blob: b7048930f1a5bbfb4851166093d319b2e5f90949 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/test_tools/simulator/link.h"
namespace net {
namespace simulator {
// A finitely sized queue which egresses packets onto a constrained link. The
// capacity of the queue is measured in bytes as opposed to packets.
class Queue : public Actor, public UnconstrainedPortInterface {
class ListenerInterface {
virtual ~ListenerInterface();
// Called whenever a packet is removed from the queue.
virtual void OnPacketDequeued() = 0;
Queue(Simulator* simulator, std::string name, QuicByteCount capacity);
~Queue() override;
void set_tx_port(ConstrainedPortInterface* port);
void AcceptPacket(std::unique_ptr<Packet> packet) override;
void Act() override;
inline QuicByteCount capacity() const { return capacity_; }
inline QuicByteCount bytes_queued() const { return bytes_queued_; }
inline QuicPacketCount packets_queued() const { return queue_.size(); }
inline void set_listener_interface(ListenerInterface* listener) {
listener_ = listener;
void ScheduleNextPacketDequeue();
const QuicByteCount capacity_;
QuicByteCount bytes_queued_;
ConstrainedPortInterface* tx_port_;
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<Packet>> queue_;
ListenerInterface* listener_;
} // namespace simulator
} // namespace net