blob: 12fdb71b76226f8185b6028eaeecc76f2af80074 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/system_info_storage/storage_info_provider_linux.h"
#include <mntent.h>
#include <sys/vfs.h>
namespace extensions {
using api::experimental_system_info_storage::StorageUnitInfo;
using api::experimental_system_info_storage::ParseStorageUnitType;
using chrome::ScopedUdevDeviceObject;
namespace {
const char kMtabPath[] = "/etc/mtab";
const char kDevPath[] = "/dev/";
} // namespace
: udev_context_(udev_new()),
mtab_file_path_(kMtabPath) {
StorageInfoProviderLinux::~StorageInfoProviderLinux() {}
const base::FilePath& mtab_path)
: udev_context_(udev_new()),
mtab_file_path_(mtab_path) {
bool StorageInfoProviderLinux::QueryInfo(StorageInfo* info) {
FILE* fp = setmntent(mtab_file_path_.value().c_str(), "r");
if (!fp) {
DPLOG(INFO) << "Failed to open " << kMtabPath;
return false;
struct mntent* p_mntent = NULL;
while ((p_mntent = getmntent(fp))) {
if (strncmp(p_mntent->mnt_fsname, kDevPath, strlen(kDevPath)) != 0)
linked_ptr<StorageUnitInfo> unit(new StorageUnitInfo());
if (QueryUnitInfo(p_mntent->mnt_dir, unit.get())) {
return true;
bool StorageInfoProviderLinux::QueryUnitInfo(const std::string& mount_path,
StorageUnitInfo* info) {
std::string type;
if (!QueryStorageType(mount_path, &type))
return false;
struct statfs fs_info;
if (statfs(mount_path.c_str(), &fs_info) != 0) {
DPLOG(INFO) << "Failed to get filesystem information about " << mount_path;
return false;
// Currently the mount path is used as the identifier of a storage unit.
info->id = mount_path;
info->type = ParseStorageUnitType(type);
info->capacity = static_cast<double>(fs_info.f_blocks) * fs_info.f_bsize;
info->available_capacity =
static_cast<double>(fs_info.f_bavail) * fs_info.f_bsize;
return true;
bool StorageInfoProviderLinux::QueryStorageType(const std::string& mount_path,
std::string* type) {
struct stat stat_info;
if (stat(mount_path.c_str(), &stat_info) != 0) {
DPLOG(INFO) << "Failed to get information about " << mount_path;
return false;
// Create a udev device from a block device number.
ScopedUdevDeviceObject device(udev_device_new_from_devnum(
udev_context_, 'b', stat_info.st_dev));
if (!device)
return false;
if (GetUdevDevicePropertyValue(device, "ID_BUS") == "usb") {
*type = systeminfo::kStorageTypeRemovable;
} else if (GetUdevDevicePropertyValue(device, "ID_TYPE") == "disk") {
*type = systeminfo::kStorageTypeFixed;
} else {
*type = systeminfo::kStorageTypeUnknown;
return true;
// static
StorageInfoProvider* StorageInfoProvider::Get() {
return StorageInfoProvider::GetInstance<StorageInfoProviderLinux>();
} // namespace extensions