blob: ab5b9d50900d3811d01bc97d887b58ccc7923640 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/frame/header_painter_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace {
// Radius of the header's top corners when the window is restored.
const int kTopCornerRadiusWhenRestored = 2;
// Distance between left edge of the window and the leftmost view.
const int kLeftViewXInset = 9;
// Space between the title text and the caption buttons.
const int kTitleCaptionButtonSpacing = 5;
// Space between window icon and title text.
const int kTitleIconOffsetX = 5;
// Space between window edge and title text, when there is no icon.
const int kTitleNoIconOffsetX = 8;
// In the pre-Ash era the web content area had a frame along the left edge, so
// user-generated theme images for the new tab page assume they are shifted
// right relative to the header. Now that we have removed the left edge frame
// we need to copy the theme image for the window header from a few pixels
// inset to preserve alignment with the NTP image, or else we'll break a bunch
// of existing themes. We do something similar on OS X for the same reason.
const int kThemeFrameImageInsetX = 5;
} // namespace
namespace ash {
// static
int HeaderPainterUtil::GetTopCornerRadiusWhenRestored() {
return kTopCornerRadiusWhenRestored;
// static
int HeaderPainterUtil::GetLeftViewXInset() {
return kLeftViewXInset;
// static
int HeaderPainterUtil::GetThemeBackgroundXInset() {
return kThemeFrameImageInsetX;
// static
gfx::Rect HeaderPainterUtil::GetTitleBounds(
const views::View* left_view,
const views::View* right_view,
const gfx::FontList& title_font_list) {
int x = left_view ? left_view->bounds().right() + kTitleIconOffsetX
: kTitleNoIconOffsetX;
int height = title_font_list.GetHeight();
// Floor when computing the center of |caption_button_container| and when
// computing the center of the text.
int y = std::max(0, (right_view->height() / 2) - (height / 2));
int width = std::max(0, right_view->x() - kTitleCaptionButtonSpacing - x);
return gfx::Rect(x, y, width, height);
// static
bool HeaderPainterUtil::CanAnimateActivation(views::Widget* widget) {
// Do not animate the header if the parent (e.g.
// kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer) is already animating. All of the
// implementers of HeaderPainter animate activation by continuously painting
// during the animation. This gives the parent's animation a slower frame
// rate.
// TODO(sky): Expose a better way to determine this rather than assuming the
// parent is a toplevel container.
aura::Window* window = widget->GetNativeWindow();
if (!window->parent())
return true;
ui::LayerAnimator* parent_layer_animator =
return !parent_layer_animator->IsAnimatingProperty(
ui::LayerAnimationElement::OPACITY) &&
} // namespace ash