blob: 09de80531f6a2b022fe766c8f15b3ef6f28f788d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Using a locally-built WebKit is only supported for Debug simulator builds.
_build_custom_webkit = checkout_ios_webkit && is_debug && use_ios_simulator
group("webkit") {
if (_build_custom_webkit) {
deps = [ ":bundle_webkit_ios_frameworks" ]
public_configs = [ ":_webkit_ios_config" ]
if (_build_custom_webkit) {
# WebKit is built from source using xcodebuild (invoked via the
# wrapper script). The WebKit build places its output in a
# sub-directory named "Debug-iphonesimulator" for debug iOS builds and
# "Release" for release macOS builds.
_webkit_ios_out_base_dir = "$target_out_dir/iOS"
_webkit_mac_out_base_dir = "$target_out_dir/macOS"
_webkit_ios_xcodebuild_out_dir_name = "Debug-iphonesimulator"
_webkit_mac_xcodebuild_out_dir_name = "Release"
_webkit_ios_out_product_dir =
_webkit_mac_out_product_dir =
template("compile_webkit") {
action(target_name) {
visibility = [
script = ""
inputs = [
# Because it's difficult to list every webkit source file as an input
# here, use the ChangeLog files as a proxy to determine whether or not
# source files have changed.
# TODO( This will not pick up local edits to source
# files, so find a way to properly rebuild when those change.
outputs = invoker.outputs
args = invoker.args
# TODO( "-j 4" restricts xcodebuild to four simultaneous
# jobs. This is intended to prevent overloading the machine, because ninja
# will already be spawning a large number of jobs in parallel with
# xcodebuild, but it causes the webkit build to run very slowly. Find a way
# to increase the parallelism here.
args += [
compile_webkit("compile_webkit_ios_frameworks") {
outputs = [
# The frameworks themselves include many resource files, but as a first
# step, use just the binaries.
args = [
compile_webkit("compile_webkit_mac_minibrowser") {
outputs = [ "$_webkit_mac_out_product_dir" ]
args = [
bundle_data("bundle_webkit_ios_frameworks") {
public_deps = [ ":compile_webkit_ios_frameworks" ]
sources = [
outputs =
[ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/WebKitFrameworks/{{source_file_part}}" ]
action("copy_webkit_mac_minibrowser") {
script = ""
sources = [
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/WebKitMacOS" ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(sources[1], root_build_dir),
public_deps = [ ":compile_webkit_mac_minibrowser" ]
config("_webkit_ios_config") {
if (_build_custom_webkit) {
# From the ld documentation: "Directories specified with -F are searched in
# the order they appear on the command line and before the default search
# path."
framework_dirs = [ "$target_out_dir/$_webkit_ios_xcodebuild_out_dir_name" ]
frameworks = [ "WebKit.framework" ]