blob: ce45a90f81664c1e2002564c5e18157b7010768e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "cc/surfaces/surface_id.h"
#include "cc/surfaces/surfaces_export.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Transform;
namespace cc {
class DrawQuad;
class QuadList;
class RenderPass;
class RenderPassId;
class SurfaceHittestDelegate;
class SurfaceManager;
// Performs a hittest in surface quads.
class CC_SURFACES_EXPORT SurfaceHittest {
SurfaceHittest(SurfaceHittestDelegate* delegate, SurfaceManager* manager);
// Returns the target surface that falls underneath the provided |point|.
// Also returns the |transform| to convert the |point| to the target surface's
// space.
SurfaceId GetTargetSurfaceAtPoint(SurfaceId root_surface_id,
const gfx::Point& point,
gfx::Transform* transform);
// Returns whether the target surface falls inside the provide root surface.
// Returns the |transform| to convert points from the root surface coordinate
// space to the target surface coordinate space.
bool GetTransformToTargetSurface(SurfaceId root_surface_id,
SurfaceId target_surface_id,
gfx::Transform* transform);
bool GetTargetSurfaceAtPointInternal(
SurfaceId surface_id,
const RenderPassId& render_pass_id,
const gfx::Point& point_in_root_target,
std::set<const RenderPass*>* referenced_passes,
SurfaceId* out_surface_id,
gfx::Transform* out_transform);
bool GetTransformToTargetSurfaceInternal(
SurfaceId root_surface_id,
SurfaceId target_surface_id,
const RenderPassId& render_pass_id,
std::set<const RenderPass*>* referenced_passes,
gfx::Transform* out_transform);
const RenderPass* GetRenderPassForSurfaceById(
SurfaceId surface_id,
const RenderPassId& render_pass_id);
bool PointInQuad(const DrawQuad* quad,
const gfx::Point& point_in_render_pass_space,
gfx::Transform* target_to_quad_transform,
gfx::Point* point_in_quad_space);
SurfaceHittestDelegate* const delegate_;
SurfaceManager* const manager_;
} // namespace cc