blob: 37b3e1df74d653c600bbe40fd386b1d7574103fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/ui/ws/window_manager_access_policy.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/access_policy_delegate.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/server_window.h"
namespace ui {
namespace ws {
WindowManagerAccessPolicy::WindowManagerAccessPolicy() {}
WindowManagerAccessPolicy::~WindowManagerAccessPolicy() {}
void WindowManagerAccessPolicy::Init(ClientSpecificId client_id,
AccessPolicyDelegate* delegate) {
client_id_ = client_id;
delegate_ = delegate;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanRemoveWindowFromParent(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanAddWindow(const ServerWindow* parent,
const ServerWindow* child) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanAddTransientWindow(
const ServerWindow* parent,
const ServerWindow* child) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanRemoveTransientWindowFromParent(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetModal(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanReorderWindow(
const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* relative_window,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanDeleteWindow(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanGetWindowTree(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanDescendIntoWindowForWindowTree(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanEmbed(const ServerWindow* window) const {
return !delegate_->HasRootForAccessPolicy(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanChangeWindowVisibility(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
if (WasCreatedByThisClient(window))
return true;
// The WindowManager can change the visibility of the WindowManager root.
const ServerWindow* root = window->GetRoot();
return root && window->parent() == root;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanChangeWindowOpacity(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetWindowCompositorFrameSink(
const ServerWindow* window,
ui::mojom::CompositorFrameSinkType compositor_frame_sink_type) const {
// Allow the window manager to always provide the underlay. This is important
// when the window manager is asked to paint the title area to windows it did
// not create.
if (compositor_frame_sink_type == mojom::CompositorFrameSinkType::UNDERLAY)
return true;
if (delegate_->IsWindowRootOfAnotherTreeForAccessPolicy(window))
return false;
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window) ||
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetWindowBounds(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetWindowProperties(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetWindowTextInputState(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetCapture(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetFocus(const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetClientArea(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window) ||
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetHitTestMask(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window) ||
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetAcceptDrops(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return true;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetAcceptEvents(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window) ||
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetCursorProperties(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window) ||
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanInitiateDragLoop(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return WasCreatedByThisClient(window) ||
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanInitiateMoveLoop(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return false;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::ShouldNotifyOnHierarchyChange(
const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow** new_parent,
const ServerWindow** old_parent) const {
// Notify if we've already told the window manager about the window, or if
// we've
// already told the window manager about the parent. The later handles the
// case of a window that wasn't parented to the root getting added to the
// root.
return IsWindowKnown(window) || (*new_parent && IsWindowKnown(*new_parent));
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::CanSetWindowManager() const {
return true;
const ServerWindow* WindowManagerAccessPolicy::GetWindowForFocusChange(
const ServerWindow* focused) {
return focused;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::IsWindowKnown(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return delegate_->IsWindowKnownForAccessPolicy(window);
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::IsValidIdForNewWindow(
const ClientWindowId& id) const {
// The WindowManager see windows created from other clients. If the WM doesn't
// use the client id when creating windows the WM could end up with two
// windows with the same id. Because of this the wm must use the same
// client id for all windows it creates.
return WindowIdFromTransportId( == client_id_;
bool WindowManagerAccessPolicy::WasCreatedByThisClient(
const ServerWindow* window) const {
return window->id().client_id == client_id_;
} // namespace ws
} // namespace ui