blob: ce69a7dcdefbfa5b82269ccf94d46e5e0df74fd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "cc/base/unique_notifier.h"
#include "cc/playback/raster_source.h"
#include "cc/raster/raster_buffer_provider.h"
#include "cc/resources/memory_history.h"
#include "cc/resources/resource_pool.h"
#include "cc/tiles/eviction_tile_priority_queue.h"
#include "cc/tiles/image_decode_controller.h"
#include "cc/tiles/raster_tile_priority_queue.h"
#include "cc/tiles/tile.h"
#include "cc/tiles/tile_draw_info.h"
#include "cc/tiles/tile_task_manager.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class ConvertableToTraceFormat;
class TracedValue;
namespace cc {
class PictureLayerImpl;
class ResourceProvider;
class CC_EXPORT TileManagerClient {
// Called when all tiles marked as required for activation are ready to draw.
virtual void NotifyReadyToActivate() = 0;
// Called when all tiles marked as required for draw are ready to draw.
virtual void NotifyReadyToDraw() = 0;
// Called when all tile tasks started by the most recent call to PrepareTiles
// are completed.
virtual void NotifyAllTileTasksCompleted() = 0;
// Called when the visible representation of a tile might have changed. Some
// examples are:
// - Tile version initialized.
// - Tile resources freed.
// - Tile marked for on-demand raster.
virtual void NotifyTileStateChanged(const Tile* tile) = 0;
// Given an empty raster tile priority queue, this will build a priority queue
// that will return tiles in order in which they should be rasterized.
// Note if the queue was previous built, Reset must be called on it.
virtual std::unique_ptr<RasterTilePriorityQueue> BuildRasterQueue(
TreePriority tree_priority,
RasterTilePriorityQueue::Type type) = 0;
// Given an empty eviction tile priority queue, this will build a priority
// queue that will return tiles in order in which they should be evicted.
// Note if the queue was previous built, Reset must be called on it.
virtual std::unique_ptr<EvictionTilePriorityQueue> BuildEvictionQueue(
TreePriority tree_priority) = 0;
// Informs the client that due to the currently rasterizing (or scheduled to
// be rasterized) tiles, we will be in a position that will likely require a
// draw. This can be used to preemptively start a frame.
virtual void SetIsLikelyToRequireADraw(bool is_likely_to_require_a_draw) = 0;
virtual ~TileManagerClient() {}
struct RasterTaskCompletionStats {
size_t completed_count;
size_t canceled_count;
RasterTaskCompletionStatsAsValue(const RasterTaskCompletionStats& stats);
// This class manages tiles, deciding which should get rasterized and which
// should no longer have any memory assigned to them. Tile objects are "owned"
// by layers; they automatically register with the manager when they are
// created, and unregister from the manager when they are deleted.
class CC_EXPORT TileManager {
TileManager(TileManagerClient* client,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner,
size_t scheduled_raster_task_limit,
bool use_partial_raster,
int max_preraster_distance_in_screen_pixels);
virtual ~TileManager();
// Assigns tile memory and schedules work to prepare tiles for drawing.
// - Runs client_->NotifyReadyToActivate() when all tiles required for
// activation are prepared, or failed to prepare due to OOM.
// - Runs client_->NotifyReadyToDraw() when all tiles required draw are
// prepared, or failed to prepare due to OOM.
bool PrepareTiles(const GlobalStateThatImpactsTilePriority& state);
// Synchronously finish any in progress work, cancel the rest, and clean up as
// much resources as possible. Also, prevents any future work until a
// SetResources call.
void FinishTasksAndCleanUp();
// Set the new given resource pool and tile task runner. Note that
// FinishTasksAndCleanUp must be called in between consecutive calls to
// SetResources.
void SetResources(ResourcePool* resource_pool,
ImageDecodeController* image_decode_controller,
TileTaskManager* tile_task_manager,
RasterBufferProvider* raster_buffer_provider,
size_t scheduled_raster_task_limit,
bool use_gpu_rasterization);
// This causes any completed raster work to finalize, so that tiles get up to
// date draw information.
void Flush();
ScopedTilePtr CreateTile(const Tile::CreateInfo& info,
int layer_id,
int source_frame_number,
int flags);
bool IsReadyToActivate() const;
bool IsReadyToDraw() const;
BasicStateAsValue() const;
void BasicStateAsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* dict) const;
const MemoryHistory::Entry& memory_stats_from_last_assign() const {
return memory_stats_from_last_assign_;
// Public methods for testing.
void InitializeTilesWithResourcesForTesting(const std::vector<Tile*>& tiles) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < tiles.size(); ++i) {
TileDrawInfo& draw_info = tiles[i]->draw_info();
draw_info.resource_ = resource_pool_->AcquireResource(
void ReleaseTileResourcesForTesting(const std::vector<Tile*>& tiles) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < tiles.size(); ++i) {
Tile* tile = tiles[i];
void SetGlobalStateForTesting(
const GlobalStateThatImpactsTilePriority& state) {
global_state_ = state;
void SetTileTaskManagerForTesting(TileTaskManager* tile_task_manager);
void SetRasterBufferProviderForTesting(
RasterBufferProvider* raster_buffer_provider);
void FreeResourcesAndCleanUpReleasedTilesForTesting() {
std::vector<Tile*> AllTilesForTesting() const {
std::vector<Tile*> tiles;
for (auto& tile_pair : tiles_)
return tiles;
void SetScheduledRasterTaskLimitForTesting(size_t limit) {
scheduled_raster_task_limit_ = limit;
void CheckIfMoreTilesNeedToBePreparedForTesting() {
void SetMoreTilesNeedToBeRasterizedForTesting() {
all_tiles_that_need_to_be_rasterized_are_scheduled_ = false;
bool HasScheduledTileTasksForTesting() const {
return has_scheduled_tile_tasks_;
void OnRasterTaskCompleted(std::unique_ptr<RasterBuffer> raster_buffer,
Tile* tile,
Resource* resource,
bool was_canceled);
void FreeResourcesForReleasedTiles();
void CleanUpReleasedTiles();
friend class Tile;
// Virtual for testing.
