extend(parser.PassedTests(include_flaky=True)) |
| |
| LOGGER.info('%s returned %s\n', cmd[0], returncode) |
| |
| # xcodebuild can return 5 if it exits noncleanly even if all tests passed. |
| # Therefore we cannot rely on process exit code to determine success. |
| result.finalize(returncode, parser.CompletedWithoutFailure()) |
| return result |
| |
| def launch(self): |
| """Launches the test app.""" |
| self.set_up() |
| destination = 'id=%s' % self.udid |
| if self.xctest: |
| test_app = test_apps.EgtestsApp( |
| self.app_path, |
| included_tests=self.test_cases, |
| env_vars=self.env_vars, |
| test_args=self.test_args) |
| else: |
| test_app = test_apps.GTestsApp( |
| self.app_path, |
| included_tests=self.test_cases, |
| env_vars=self.env_vars, |
| test_args=self.test_args) |
| out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'TestResults') |
| cmd = self.get_launch_command(test_app, out_dir, destination, self.shards) |
| try: |
| result = self._run(cmd=cmd, shards=self.shards or 1) |
| if result.crashed and not result.crashed_test: |
| # If the app crashed but not during any particular test case, assume |
| # it crashed on startup. Try one more time. |
| self.shutdown_and_restart() |
| LOGGER.warning('Crashed on startup, retrying...\n') |
| out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'retry_after_crash_on_startup') |
| cmd = self.get_launch_command(test_app, out_dir, destination, |
| self.shards) |
| result = self._run(cmd) |
| |
| if result.crashed and not result.crashed_test: |
| raise AppLaunchError |
| |
| passed = result.passed_tests |
| failed = result.failed_tests |
| flaked = result.flaked_tests |
| |
| try: |
| while result.crashed and result.crashed_test: |
| # If the app crashes during a specific test case, then resume at the |
| # next test case. This is achieved by filtering out every test case |
| # which has already run. |
| LOGGER.warning('Crashed during %s, resuming...\n', |
| result.crashed_test) |
| test_app.excluded_tests = passed + failed.keys() + flaked.keys() |
| retry_out_dir = os.path.join( |
| self.out_dir, 'retry_after_crash_%d' % int(time.time())) |
| result = self._run( |
| self.get_launch_command( |
| test_app, os.path.join(retry_out_dir, str(int(time.time()))), |
| destination)) |
| passed.extend(result.passed_tests) |
| failed.update(result.failed_tests) |
| flaked.update(result.flaked_tests) |
| except OSError as e: |
| if e.errno == errno.E2BIG: |
| LOGGER.error('Too many test cases to resume.') |
| else: |
| raise |
| |
| # Instantiate this after crash retries so that all tests have a first |
| # pass before entering the retry block below. |
| # For each retry that passes, we want to mark it separately as passed |
| # (ie/ "FAIL PASS"), with is_flaky=True. |
| output = sju.StdJson(passed=passed, failed=failed, flaked=flaked) |
| |
| # Retry failed test cases. |
| retry_results = {} |
| test_app.excluded_tests = [] |
| if self.retries and failed: |
| LOGGER.warning('%s tests failed and will be retried.\n', len(failed)) |
| for i in xrange(self.retries): |
| for test in failed.keys(): |
| LOGGER.info('Retry #%s for %s.\n', i + 1, test) |
| test_app.included_tests = [test] |
| retry_out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, test + '_failed', |
| 'retry_%d' % i) |
| retry_result = self._run( |
| self.get_launch_command(test_app, retry_out_dir, destination)) |
| # If the test passed on retry, consider it flake instead of failure. |
| if test in retry_result.passed_tests: |
| flaked[test] = failed.pop(test) |
| output.mark_passed(test, flaky=True) |
| # Save the result of the latest run for each test. |
| retry_results[test] = retry_result |
| |
| # Build test_results.json. |
| # Check if if any of the retries crashed in addition to the original run. |
| interrupted = (result.crashed or |
| any([r.crashed for r in retry_results.values()])) |
| self.test_results['interrupted'] = interrupted |
| self.test_results['num_failures_by_type'] = { |
| 'FAIL': len(failed) + len(flaked), |
| 'PASS': len(passed), |
| } |
| |
| self.test_results['tests'] = output.tests |
| |
