blob: 4f978ed30788f0ee5da47910db3883e7bf3b2524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
namespace ui {
class Event;
class EventProcessor;
class EventSource;
class EventTarget;
class KeyEvent;
class MouseEvent;
class ScrollEvent;
class TouchEvent;
namespace test {
typedef base::Callback<void(EventType, const gfx::Vector2dF&)>
class EventGenerator;
// A delegate interface for EventGenerator to abstract platform-specific event
// targeting and coordinate conversion.
class EventGeneratorDelegate {
virtual ~EventGeneratorDelegate() {}
// Set the context of the delegate, whilst it is being used by an active
// EventGenerator.
virtual void SetContext(EventGenerator* owner,
gfx::NativeWindow root_window,
gfx::NativeWindow window) {}
// The ui::EventTarget at the given |location|.
virtual EventTarget* GetTargetAt(const gfx::Point& location) = 0;
// The ui::EventSource for the given |target|.
virtual EventSource* GetEventSource(EventTarget* target) = 0;
// Helper functions to determine the center point of |target| or |window|.
virtual gfx::Point CenterOfTarget(const EventTarget* target) const = 0;
virtual gfx::Point CenterOfWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) const = 0;
// Convert a point between API's coordinates and |target|'s coordinates.
virtual void ConvertPointFromTarget(const EventTarget* target,
gfx::Point* point) const = 0;
virtual void ConvertPointToTarget(const EventTarget* target,
gfx::Point* point) const = 0;
// Convert a point from the coordinate system in the host that contains
// |hosted_target| into the root window's coordinate system.
virtual void ConvertPointFromHost(const EventTarget* hosted_target,
gfx::Point* point) const = 0;
// ui::test::EventGenerator is a tool that generates and dispatches events.
// Unlike |ui_controls| package in ui/base/test, this does not use platform
// native message loops. Instead, it sends events to the event dispatcher
// synchronously.
// This class is not suited for the following cases:
// 1) If your test depends on native events (ui::Event::native_event()).
// This return is empty/NULL event with EventGenerator.
// 2) If your test involves nested message loop, such as
// menu or drag & drop. Because this class directly
// post an event to WindowEventDispatcher, this event will not be
// handled in the nested message loop.
// 3) Similarly, |base::MessagePumpObserver| will not be invoked.
// 4) Any other code that requires native message loops, such as
// tests for WindowTreeHostWin/WindowTreeHostX11.
// If one of these applies to your test, please use |ui_controls|
// package instead.
// Note: The coordinates of the points in API is determined by the
// EventGeneratorDelegate.
class EventGenerator {
// Creates an EventGenerator with the mouse/touch location (0,0),
// which uses the |root_window|'s coordinates and the default delegate for
// this platform.
explicit EventGenerator(gfx::NativeWindow root_window);
// Create an EventGenerator with EventGeneratorDelegate,
// which uses the coordinates conversions and targeting provided by
// |delegate|.
explicit EventGenerator(EventGeneratorDelegate* delegate);
// Creates an EventGenerator with the mouse/touch location
// at |initial_location|, which uses the |root_window|'s coordinates.
EventGenerator(gfx::NativeWindow root_window,
const gfx::Point& initial_location);
// Creates an EventGenerator with the mouse/touch location centered over
// |window|. This is currently the only constructor that works on Mac, since
// a specific window is required (and there is no root window).
EventGenerator(gfx::NativeWindow root_window, gfx::NativeWindow window);
virtual ~EventGenerator();
// Explicitly sets the location used by mouse/touch events. This is set by the
// various methods that take a location but can be manipulated directly,
// typically for touch.
void set_current_location(const gfx::Point& location) {
current_location_ = location;
const gfx::Point& current_location() const { return current_location_; }
void set_async(bool async) { async_ = async; }
bool async() const { return async_; }
// Resets the event flags bitmask.
void set_flags(int flags) { flags_ = flags; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
// Generates a left button press event.
void PressLeftButton();
// Generates a left button release event.
void ReleaseLeftButton();
// Generates events to click (press, release) left button.
void ClickLeftButton();
// Generates a double click event using the left button.
void DoubleClickLeftButton();
// Generates a right button press event.
void PressRightButton();
// Generates a right button release event.
