blob: 4b88c5ff4126cc23e1789bb587b57a558e7dbe67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/aura/wm_window_aura.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace views {
class Widget;
namespace ash {
namespace mus {
class WmRootWindowControllerMus;
class WmWindowMusTestApi;
// WmWindow implementation for mus.
// WmWindowMus is tied to the life of the underlying aura::Window (it is stored
// as an owned property).
class WmWindowMus : public WmWindowAura {
// Indicates the source of the widget creation.
enum class WidgetCreationType {
// The widget was created internally, and not at the request of a client.
// For example, overview mode creates a number of widgets. These widgets are
// created with a type of INTERNAL.
// The widget was created for a client. In other words there is a client
// embedded in the aura::Window. For example, when Chrome creates a new
// browser window the window manager is asked to create the aura::Window.
// The window manager creates an aura::Window and a views::Widget to show
// the non-client frame decorations. In this case the creation type is
explicit WmWindowMus(aura::Window* window);
// NOTE: this class is owned by the corresponding window. You shouldn't delete
// TODO(sky): friend deleter and make private.
~WmWindowMus() override;
// Returns a WmWindow for an aura::Window, creating if necessary.
static WmWindowMus* Get(aura::Window* window) {
return const_cast<WmWindowMus*>(
Get(const_cast<const aura::Window*>(window)));
static const WmWindowMus* Get(const aura::Window* window);
static WmWindowMus* Get(views::Widget* widget);
// Sets the widget associated with the window. The widget is used to query
// state, such as min/max size. The widget is not owned by the WmWindowMus.
void set_widget(views::Widget* widget, WidgetCreationType type) {
widget_ = widget;
widget_creation_type_ = type;
WmRootWindowControllerMus* GetRootWindowControllerMus() {
return const_cast<WmRootWindowControllerMus*>(
const_cast<const WmWindowMus*>(this)->GetRootWindowControllerMus());
const WmRootWindowControllerMus* GetRootWindowControllerMus() const;
static WmWindowMus* AsWmWindowMus(WmWindow* window) {
return static_cast<WmWindowMus*>(window);
static const WmWindowMus* AsWmWindowMus(const WmWindow* window) {
return static_cast<const WmWindowMus*>(window);
// See description of |children_use_extended_hit_region_|.
bool ShouldUseExtendedHitRegion() const;
// Returns true if this window is considered a shell window container.
bool IsContainer() const;
// WmWindow:
const WmWindow* GetRootWindow() const override;
WmRootWindowController* GetRootWindowController() override;
WmShell* GetShell() const override;
bool IsBubble() override;
bool HasNonClientArea() override;
int GetNonClientComponent(const gfx::Point& location) override;
gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() const override;
gfx::Size GetMaximumSize() const override;
gfx::Rect GetMinimizeAnimationTargetBoundsInScreen() const override;
bool IsSystemModal() const override;
bool GetBoolProperty(WmWindowProperty key) override;
int GetIntProperty(WmWindowProperty key) override;
WmWindow* GetToplevelWindow() override;
WmWindow* GetToplevelWindowForFocus() override;
bool MoveToEventRoot(const ui::Event& event) override;
void SetBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen,
const display::Display& dst_display) override;
void SetPinned(bool trusted) override;
views::Widget* GetInternalWidget() override;
void CloseWidget() override;
bool CanActivate() const override;
void ShowResizeShadow(int component) override;
void HideResizeShadow() override;
void InstallResizeHandleWindowTargeter(
ImmersiveFullscreenController* immersive_fullscreen_controller) override;
void SetBoundsInScreenBehaviorForChildren(
BoundsInScreenBehavior behavior) override;
void SetSnapsChildrenToPhysicalPixelBoundary() override;
void SnapToPixelBoundaryIfNecessary() override;
void SetChildrenUseExtendedHitRegion() override;
void AddLimitedPreTargetHandler(ui::EventHandler* handler) override;
friend class WmWindowMusTestApi;
views::Widget* widget_ = nullptr;
WidgetCreationType widget_creation_type_ = WidgetCreationType::INTERNAL;
bool snap_children_to_pixel_boundary_ = false;
// If true child windows should get a slightly larger hit region to make
// resizing easier.
bool children_use_extended_hit_region_ = false;
// Default value for |use_empty_minimum_size_for_testing_|.
static bool default_use_empty_minimum_size_for_testing_;
// If true the minimum size is 0x0, default is minimum size comes from widget.
bool use_empty_minimum_size_for_testing_ = false;
BoundsInScreenBehavior child_bounds_in_screen_behavior_ =
} // namespace mus
} // namespace ash