| self.logs['passed tests'] = passed |
| if flaked: |
| self.logs['flaked tests'] = flaked |
| if failed: |
| self.logs['failed tests'] = failed |
| for test, log_lines in failed.iteritems(): |
| self.logs[test] = log_lines |
| for test, log_lines in flaked.iteritems(): |
| self.logs[test] = log_lines |
| |
| return not failed and not interrupted |
| finally: |
| self.tear_down() |
| |
| |
| class SimulatorTestRunner(TestRunner): |
| """Class for running tests on iossim.""" |
| |
| def __init__( |
| self, |
| app_path, |
| iossim_path, |
| platform, |
| version, |
| out_dir, |
| env_vars=None, |
| retries=None, |
| shards=None, |
| test_args=None, |
| test_cases=None, |
| use_clang_coverage=False, |
| wpr_tools_path='', |
| xctest=False, |
| ): |
| """Initializes a new instance of this class. |
| |
| Args: |
| app_path: Path to the compiled .app or .ipa to run. |
| iossim_path: Path to the compiled iossim binary to use. |
| platform: Name of the platform to simulate. Supported values can be found |
| by running "iossim -l". e.g. "iPhone 5s", "iPad Retina". |
| version: Version of iOS the platform should be running. Supported values |
| can be found by running "iossim -l". e.g. "9.3", "8.2", "7.1". |
| out_dir: Directory to emit test data into. |
| env_vars: List of environment variables to pass to the test itself. |
| retries: Number of times to retry failed test cases. |
| test_args: List of strings to pass as arguments to the test when |
| launching. |
| test_cases: List of tests to be included in the test run. None or [] to |
| include all tests. |
| use_clang_coverage: Whether code coverage is enabled in this run. |
| wpr_tools_path: Path to pre-installed WPR-related tools |
| xctest: Whether or not this is an XCTest. |
| |
| Raises: |
| AppNotFoundError: If the given app does not exist. |
| PlugInsNotFoundError: If the PlugIns directory does not exist for XCTests. |
| XcodeVersionNotFoundError: If the given Xcode version does not exist. |
| XCTestPlugInNotFoundError: If the .xctest PlugIn does not exist. |
| """ |
| super(SimulatorTestRunner, self).__init__( |
| app_path, |
| out_dir, |
| env_vars=env_vars, |
| retries=retries, |
| test_args=test_args, |
| test_cases=test_cases, |
| xctest=xctest, |
| ) |
| |
| iossim_path = os.path.abspath(iossim_path) |
| if not os.path.exists(iossim_path): |
| raise SimulatorNotFoundError(iossim_path) |
| |
| self.homedir = '' |
| self.iossim_path = iossim_path |
| self.platform = platform |
| self.start_time = None |
| self.version = version |
| self.shards = shards |
| self.wpr_tools_path = wpr_tools_path |
| self.udid = iossim_util.get_simulator(self.platform, self.version) |
| self.use_clang_coverage = use_clang_coverage |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def kill_simulators(): |
| """Kills all running simulators.""" |
| try: |
| LOGGER.info('Killing simulators.') |
| subprocess.check_call([ |
| 'pkill', |
| '-9', |
| '-x', |
| # The simulator's name varies by Xcode version. |
| 'com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService', # crbug.com/684305 |
| 'iPhone Simulator', # Xcode 5 |
| 'iOS Simulator', # Xcode 6 |
| 'Simulator', # Xcode 7+ |
| 'simctl', # https://crbug.com/637429 |
| 'xcodebuild', # https://crbug.com/684305 |
| ]) |
| # If a signal was sent, wait for the simulators to actually be killed. |
| time.sleep(5) |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: |
| if e.returncode != 1: |
| # Ignore a 1 exit code (which means there were no simulators to kill). |
| raise |
| |
| def wipe_simulator(self): |
| """Wipes the simulator.""" |
| iossim_util.wipe_simulator_by_udid(self.udid) |
| |
| def get_home_directory(self): |
| """Returns the simulator's home directory.""" |
| return iossim_util.get_home_directory(self.platform, self.version) |
| |
| def set_up(self): |
| """Performs setup actions which must occur prior to every test launch.""" |
| self.kill_simulators() |
| self.wipe_simulator() |
| self.wipe_derived_data() |
| self.homedir = self.get_home_directory() |
| # Crash reports have a timestamp in their file name, formatted as |
| # YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS. Save the current time in the same format so |
| # we can compare and fetch crash reports from this run later on. |
| self.start_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S', time.localtime()) |
| |
| def extract_test_data(self): |
| """Extracts data emitted by the test.""" |
| if hasattr(self, 'use_clang_coverage') and self.use_clang_coverage: |
| coverage_util.move_raw_coverage_data(self.udid, self.out_dir) |
| |
| # Find the Documents directory of the test app. The app directory names |
| # don't correspond with any known information, so we have to examine them |
| # all until we find one with a matching CFBundleIdentifier. |
| apps_dir = os.path.join( |
| self.homedir, 'Containers', 'Data', 'Application') |
| if os.path.exists(apps_dir): |
| for appid_dir in os.listdir(apps_dir): |
| docs_dir = os.path.join(apps_dir, appid_dir, 'Documents') |
| metadata_plist = os.path.join( |
| apps_dir, |
| appid_dir, |
| '.com.apple.mobile_container_manager.metadata.plist', |
| ) |
| if os.path.exists(docs_dir) and os.path.exists(metadata_plist): |
| cfbundleid = subprocess.check_output([ |
| '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', |
| '-c', 'Print:MCMMetadataIdentifier', |
| metadata_plist, |
| ]).rstrip() |
| if cfbundleid == self.cfbundleid: |
| shutil.copytree(docs_dir, os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'Documents')) |
| return |
| |
| def retrieve_crash_reports(self): |
| """Retrieves crash reports produced by the test.""" |
| # A crash report's naming scheme is [app]_[timestamp]_[hostname].crash. |
| # e.g. net_unittests_2014-05-13-15-0900_vm1-a1.crash. |
| crash_reports_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join( |
| '~', 'Library', 'Logs', 'DiagnosticReports')) |
| |
| if not os.path.exists(crash_reports_dir): |
| return |
| |
| for crash_report in os.listdir(crash_reports_dir): |
| report_name, ext = os.path.splitext(crash_report) |
| if report_name.startswith(self.app_name) and ext == '.crash': |
| report_time = report_name[len(self.app_name) + 1:].split('_')[0] |
| |
| # The timestamp format in a crash report is big-endian and therefore |
| # a straight string comparison works. |
| if report_time > self.start_time: |
| with open(os.path.join(crash_reports_dir, crash_report)) as f: |
| self.logs['crash report (%s)' % report_time] = ( |
| f.read().splitlines()) |
| |
| def tear_down(self): |
| """Performs cleanup actions which must occur after every test launch.""" |
| LOGGER.debug('Extracting test data.') |
| self.extract_test_data() |
| LOGGER.debug('Retrieving crash reports.') |
| self.retrieve_crash_reports() |
| LOGGER.debug('Retrieving derived data.') |
| self.retrieve_derived_data() |
| LOGGER.debug('Making desktop screenshots.') |
| self.screenshot_desktop() |
| LOGGER.debug('Killing simulators.') |
| self.kill_simulators() |
| LOGGER.debug('Wiping simulator.') |
| self.wipe_simulator() |
| if os.path.exists(self.homedir): |
| shutil.rmtree(self.homedir, ignore_errors=True) |
| self.homedir = '' |
| LOGGER.debug('End of tear_down.') |
| |
| def run_tests(self, cmd): |
| """Runs passed-in tests. Builds a command and create a simulator to |
| run tests. |
| Args: |
| cmd: A running command. |
| |
| Return: |
| out: (list) List of strings of subprocess's output. |
| returncode: (int) Return code of subprocess. |
| """ |
| proc = self.start_proc(cmd) |
| out = print_process_output(proc, 'xcodebuild', |
| xctest_utils.XCTestLogParser()) |
| self.deleteSimulator(self.udid) |
| return (out, proc.returncode) |
| |
| def getSimulator(self): |
| """Gets a simulator or creates a new one by device types and runtimes. |
| Returns the udid for the created simulator instance. |
| |
| Returns: |
| An udid of a simulator device. |
| """ |
| return iossim_util.get_simulator(self.platform, self.version) |
| |
| def deleteSimulator(self, udid=None): |
| """Removes dynamically created simulator devices.""" |
| if udid: |
| iossim_util.delete_simulator_by_udid(udid) |
| |
| def get_launch_command(self, test_app, out_dir, destination, shards=1): |
| """Returns the command that can be used to launch the test app. |
