blob: 57b0eef043f2f536de0287ca2e4b9aa72c304eee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "crypto/ec_private_key.h"
namespace android_webview {
* Manages the token binding protocol. Token binding can be enabled/disabled
* for each browser context, however all webviews share the same browser
* context. Webview does not expose the browser context to the embedder app.
* This complicates enabling the protocol since it has to be done very early,
* while creating the url request context.
* As a solution TokenBindingManager is set as a singleton (just like its very
* similar friend cookiemanager). In future, if webview provides multiple
* browser contexts, we may move the ownership to AwBrowserContext after
* deciding how to expose the relationship between "context" and the "context
* specific settings" such as this.
class TokenBindingManager {
static TokenBindingManager* GetInstance();
// Should be called before creating the URLRequestContext (starting
// chromium). Otherwise it has no effect.
void enable_token_binding() { enabled_ = true; }
bool is_enabled() { return enabled_; }
// The callback to indicate the status for fetching the key. The first
// parameter is one of a network error code (see the underlying protocol
// implementation for more), and the second parameter is the key. The
// key is owned by the callback and be destroyed at the end of the call.
using KeyReadyCallback = base::Callback<void(int, crypto::ECPrivateKey* key)>;
using DeletionCompleteCallback = base::Callback<void(void)>;
// Retrieve (or create if not exist) the key for the given host. The callback
// is called asynchonously to indicate the status for the key creation and
// to provide the key.
// This method simply pushes the work to the right thread so see the
// underlying implementation for more details.
void GetKey(const std::string& host, KeyReadyCallback callback);
// Deletes the key for the given host. This method simply pushes the work
// to the right thread so see the underlying implementation for more details.
void DeleteKey(const std::string& host, DeletionCompleteCallback callback);
// Deletes all the keys. This method simply pushes the work
// to the right thread so see the underlying implementation for more details.
void DeleteAllKeys(DeletionCompleteCallback callback);
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<TokenBindingManager>;
~TokenBindingManager() {}
bool enabled_;
} // namespace android_webview