blob: a98f9f517a939f1599c0a1331cdc3a27a490130d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "components/mus/common/types.h"
#include "components/mus/public/cpp/window.h"
#include "components/mus/public/cpp/window_tree_connection.h"
#include "components/mus/public/interfaces/window_tree.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h"
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
class Size;
namespace mus {
class InFlightChange;
class WindowTreeClientImplPrivate;
class WindowTreeConnection;
class WindowTreeDelegate;
enum class ChangeType;
// Manages the connection with the Window Server service.
class WindowTreeClientImpl : public WindowTreeConnection,
public mojom::WindowTreeClient {
WindowTreeClientImpl(WindowTreeDelegate* delegate,
WindowManagerDelegate* window_manager_delegate,
mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::WindowTreeClient> request);
~WindowTreeClientImpl() override;
// Wait for OnEmbed(), returning when done.
void WaitForEmbed();
bool connected() const { return tree_ != nullptr; }
ConnectionSpecificId connection_id() const { return connection_id_; }
// API exposed to the window implementations that pushes local changes to the
// service.
void DestroyWindow(Id window_id);
// These methods take TransportIds. For windows owned by the current
// connection, the connection id high word can be zero. In all cases, the
// TransportId 0x1 refers to the root window.
void AddChild(Id child_id, Id parent_id);
void RemoveChild(Id child_id, Id parent_id);
void AddTransientWindow(Window* window, Id transient_window_id);
void RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(Window* window);
void Reorder(Id window_id,
Id relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction);
// Returns true if the specified window was created by this connection.
bool OwnsWindow(Id id) const;
void SetBounds(Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SetClientArea(Id window_id, const gfx::Insets& client_area);
void SetFocus(Id window_id);
void SetCanFocus(Id window_id, bool can_focus);
void SetVisible(Id window_id, bool visible);
void SetProperty(Window* window,
const std::string& name,
mojo::Array<uint8_t> data);
void SetWindowTextInputState(Id window_id, mojo::TextInputStatePtr state);
void SetImeVisibility(Id window_id,
bool visible,
mojo::TextInputStatePtr state);
void Embed(Id window_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client,
uint32_t policy_bitmask,
const mojom::WindowTree::EmbedCallback& callback);
void AttachSurface(Id window_id,
mojom::SurfaceType type,
mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::Surface> surface,
mojom::SurfaceClientPtr client);
void set_change_acked_callback(const mojo::Callback<void(void)>& callback) {
change_acked_callback_ = callback;
void ClearChangeAckedCallback() { change_acked_callback_.reset(); }
// Start/stop tracking windows. While tracked, they can be retrieved via
// WindowTreeConnection::GetWindowById.
void AddWindow(Window* window);
void RemoveWindow(Id window_id);
bool is_embed_root() const { return is_embed_root_; }
// Called after the root window's observers have been notified of destruction
// (as the last step of ~Window). This ordering ensures that the Window Server
// is torn down after the root.
void OnRootDestroyed(Window* root);
friend class WindowTreeClientImplPrivate;
using IdToWindowMap = std::map<Id, Window*>;
using InFlightMap = std::map<uint32_t, scoped_ptr<InFlightChange>>;
// Returns the oldest InFlightChange that matches |change|.
InFlightChange* GetOldestInFlightChangeMatching(const InFlightChange& change);
uint32_t ScheduleInFlightChange(scoped_ptr<InFlightChange> change);
// Returns true if there is an InFlightChange that matches |change|. If there
// is an existing change SetRevertValueFrom() is invoked on it. Returns false
// if there is no InFlightChange matching |change|.
bool ApplyServerChangeToExistingInFlightChange(const InFlightChange& change);
// OnEmbed() calls into this. Exposed as a separate function for testing.
void OnEmbedImpl(mojom::WindowTree* window_tree,
ConnectionSpecificId connection_id,
mojom::WindowDataPtr root_data,
Id focused_window_id,
uint32 access_policy);
// Overridden from WindowTreeConnection:
Window* GetRoot() override;
Window* GetWindowById(Id id) override;
Window* GetFocusedWindow() override;
Window* NewWindow(const Window::SharedProperties* properties) override;
bool IsEmbedRoot() override;
ConnectionSpecificId GetConnectionId() override;
// Overridden from WindowTreeClient:
void OnEmbed(ConnectionSpecificId connection_id,
mojom::WindowDataPtr root,
mojom::WindowTreePtr tree,
Id focused_window_id,
uint32_t access_policy) override;
void OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected(Id window_id) override;
void OnUnembed() override;
void OnWindowBoundsChanged(Id window_id,
mojo::RectPtr old_bounds,
mojo::RectPtr new_bounds) override;
void OnClientAreaChanged(uint32_t window_id,
mojo::InsetsPtr old_client_area,
mojo::InsetsPtr new_client_area) override;
void OnTransientWindowAdded(uint32_t window_id,
uint32_t transient_window_id) override;
void OnTransientWindowRemoved(uint32_t window_id,
uint32_t transient_window_id) override;
void OnWindowViewportMetricsChanged(
mojom::ViewportMetricsPtr old_metrics,
mojom::ViewportMetricsPtr new_metrics) override;
void OnWindowHierarchyChanged(
Id window_id,
Id new_parent_id,
Id old_parent_id,
mojo::Array<mojom::WindowDataPtr> windows) override;
void OnWindowReordered(Id window_id,
Id relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) override;
void OnWindowDeleted(Id window_id) override;
void OnWindowVisibilityChanged(Id window_id, bool visible) override;
void OnWindowDrawnStateChanged(Id window_id, bool drawn) override;
void OnWindowSharedPropertyChanged(Id window_id,
const mojo::String& name,
mojo::Array<uint8_t> new_data) override;
void OnWindowInputEvent(Id window_id,
mojom::EventPtr event,
const mojo::Callback<void()>& callback) override;
void OnWindowFocused(Id focused_window_id) override;
void OnChangeCompleted(uint32_t change_id, bool success) override;
void WmSetBounds(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
mojo::RectPtr transit_bounds) override;
void WmSetProperty(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const mojo::String& name,
mojo::Array<uint8_t> transit_data) override;
void OnActionCompleted(bool success);
mojo::Callback<void(bool)> ActionCompletedCallback();
// This is set once and only once when we get OnEmbed(). It gives the unique
// id for this connection.
ConnectionSpecificId connection_id_;
// Id assigned to the next window created.
ConnectionSpecificId next_window_id_;
// Id used for the next change id supplied to the server.
uint32_t next_change_id_;
InFlightMap in_flight_map_;
mojo::Callback<void(void)> change_acked_callback_;
WindowTreeDelegate* delegate_;
WindowManagerDelegate* window_manager_delegate_;
Window* root_;
IdToWindowMap windows_;
Window* focused_window_;
mojo::Binding<WindowTreeClient> binding_;
mojom::WindowTreePtr tree_ptr_;
// Typically this is the value contained in |tree_ptr_|, but tests may
// directly set this.
mojom::WindowTree* tree_;
bool is_embed_root_;
bool in_destructor_;
} // namespace mus