| |
| Args: |
| test_app: An app that stores data about test required to run. |
| out_dir: (str) A path for results. |
| destination: (str) A destination of device/simulator. |
| shards: (int) How many shards the tests should be divided into. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A list of strings forming the command to launch the test. |
| """ |
| return test_app.command(out_dir, destination, shards) |
| |
| def get_launch_env(self): |
| """Returns a dict of environment variables to use to launch the test app. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A dict of environment variables. |
| """ |
| env = super(SimulatorTestRunner, self).get_launch_env() |
| if self.xctest_path: |
| env['NSUnbufferedIO'] = 'YES' |
| return env |
| |
| |
| class DeviceTestRunner(TestRunner): |
| """Class for running tests on devices.""" |
| |
| def __init__( |
| self, |
| app_path, |
| out_dir, |
| env_vars=None, |
| restart=False, |
| retries=None, |
| shards=None, |
| test_args=None, |
| test_cases=None, |
| xctest=False, |
| ): |
| """Initializes a new instance of this class. |
| |
| Args: |
| app_path: Path to the compiled .app to run. |
| out_dir: Directory to emit test data into. |
| env_vars: List of environment variables to pass to the test itself. |
| restart: Whether or not restart device when test app crashes on startup. |
| retries: Number of times to retry failed test cases. |
| test_args: List of strings to pass as arguments to the test when |
| launching. |
| test_cases: List of tests to be included in the test run. None or [] to |
| include all tests. |
| xctest: Whether or not this is an XCTest. |
| |
| Raises: |
| AppNotFoundError: If the given app does not exist. |
| PlugInsNotFoundError: If the PlugIns directory does not exist for XCTests. |
| XcodeVersionNotFoundError: If the given Xcode version does not exist. |
| XCTestPlugInNotFoundError: If the .xctest PlugIn does not exist. |
| """ |
| super(DeviceTestRunner, self).__init__( |
| app_path, |
| out_dir, |
| env_vars=env_vars, |
| retries=retries, |
| test_args=test_args, |
| test_cases=test_cases, |
| xctest=xctest, |
| ) |
| |
| self.udid = subprocess.check_output(['idevice_id', '--list']).rstrip() |
| if len(self.udid.splitlines()) != 1: |
| raise DeviceDetectionError(self.udid) |
| |
| is_iOS13 = is_iOS13_or_higher_device(self.udid) |
| |
| # GTest-based unittests are invoked via XCTest on iOS 13+ devices |
| # but produce GTest-style log output that is parsed with a GTestLogParser. |
| if xctest or is_iOS13: |
| if is_iOS13: |
| self.xctest_path = get_xctest_from_app(self.app_path) |
| self.restart = restart |
| |
| def uninstall_apps(self): |
| """Uninstalls all apps found on the device.""" |
| for app in self.get_installed_packages(): |
| cmd = ['ideviceinstaller', '--udid', self.udid, '--uninstall', app] |
| print_process_output(self.start_proc(cmd)) |
| |
| def install_app(self): |
| """Installs the app.""" |
| cmd = ['ideviceinstaller', '--udid', self.udid, '--install', self.app_path] |
| print_process_output(self.start_proc(cmd)) |
| |
| def get_installed_packages(self): |
| """Gets a list of installed packages on a device. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A list of installed packages on a device. |
| """ |
| cmd = ['idevicefs', '--udid', self.udid, 'ls', '@'] |
| return print_process_output(self.start_proc(cmd)) |
| |
| def set_up(self): |
| """Performs setup actions which must occur prior to every test launch.""" |
| self.uninstall_apps() |
| self.wipe_derived_data() |
| self.install_app() |
| |
| def extract_test_data(self): |
| """Extracts data emitted by the test.""" |
| cmd = [ |
| 'idevicefs', |
| '--udid', self.udid, |
| 'pull', |
| '@%s/Documents' % self.cfbundleid, |
| os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'Documents'), |
| ] |
| try: |
| print_process_output(self.start_proc(cmd)) |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
| raise TestDataExtractionError() |
| |
| def shutdown_and_restart(self): |
| """Restart the device, wait for two minutes.""" |
