blob: ceaad2fc77f82a2351f2056eed2393e08e066f37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/account_consistency_method.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_buildflags.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content_settings {
class CookieSettings;
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
namespace signin {
// Profile mode flags.
enum ProfileMode {
// Incognito mode disabled by enterprise policy or by parental controls.
// Adding account disabled in the Android-for-EDU mode and for child accounts.
extern const char kChromeConnectedHeader[];
extern const char kDiceRequestHeader[];
extern const char kDiceResponseHeader[];
// The ServiceType specified by Gaia in the response header accompanying the 204
// response. This indicates the action Chrome is supposed to lead the user to
// perform.
enum GAIAServiceType {
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_NONE = 0, // No Gaia response header.
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_SIGNOUT, // Logout all existing sessions.
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_INCOGNITO, // Open an incognito tab.
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_ADDSESSION, // Add a secondary account.
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_REAUTH, // Re-authenticate an account.
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_SIGNUP, // Create a new account.
GAIA_SERVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT, // All other cases.
enum class DiceAction {
SIGNIN, // Sign in an account.
SIGNOUT, // Sign out of all sessions.
ENABLE_SYNC // Enable Sync on a signed-in account.
// Struct describing the parameters received in the manage account header.
struct ManageAccountsParams {
// The requested service type such as "ADDSESSION".
GAIAServiceType service_type;
// The prefilled email.
std::string email;
// Whether |email| is a saml account.
bool is_saml;
// The continue URL after the requested service is completed successfully.
// Defaults to the current URL if empty.
std::string continue_url;
// Whether the continue URL should be loaded in the same tab.
bool is_same_tab;
ManageAccountsParams(const ManageAccountsParams& other);
// Struct describing the parameters received in the Dice response header.
struct DiceResponseParams {
struct AccountInfo {
AccountInfo(const std::string& gaia_id,
const std::string& email,
int session_index);
AccountInfo(const AccountInfo&);
// Gaia ID of the account.
std::string gaia_id;
// Email of the account.
std::string email;
// Session index for the account.
int session_index;
// Parameters for the SIGNIN action.
struct SigninInfo {
SigninInfo(const SigninInfo&);
// AccountInfo of the account signed in.
AccountInfo account_info;
// Authorization code to fetch a refresh token.
std::string authorization_code;
// Parameters for the SIGNOUT action.
struct SignoutInfo {
SignoutInfo(const SignoutInfo&);
// Account infos for the accounts signed out.
std::vector<AccountInfo> account_infos;
// Parameters for the ENABLE_SYNC action.
struct EnableSyncInfo {
EnableSyncInfo(const EnableSyncInfo&);
// AccountInfo of the account enabling Sync.
AccountInfo account_info;
DiceResponseParams& operator=(DiceResponseParams&&);
DiceAction user_intention = DiceAction::NONE;
// Populated when |user_intention| is SIGNIN.
std::unique_ptr<SigninInfo> signin_info;
// Populated when |user_intention| is SIGNOUT.
std::unique_ptr<SignoutInfo> signout_info;
// Populated when |user_intention| is ENABLE_SYNC.
std::unique_ptr<EnableSyncInfo> enable_sync_info;
class RequestAdapter {
explicit RequestAdapter(net::URLRequest* request);
virtual ~RequestAdapter();
virtual const GURL& GetUrl();
virtual bool HasHeader(const std::string& name);
virtual void RemoveRequestHeaderByName(const std::string& name);
virtual void SetExtraHeaderByName(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value);
net::URLRequest* const request_;
// Base class for managing the signin headers (Dice and Chrome-Connected).
class SigninHeaderHelper {
// Appends or remove the header to a network request if necessary.
// Returns whether the request has the request header.
bool AppendOrRemoveRequestHeader(RequestAdapter* request,
const GURL& redirect_url,
const char* header_name,
const std::string& header_value);
// Returns wether an account consistency header should be built for this
// request.
virtual bool ShouldBuildRequestHeader(
const GURL& url,
const content_settings::CookieSettings* cookie_settings) = 0;
explicit SigninHeaderHelper(const std::string& histogram_suffix);
virtual ~SigninHeaderHelper();
// Dictionary of fields in a account consistency response header.
using ResponseHeaderDictionary = std::multimap<std::string, std::string>;
// Parses the account consistency response header. Its expected format is
// "key1=value1,key2=value2,...".
static ResponseHeaderDictionary ParseAccountConsistencyResponseHeader(
const std::string& header_value);
// Returns whether the url is eligible for the request header.
virtual bool IsUrlEligibleForRequestHeader(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Returns a string that can be used as a histogram name. Its value ios
// "|histogram_name|.|histogram_suffix_|".
std::string GetSuffixedHistogramName(const std::string& histogram_name);
// Suffix to be used by the histograms recodered by this SigninHeaderHelper.
std::string histogram_suffix_;
// Returns the CHROME_CONNECTED cookie, or an empty string if it should not be
// added to the request to |url|.
std::string BuildMirrorRequestCookieIfPossible(
const GURL& url,
const std::string& account_id,
AccountConsistencyMethod account_consistency,
const content_settings::CookieSettings* cookie_settings,
int profile_mode_mask);
// Adds the mirror header to all Gaia requests from a connected profile, with
// the exception of requests from gaia webview.
// Removes the header in case it should not be transfered to a redirected url.
void AppendOrRemoveMirrorRequestHeader(
RequestAdapter* request,
const GURL& redirect_url,
const std::string& account_id,
AccountConsistencyMethod account_consistency,
const content_settings::CookieSettings* cookie_settings,
int profile_mode_mask);
// Adds the Dice to all Gaia requests from a connected profile, with the
// exception of requests from gaia webview.
// Removes the header in case it should not be transfered to a redirected url.
// Returns whether the request has the Dice request header.
bool AppendOrRemoveDiceRequestHeader(
RequestAdapter* request,
const GURL& redirect_url,
const std::string& account_id,
bool sync_enabled,
bool sync_has_auth_error,
AccountConsistencyMethod account_consistency,
const content_settings::CookieSettings* cookie_settings,
const std::string& device_id);
// Returns the parameters contained in the X-Chrome-Manage-Accounts response
// header.
ManageAccountsParams BuildManageAccountsParams(const std::string& header_value);
// Returns the parameters contained in the X-Chrome-ID-Consistency-Response
// response header.
// Returns DiceAction::NONE in case of error (such as missing or malformed
// parameters).
DiceResponseParams BuildDiceSigninResponseParams(
const std::string& header_value);
// Returns the parameters contained in the Google-Accounts-SignOut response
// header.
// Returns DiceAction::NONE in case of error (such as missing or malformed
// parameters).
DiceResponseParams BuildDiceSignoutResponseParams(
const std::string& header_value);
} // namespace signin