blob: 00c574d40bd955746c4fc65b13091451ab0ff2b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ios/web/public/security_style.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_status_flags.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
namespace web {
// Collects the SSL information for this NavigationItem.
struct SSLStatus {
// SSLStatus consumers can attach instances of derived UserData classes to an
// SSLStatus. This allows an embedder to attach data to the NavigationItem
// without SSLStatus having to know about it. Derived UserData classes have to
// be cloneable since NavigationItems are cloned during navigations.
class UserData {
UserData() {}
virtual ~UserData() = default;
virtual std::unique_ptr<UserData> Clone() = 0;
// Flags used for the page security content status.
enum ContentStatusFlags {
// HTTP page, or HTTPS page with no insecure content.
// HTTPS page containing "displayed" HTTP resources (e.g. images, CSS).
// The RAN_INSECURE_CONTENT flag is intentionally omitted on iOS because
// there is no way to tell when insecure content is run in a web view.
SSLStatus(const SSLStatus& other);
SSLStatus& operator=(SSLStatus other);
bool Equals(const SSLStatus& status) const {
return security_style == status.security_style &&
!!certificate == !!status.certificate &&
? certificate->EqualsIncludingChain(status.certificate.get())
: true) &&
cert_status == status.cert_status &&
content_status == status.content_status;
// |cert_status_host| is not used for comparison intentionally.
// |user_data| also not used for comparison.
web::SecurityStyle security_style;
scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate> certificate;
net::CertStatus cert_status;
// A combination of the ContentStatusFlags above.
int content_status;
// Host which was used for |cert_status| calculation. It is not an actual part
// of SSL status, hence it's not taken into account in |Equals| method.
// Used to check if |cert_status| is still valid or needs to be recalculated
// (e.g. after redirect).
std::string cert_status_host;
// Embedder-specific data attached to the SSLStatus is cloned when an
// |SSLStatus| is assigned or copy-constructed, and is cleared when a
// navigation commits.
std::unique_ptr<UserData> user_data;
} // namespace web