| # TODO(crbug.com/760399): swarming bot ios 11 devices turn to be unavailable |
| # in a few hours unexpectedly, which is assumed as an ios beta issue. Should |
| # remove this method once the bug is fixed. |
| if self.restart: |
| LOGGER.info('Restarting device, wait for two minutes.') |
| try: |
| subprocess.check_call( |
| ['idevicediagnostics', 'restart', '--udid', self.udid]) |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
| raise DeviceRestartError() |
| time.sleep(120) |
| |
| def retrieve_crash_reports(self): |
| """Retrieves crash reports produced by the test.""" |
| logs_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'Logs') |
| os.mkdir(logs_dir) |
| cmd = [ |
| 'idevicecrashreport', |
| '--extract', |
| '--udid', self.udid, |
| logs_dir, |
| ] |
| try: |
| print_process_output(self.start_proc(cmd)) |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
| # TODO(crbug.com/828951): Raise the exception when the bug is fixed. |
| LOGGER.warning('Failed to retrieve crash reports from device.') |
| |
| def tear_down(self): |
| """Performs cleanup actions which must occur after every test launch.""" |
| self.screenshot_desktop() |
| self.retrieve_derived_data() |
| self.extract_test_data() |
| self.retrieve_crash_reports() |
| self.uninstall_apps() |
| |
| def get_command_line_args_xctest_unittests(self, filtered_tests): |
| command_line_args = ['--enable-run-ios-unittests-with-xctest'] |
| if filtered_tests: |
| command_line_args.append('--gtest_filter=%s' % filtered_tests) |
| return command_line_args |
| |
| def get_launch_command(self, test_app, out_dir, destination, shards=1): |
| """Returns the command that can be used to launch the test app. |
| |
| Args: |
| test_app: An app that stores data about test required to run. |
| out_dir: (str) A path for results. |
| destination: (str) A destination of device/simulator. |
| shards: (int) How many shards the tests should be divided into. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A list of strings forming the command to launch the test. |
| """ |
| if self.xctest_path: |
| command_line_args = test_app.test_args |
| |
| if not self.xctest: |
| filtered_tests = [] |
| if test_app.included_tests: |
| filtered_tests = test_apps.get_gtest_filter( |
| test_app.included_tests, invert=False) |
| elif test_app.excluded_tests: |
| filtered_tests = test_apps.get_gtest_filter( |
| test_app.excluded_tests, invert=True) |
| command_line_args.append( |
| self.get_command_line_args_xctest_unittests(filtered_tests)) |
| if command_line_args: |
| test_app.test_args = command_line_args |
| return test_app.command(out_dir, destination, shards) |
| |
| cmd = [ |
| 'idevice-app-runner', |
| '--udid', self.udid, |
| '--start', self.cfbundleid, |
| ] |
| args = [] |
| gtest_filter = [] |
| kif_filter = [] |
| |
| if test_app.included_tests: |
| kif_filter = test_apps.get_kif_test_filter(test_app.included_tests, |
| invert=False) |
| gtest_filter = test_apps.get_gtest_filter(test_app.included_tests, |
| invert=False) |
| elif test_app.excluded_tests: |
| kif_filter = test_apps.get_kif_test_filter(test_app.excluded_tests, |
| invert=True) |
| gtest_filter = test_apps.get_gtest_filter(test_app.excluded_tests, |
| invert=True) |
| |
| if kif_filter: |
| cmd.extend(['-D', 'GKIF_SCENARIO_FILTER=%s' % kif_filter]) |
| if gtest_filter: |
| args.append('--gtest_filter=%s' % gtest_filter) |
| |
| for env_var in self.env_vars: |
| cmd.extend(['-D', env_var]) |
| |
| if args or self.test_args: |
| cmd.append('--args') |
| cmd.extend(self.test_args) |
| cmd.extend(args) |
| |
| return cmd |
| |
| def get_launch_env(self): |
| """Returns a dict of environment variables to use to launch the test app. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A dict of environment variables. |
| """ |
| env = super(DeviceTestRunner, self).get_launch_env() |
| if self.xctest_path: |
| env['NSUnbufferedIO'] = 'YES' |
| # e.g. ios_web_shell_egtests |
| env['APP_TARGET_NAME'] = os.path.splitext( |
| os.path.basename(self.app_path))[0] |
| # e.g. ios_web_shell_egtests_module |
| env['TEST_TARGET_NAME'] = env['APP_TARGET_NAME'] + '_module' |
| return env |