void ReleaseRightButton();
// Moves the mouse wheel by |delta_x|, |delta_y|.
void MoveMouseWheel(int delta_x, int delta_y);
// Generates a mouse exit.
void SendMouseExit();
// Generates events to move mouse to be the given |point| in the
// |current_root_window_|'s host window coordinates.
void MoveMouseToInHost(const gfx::Point& point_in_host);
void MoveMouseToInHost(int x, int y) {
MoveMouseToInHost(gfx::Point(x, y));
// Generates events to move mouse to be the given |point| in screen
// coordinates.
void MoveMouseTo(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen, int count);
void MoveMouseTo(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
MoveMouseTo(point_in_screen, 1);
void MoveMouseTo(int x, int y) {
MoveMouseTo(gfx::Point(x, y));
// Generates events to move mouse to be the given |point| in |window|'s
// coordinates.
void MoveMouseRelativeTo(const EventTarget* window, const gfx::Point& point);
void MoveMouseRelativeTo(const EventTarget* window, int x, int y) {
MoveMouseRelativeTo(window, gfx::Point(x, y));
void MoveMouseBy(int x, int y) {
MoveMouseTo(current_location_ + gfx::Vector2d(x, y));
// Generates events to drag mouse to given |point|.
void DragMouseTo(const gfx::Point& point);
void DragMouseTo(int x, int y) {
DragMouseTo(gfx::Point(x, y));
void DragMouseBy(int dx, int dy) {
DragMouseTo(current_location_ + gfx::Vector2d(dx, dy));
// Generates events to move the mouse to the center of the window.
void MoveMouseToCenterOf(EventTarget* window);
// Generates a touch press event.
void PressTouch();
// Generates a touch press event with |touch_id|.
void PressTouchId(int touch_id);
// Generates a ET_TOUCH_MOVED event to |point|.
void MoveTouch(const gfx::Point& point);
// Generates a ET_TOUCH_MOVED event to |point| with |touch_id|.
void MoveTouchId(const gfx::Point& point, int touch_id);
// Generates a touch release event.
void ReleaseTouch();
// Generates a touch release event with |touch_id|.
void ReleaseTouchId(int touch_id);
// Generates press, move and release event to move touch
// to be the given |point|.
void PressMoveAndReleaseTouchTo(const gfx::Point& point);
void PressMoveAndReleaseTouchTo(int x, int y) {
PressMoveAndReleaseTouchTo(gfx::Point(x, y));
void PressMoveAndReleaseTouchBy(int x, int y) {
PressMoveAndReleaseTouchTo(current_location_ + gfx::Vector2d(x, y));
// Generates press, move and release events to move touch
// to the center of the window.
void PressMoveAndReleaseTouchToCenterOf(EventTarget* window);
// Generates and dispatches a Win8 edge-swipe event (swipe up from bottom or
// swipe down from top). Note that it is not possible to distinguish between
// the two edges with this event.
void GestureEdgeSwipe();
// Generates and dispatches touch-events required to generate a TAP gesture.
// Note that this can generate a number of other gesture events at the same
// time (e.g. GESTURE_BEGIN, TAP_DOWN, END).
void GestureTapAt(const gfx::Point& point);
// Generates press and release touch-events to generate a TAP_DOWN event, but
// without generating any scroll or tap events. This can also generate a few
// other gesture events (e.g. GESTURE_BEGIN, END).
void GestureTapDownAndUp(const gfx::Point& point);
// Generates press, move, release touch-events to generate a sequence of
// scroll events. |duration| and |steps| affect the velocity of the scroll,
// and depending on these values, this may also generate FLING scroll
// gestures. If velocity/fling is irrelevant for the test, then any non-zero
// values for these should be sufficient.