virtual void Release(Tile* tile);
Tile::Id GetUniqueTileId() { return ++next_tile_id_; }
class MemoryUsage {
MemoryUsage(size_t memory_bytes, size_t resource_count);
static MemoryUsage FromConfig(const gfx::Size& size, ResourceFormat format);
static MemoryUsage FromTile(const Tile* tile);
MemoryUsage& operator+=(const MemoryUsage& other);
MemoryUsage& operator-=(const MemoryUsage& other);
MemoryUsage operator-(const MemoryUsage& other);
bool Exceeds(const MemoryUsage& limit) const;
int64_t memory_bytes() const { return memory_bytes_; }
int64_t memory_bytes_;
int resource_count_;
struct Signals {
void reset();
bool ready_to_activate;
bool did_notify_ready_to_activate;
bool ready_to_draw;
bool did_notify_ready_to_draw;
bool all_tile_tasks_completed;
bool did_notify_all_tile_tasks_completed;
struct PrioritizedWorkToSchedule {
PrioritizedWorkToSchedule(PrioritizedWorkToSchedule&& other);
std::vector<PrioritizedTile> tiles_to_raster;
std::vector<PrioritizedTile> tiles_to_process_for_images;
void FreeResourcesForTile(Tile* tile);
void FreeResourcesForTileAndNotifyClientIfTileWasReadyToDraw(Tile* tile);
scoped_refptr<TileTask> CreateRasterTask(
const PrioritizedTile& prioritized_tile);
std::unique_ptr<EvictionTilePriorityQueue> eviction_priority_queue,
const MemoryUsage& limit,
MemoryUsage* usage);
std::unique_ptr<EvictionTilePriorityQueue> eviction_priority_queue,
const MemoryUsage& limit,
const TilePriority& oother_priority,
MemoryUsage* usage);
bool TilePriorityViolatesMemoryPolicy(const TilePriority& priority);
bool AreRequiredTilesReadyToDraw(RasterTilePriorityQueue::Type type) const;
void CheckIfMoreTilesNeedToBePrepared();
void CheckAndIssueSignals();
bool MarkTilesOutOfMemory(
std::unique_ptr<RasterTilePriorityQueue> queue) const;
ResourceFormat DetermineResourceFormat(const Tile* tile) const;
bool DetermineResourceRequiresSwizzle(const Tile* tile) const;
void DidFinishRunningTileTasksRequiredForActivation();
void DidFinishRunningTileTasksRequiredForDraw();
void DidFinishRunningAllTileTasks();
scoped_refptr<TileTask> CreateTaskSetFinishedTask(
void (TileManager::*callback)());
PrioritizedWorkToSchedule AssignGpuMemoryToTiles();
void ScheduleTasks(const PrioritizedWorkToSchedule& work_to_schedule);
ScheduledTasksStateAsValue() const;
bool UsePartialRaster() const;
TileManagerClient* client_;
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner_;
ResourcePool* resource_pool_;
TileTaskManager* tile_task_manager_;
RasterBufferProvider* raster_buffer_provider_;
GlobalStateThatImpactsTilePriority global_state_;
size_t scheduled_raster_task_limit_;
const bool use_partial_raster_;
bool use_gpu_rasterization_;
std::unordered_map<Tile::Id, Tile*> tiles_;
bool all_tiles_that_need_to_be_rasterized_are_scheduled_;
MemoryHistory::Entry memory_stats_from_last_assign_;
bool did_check_for_completed_tasks_since_last_schedule_tasks_;
bool did_oom_on_last_assign_;
ImageDecodeController* image_decode_controller_;
RasterTaskCompletionStats flush_stats_;
std::vector<Tile*> released_tiles_;
std::vector<scoped_refptr<TileTask>> orphan_tasks_;
TaskGraph graph_;
scoped_refptr<TileTask> required_for_activation_done_task_;
scoped_refptr<TileTask> required_for_draw_done_task_;
scoped_refptr<TileTask> all_done_task_;
UniqueNotifier more_tiles_need_prepare_check_notifier_;
Signals signals_;
UniqueNotifier signals_check_notifier_;
bool has_scheduled_tile_tasks_;
uint64_t prepare_tiles_count_;
uint64_t next_tile_id_;
std::unordered_map<Tile::Id, std::vector<DrawImage>> scheduled_draw_images_;
const int max_preraster_distance_in_screen_pixels_;
std::vector<std::pair<DrawImage, scoped_refptr<TileTask>>> locked_images_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TileManager> task_set_finished_weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace cc