blob: af5c07cfd3e12f63e371344399a0fe74eb6e6d81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "android_webview/crash_reporter/aw_microdump_crash_reporter.h"
#include "android_webview/common/aw_version_info_values.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/crash/content/app/breakpad_linux.h"
#include "components/crash/content/app/crash_reporter_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
namespace android_webview {
namespace crash_reporter {
namespace {
class AwCrashReporterClient : public ::crash_reporter::CrashReporterClient {
AwCrashReporterClient() : dump_fd_(-1) {}
// Does not use lock, can only be called immediately after creation.
void set_crash_signal_fd(int fd) { dump_fd_ = fd; }
// crash_reporter::CrashReporterClient implementation.
bool IsRunningUnattended() override { return false; }
bool GetCollectStatsConsent() override { return false; }
void GetProductNameAndVersion(const char** product_name,
const char** version) override {
*product_name = "WebView";
// Microdumps are always enabled in WebView builds, conversely to what happens
// in the case of the other Chrome for Android builds (where they are enabled
// only when NO_UNWIND_TABLES == 1).
bool ShouldEnableBreakpadMicrodumps() override { return true; }
int GetAndroidMinidumpDescriptor() override { return dump_fd_; }
bool DumpWithoutCrashingToFd(int fd) {
DCHECK(dump_fd_ == -1);
base::AutoLock lock(dump_lock_);
dump_fd_ = fd;
dump_fd_ = -1;
return true;
int dump_fd_;
base::Lock dump_lock_;
base::LazyInstance<AwCrashReporterClient>::Leaky g_crash_reporter_client =
bool g_enabled = false;
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
bool SafeToUseSignalHandler() {
// On X86/64 there are binary translators that handle SIGSEGV in userspace and
// may get chained after our handler - see
// We attempt to detect this to work out when it's safe to install breakpad.
// If anything doesn't seem right we assume it's not safe.
// type and mangled name of android::NativeBridgeInitialized
typedef bool (*InitializedFunc)();
const char kInitializedSymbol[] = "_ZN7android23NativeBridgeInitializedEv";
// type and mangled name of android::NativeBridgeGetVersion
typedef uint32_t (*VersionFunc)();
const char kVersionSymbol[] = "_ZN7android22NativeBridgeGetVersionEv";
base::ScopedNativeLibrary lib_native_bridge(
if (!lib_native_bridge.is_valid()) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't load libnativebridge";
return false;
InitializedFunc NativeBridgeInitialized = reinterpret_cast<InitializedFunc>(
if (NativeBridgeInitialized == nullptr) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't tell if native bridge initialized";
return false;
if (!NativeBridgeInitialized()) {
// Native process, safe to use breakpad.
return true;
VersionFunc NativeBridgeGetVersion = reinterpret_cast<VersionFunc>(
if (NativeBridgeGetVersion == nullptr) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't get native bridge version";
return false;
uint32_t version = NativeBridgeGetVersion();
if (version >= 2) {
// Native bridge at least version 2, safe to use breakpad.
return true;
} else {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Native bridge ver=" << version << "; too low";
return false;
} // namespace
void EnableMicrodumpCrashReporter(const std::string& process_type,
int crash_signal_fd) {
if (g_enabled) {
NOTREACHED() << "EnableMicrodumpCrashReporter called more than once";
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
if (!SafeToUseSignalHandler()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Can't use breakpad to handle WebView crashes";
AwCrashReporterClient* client = g_crash_reporter_client.Pointer();
if (process_type == switches::kRendererProcess && crash_signal_fd != -1) {
g_enabled = true;
void AddGpuFingerprintToMicrodumpCrashHandler(
const std::string& gpu_fingerprint) {
bool DumpWithoutCrashingToFd(int fd) {
return g_crash_reporter_client.Pointer()->DumpWithoutCrashingToFd(fd);
} // namespace crash_reporter
} // namespace android_webview