blob: 86bc6581de31e99fc3d73299ed57783a4e62dd55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/input/scroll_state_data.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d.h"
namespace cc {
class LayerTreeImpl;
// ScrollState is based on the proposal for scroll customization in blink, found
// here:
class CC_EXPORT ScrollState {
explicit ScrollState(ScrollStateData data);
ScrollState(const ScrollState& other);
// Reduce deltas by x, y.
void ConsumeDelta(double x, double y);
// Pops the first layer off of |scroll_chain_| and calls
// |DistributeScroll| on it.
void DistributeToScrollChainDescendant();
// Positive when scrolling right.
double delta_x() const { return data_.delta_x; }
// Positive when scrolling down.
double delta_y() const { return data_.delta_y; }
// The location associated with this scroll update. For touch, this is the
// position of the finger. For mouse, the location of the cursor.
int position_x() const { return data_.position_x; }
int position_y() const { return data_.position_y; }
double velocity_x() const { return data_.velocity_x; }
double velocity_y() const { return data_.velocity_y; }
bool is_beginning() const { return data_.is_beginning; }
void set_is_beginning(bool is_beginning) {
data_.is_beginning = is_beginning;
bool is_in_inertial_phase() const { return data_.is_in_inertial_phase; }
void set_is_in_inertial_phase(bool is_in_inertial_phase) {
data_.is_in_inertial_phase = is_in_inertial_phase;
bool is_ending() const { return data_.is_ending; }
void set_is_ending(bool is_ending) { data_.is_ending = is_ending; }
// True if this scroll is allowed to bubble upwards.
bool should_propagate() const { return data_.should_propagate; }
// True if the user interacts directly with the screen, e.g., via touch.
bool is_direct_manipulation() const { return data_.is_direct_manipulation; }
void set_is_direct_manipulation(bool is_direct_manipulation) {
data_.is_direct_manipulation = is_direct_manipulation;
void set_scroll_chain_and_layer_tree(
const std::list<const ScrollNode*>& scroll_chain,
LayerTreeImpl* layer_tree_impl) {
layer_tree_impl_ = layer_tree_impl;
scroll_chain_ = scroll_chain;
void set_current_native_scrolling_node(ScrollNode* scroll_node) {
ScrollNode* current_native_scrolling_node() const {
return data_.current_native_scrolling_node();
bool delta_consumed_for_scroll_sequence() const {
return data_.delta_consumed_for_scroll_sequence;
void set_delta_consumed_for_scroll_sequence(bool delta_consumed) {
data_.delta_consumed_for_scroll_sequence = delta_consumed;
bool FullyConsumed() const { return !data_.delta_x && !data_.delta_y; }
void set_caused_scroll(bool x, bool y) {
data_.caused_scroll_x |= x;
data_.caused_scroll_y |= y;
bool caused_scroll_x() const { return data_.caused_scroll_x; }
bool caused_scroll_y() const { return data_.caused_scroll_y; }
LayerTreeImpl* layer_tree_impl() { return layer_tree_impl_; }
ScrollStateData* data() { return &data_; }
ScrollStateData data_;
LayerTreeImpl* layer_tree_impl_;
std::list<const ScrollNode*> scroll_chain_;
} // namespace cc