blob: 241856f37d9a8e587b3381222e405bc22677ff65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/ios/block_types.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/http_request.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/http_response.h"
// Implements a subset of the WebDriver protocol, for running Web Platform
// Tests. This not intended to be a general-purpose WebDriver implementation.
// Each CWTRequestHandler supports only a single session. Additional
// requests to create a session while one is already active will return an
// error response.
// See for the complete WebDriver protocol
// specification. In addition to only implementing a subset of this protocol,
// CWTRequestHandler only performs minimal error-checking for the sake
// of making clients easier to debug, and otherwise assumes that the client
// is submitting well-formed requests, and that all requests are coming from
// a single client.
// For example, to create a session, load a URL, and then close the session, the
// following sequence of requests can be used:
// 1) POST /session
// 2) POST /url (with a content body that is a JSON dictionary whose 'url'
// property's value is the URL to navigate to)
// 3) DELETE /session/{session id}
class CWTRequestHandler {
// |session_completion_handler| is a block to be called when a session is
// closed.
CWTRequestHandler(ProceduralBlock sesssion_completion_handler);
// Creates responses for HTTP requests according to the WebDriver protocol.
std::unique_ptr<net::test_server::HttpResponse> HandleRequest(
const net::test_server::HttpRequest& request);
// Creates a new session, if no session has already been created. Otherwise,
// return an error. Sets the target tab to the current tab.
base::Value InitializeSession();
// Terminates the current session.
base::Value CloseSession();
// Navigates the target tab to the given URL, and waits for the page load to
// complete.
base::Value NavigateToUrl(const base::Value* url);
// Sets timeouts used when performing browser operations.
base::Value SetTimeouts(const base::Value& timeouts);
// Gets the id of the target tab. Returns an error if the target tab has been
// closed.
base::Value GetTargetTabId();
// Gets the ids of all open tabs.
base::Value GetAllTabIds();
// Switches to the tab with the given id and makes this the target tab.
// Returns an error value if no such tab exists.
base::Value SwitchToTabWithId(const base::Value* tab_id);
// Closes the target tab. Returns an error value if no tab is open.
// Otherwise, returns the ids of the remaining tabs.
base::Value CloseTargetTab();
// Executes the given script in the target tab. Returns an error if script
// execution times out. Otherwise, returns the result of script execution.
// When |is_async_function| is true, the given script must be the body of a
// function that uses its last argument (that is, the argument at
// "arguments[arguments.length - 1]") as a completion handler that it calls
// (possibly asynchronously) with the result to be returned. When
// |is_async_function| is false, the given script must be the body of a
// function whose return value is the result to be returned.
// Examples:
// 1) |script| is "arguments[arguments.length - 1].call(7)" and
// |is_async_function| is true. In this case, the return value is |7|.
// 2) |script| is "return 'hello';" and |is_async_function| is false. In this
// case, the return value is |'hello'|.
// 3) |script| is "document.title = 'hello world';" and |is_async_function| is
// false. In this case, the script's return value is "undefined" so the
// value returned by this method is a default-constructed base::Value.
base::Value ExecuteScript(const base::Value* script, bool is_async_function);
// Takes a snapshot of the target tab. Returns an error value if the target
// tab is no longer open. Otherwise, returns the snapshot as a base64-encoded
// image.
base::Value GetSnapshot();
// Set the target tab's position and size. This is currently a no-op since
// tabs cannot be arbitrarily sized or positioned on iOS. It may make sense
// to implement this in the future on iPad-only, once multiwindow support on
// iPad is more fully fleshed out.
base::Value SetWindowRect(const base::Value& rect);
// Processes the given command, HTTP method, and request content. Returns the
// result of processing the command, or nullopt_t if the command is unknown.
base::Optional<base::Value> ProcessCommand(
const std::string& command,
net::test_server::HttpMethod http_method,
const std::string& request_content);
// Block that gets called when a session is terminated.
ProceduralBlock session_completion_handler_;
// A randomly-generated identifier created by InitializeSession().
std::string session_id_;
// The tab that's the target of WebDriver actions.
std::string target_tab_id_;
// Timeouts used when performing browser operations.
NSTimeInterval script_timeout_;
NSTimeInterval page_load_timeout_;