void GestureScrollSequence(const gfx::Point& start,
const gfx::Point& end,
const base::TimeDelta& duration,
int steps);
// The same as GestureScrollSequence(), with the exception that |callback| is
// called at each step of the scroll sequence. |callback| is called at the
// start of the sequence with ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_BEGIN, followed by one or more
void GestureScrollSequenceWithCallback(const gfx::Point& start,
const gfx::Point& end,
const base::TimeDelta& duration,
int steps,
const ScrollStepCallback& callback);
// Generates press, move, release touch-events to generate a sequence of
// multi-finger scroll events. |count| specifies the number of touch-points
// that should generate the scroll events. |start| are the starting positions
// of all the touch points. |steps| and |event_separation_time_ms| are
// relevant when testing velocity/fling/swipe, otherwise these can be any
// non-zero value. |delta_x| and |delta_y| are the amount that each finger
// should be moved. Internally calls GestureMultiFingerScrollWithDelays
// with zeros as |delay_adding_finger_ms| forcing all touch down events to be
// immediate.
void GestureMultiFingerScroll(int count,
const gfx::Point start[],
int event_separation_time_ms,
int steps,
int move_x,
int move_y);
// Generates press, move, release touch-events to generate a sequence of
// multi-finger scroll events. |count| specifies the number of touch-points
// that should generate the scroll events. |start| are the starting positions
// of all the touch points. |delay_adding_finger_ms| are delays in ms from the
// starting time till touching down of each finger. |delay_adding_finger_ms|
// is useful when testing complex gestures that start with 1 or 2 fingers and
// add fingers with a delay. |steps| and |event_separation_time_ms| are
// relevant when testing velocity/fling/swipe, otherwise these can be any
// non-zero value. |delta_x| and |delta_y| are the amount that each finger
// should be moved.
void GestureMultiFingerScrollWithDelays(int count,
const gfx::Point start[],
const int delay_adding_finger_ms[],
int event_separation_time_ms,
int steps,
int move_x,
int move_y);
// Generates scroll sequences of a FlingCancel, Scrolls, FlingStart, with
// constant deltas to |x_offset| and |y_offset| in |steps|.
void ScrollSequence(const gfx::Point& start,
const base::TimeDelta& step_delay,
float x_offset,
float y_offset,
int steps,
int num_fingers);
// Generates scroll sequences of a FlingCancel, Scrolls, FlingStart, sending
// scrolls of each of the values in |offsets|.
void ScrollSequence(const gfx::Point& start,
const base::TimeDelta& step_delay,
const std::vector<gfx::PointF>& offsets,
int num_fingers);
// Generates a key press event. On platforms except Windows and X11, a key
// event without native_event() is generated. Note that ui::EF_ flags should
// be passed as |flags|, not the native ones like 'ShiftMask' in <X11/X.h>.
// TODO(yusukes): Support native_event() on all platforms.
void PressKey(KeyboardCode key_code, int flags);
// Generates a key release event. On platforms except Windows and X11, a key
// event without native_event() is generated. Note that ui::EF_ flags should
// be passed as |flags|, not the native ones like 'ShiftMask' in <X11/X.h>.
// TODO(yusukes): Support native_event() on all platforms.
void ReleaseKey(KeyboardCode key_code, int flags);
// Dispatch the event to the WindowEventDispatcher.
void Dispatch(Event* event);
void set_current_target(EventTarget* target) {
current_target_ = target;
// Specify an alternative tick clock to be used for simulating time in tests.
void SetTickClock(scoped_ptr<base::TickClock> tick_clock);
// Get the current time from the tick clock.
base::TimeDelta Now();
// Default delegate set by a platform-specific GeneratorDelegate singleton.
static EventGeneratorDelegate* default_delegate;
// Set up the test context using the delegate.
void Init(gfx::NativeWindow root_window, gfx::NativeWindow window_context);
// Dispatch a key event to the WindowEventDispatcher.
void DispatchKeyEvent(bool is_press, KeyboardCode key_code, int flags);
void UpdateCurrentDispatcher(const gfx::Point& point);
void PressButton(int flag);
void ReleaseButton(int flag);
gfx::Point GetLocationInCurrentRoot() const;
gfx::Point CenterOfWindow(const EventTarget* window) const;
void DispatchNextPendingEvent();
void DoDispatchEvent(Event* event, bool async);
const EventGeneratorDelegate* delegate() const;
EventGeneratorDelegate* delegate();
scoped_ptr<EventGeneratorDelegate> delegate_;
gfx::Point current_location_;
EventTarget* current_target_;
int flags_;
bool grab_;
std::list<Event*> pending_events_;
// Set to true to cause events to be posted asynchronously.
bool async_;
scoped_ptr<base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace ui