blob: 0a8a51f08d7c911d6c1594b1623ae74ad5a9fe43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "cc/output/begin_frame_args.h"
#include "cc/scheduler/delay_based_time_source.h"
namespace cc {
// (Pure) Interface for observing BeginFrame messages from BeginFrameSource
// objects.
class CC_EXPORT BeginFrameObserver {
virtual ~BeginFrameObserver() {}
// The |args| given to OnBeginFrame is guaranteed to have
// |args|.IsValid()==true and have |args|.frame_time
// field be strictly greater than the previous call.
// Side effects: This function can (and most of the time *will*) change the
// return value of the LastUsedBeginFrameArgs method. See the documentation
// on that method for more information.
virtual void OnBeginFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args) = 0;
// Returns the last BeginFrameArgs used by the observer. This method's return
// value is affected by the OnBeginFrame method!
// - Before the first call of OnBeginFrame, this method should return a
// BeginFrameArgs on which IsValid() returns false.
// - If the |args| passed to OnBeginFrame is (or *will be*) used, then
// LastUsedBeginFrameArgs return value should become the |args| given to
// OnBeginFrame.
// - If the |args| passed to OnBeginFrame is dropped, then
// LastUsedBeginFrameArgs return value should *not* change.
// These requirements are designed to allow chaining and nesting of
// BeginFrameObservers which filter the incoming BeginFrame messages while
// preventing "double dropping" and other bad side effects.
virtual const BeginFrameArgs& LastUsedBeginFrameArgs() const = 0;
virtual void OnBeginFrameSourcePausedChanged(bool paused) = 0;
// Simple base class which implements a BeginFrameObserver which checks the
// incoming values meet the BeginFrameObserver requirements and implements the
// required LastUsedBeginFrameArgs behaviour.
// Users of this class should;
// - Implement the OnBeginFrameDerivedImpl function.
// - Recommended (but not required) to call
// BeginFrameObserverBase::OnValueInto in their overridden OnValueInto
// function.
class CC_EXPORT BeginFrameObserverBase : public BeginFrameObserver {
// BeginFrameObserver
// Traces |args| and DCHECK |args| satisfies pre-conditions then calls
// OnBeginFrameDerivedImpl and updates the last_begin_frame_args_ value on
// true.
void OnBeginFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args) override;
const BeginFrameArgs& LastUsedBeginFrameArgs() const override;
// Subclasses should override this method!
// Return true if the given argument is (or will be) used.
virtual bool OnBeginFrameDerivedImpl(const BeginFrameArgs& args) = 0;
BeginFrameArgs last_begin_frame_args_;
int64_t dropped_begin_frame_args_;
// Interface for a class which produces BeginFrame calls to a
// BeginFrameObserver.
// BeginFrame calls *normally* occur just after a vsync interrupt when input
// processing has been finished and provide information about the time values
// of the vsync times. *However*, these values can be heavily modified or even
// plain made up (when no vsync signal is available or vsync throttling is
// turned off). See the BeginFrameObserver for information about the guarantees
// all BeginFrameSources *must* provide.
class CC_EXPORT BeginFrameSource {
virtual ~BeginFrameSource() {}
// DidFinishFrame provides back pressure to a frame source about frame
// processing (rather than toggling SetNeedsBeginFrames every frame). It is
// used by systems like the BackToBackFrameSource to make sure only one frame
// is pending at a time.
virtual void DidFinishFrame(BeginFrameObserver* obs,
size_t remaining_frames) = 0;
// Add/Remove an observer from the source. When no observers are added the BFS
// should shut down its timers, disable vsync, etc.
virtual void AddObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) = 0;
// A BeginFrameSource that does nothing.
class StubBeginFrameSource : public BeginFrameSource {
void DidFinishFrame(BeginFrameObserver* obs,
size_t remaining_frames) override {}
void AddObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) override {}
void RemoveObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) override {}
// A frame source which ticks itself independently.
class CC_EXPORT SyntheticBeginFrameSource : public BeginFrameSource {
~SyntheticBeginFrameSource() override;
virtual void OnUpdateVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
base::TimeDelta interval) = 0;
// This overrides any past or future interval from updating vsync parameters.
virtual void SetAuthoritativeVSyncInterval(base::TimeDelta interval) = 0;
// A frame source which calls BeginFrame (at the next possible time) as soon as
// remaining frames reaches zero.
class CC_EXPORT BackToBackBeginFrameSource : public SyntheticBeginFrameSource,
public DelayBasedTimeSourceClient {
explicit BackToBackBeginFrameSource(
std::unique_ptr<DelayBasedTimeSource> time_source);
~BackToBackBeginFrameSource() override;
// BeginFrameSource implementation.
void AddObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) override;
void RemoveObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) override;
void DidFinishFrame(BeginFrameObserver* obs,
size_t remaining_frames) override;
// SyntheticBeginFrameSource implementation.
void OnUpdateVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
base::TimeDelta interval) override {}
void SetAuthoritativeVSyncInterval(base::TimeDelta interval) override {}
// DelayBasedTimeSourceClient implementation.
void OnTimerTick() override;
std::unique_ptr<DelayBasedTimeSource> time_source_;
std::unordered_set<BeginFrameObserver*> observers_;
std::unordered_set<BeginFrameObserver*> pending_begin_frame_observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BackToBackBeginFrameSource> weak_factory_;
// A frame source which is locked to an external parameters provides from a
// vsync source and generates BeginFrameArgs for it.
class CC_EXPORT DelayBasedBeginFrameSource : public SyntheticBeginFrameSource,
public DelayBasedTimeSourceClient {
explicit DelayBasedBeginFrameSource(
std::unique_ptr<DelayBasedTimeSource> time_source);
~DelayBasedBeginFrameSource() override;
// BeginFrameSource implementation.
void AddObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) override;
void RemoveObserver(BeginFrameObserver* obs) override;
void DidFinishFrame(BeginFrameObserver* obs,
size_t remaining_frames) override {}
// SyntheticBeginFrameSource implementation.
void OnUpdateVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
base::TimeDelta interval) override;
void SetAuthoritativeVSyncInterval(base::TimeDelta interval) override;
// DelayBasedTimeSourceClient implementation.
void OnTimerTick() override;
BeginFrameArgs CreateBeginFrameArgs(base::TimeTicks frame_time,
BeginFrameArgs::BeginFrameArgsType type);
std::unique_ptr<DelayBasedTimeSource> time_source_;
std::unordered_set<BeginFrameObserver*> observers_;
base::TimeTicks last_timebase_;
base::TimeDelta authoritative_interval_;
} // namespace cc