blob: f40fe89c9e19e3803e56537182286dcf46745621 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/input/top_controls_state.h"
#include "cc/output/output_surface.h"
#include "cc/output/renderer_capabilities.h"
#include "cc/trees/channel_main.h"
#include "cc/trees/proxy.h"
#include "cc/trees/proxy_common.h"
#include "cc/trees/remote_proto_channel.h"
namespace cc {
class AnimationEvents;
class BeginFrameSource;
class ChannelMain;
class LayerTreeHost;
class LayerTreeMutator;
// This class aggregates all interactions that the impl side of the compositor
// needs to have with the main side.
// The class is created and lives on the main thread.
class CC_EXPORT ProxyMain : public Proxy {
static std::unique_ptr<ProxyMain> CreateThreaded(
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider);
static std::unique_ptr<ProxyMain> CreateRemote(
RemoteProtoChannel* remote_proto_channel,
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider);
~ProxyMain() override;
// Commits between the main and impl threads are processed through a pipeline
// with the following stages. For efficiency we can early out at any stage if
// we decide that no further processing is necessary.
enum CommitPipelineStage {
// Virtual for testing.
virtual void DidCompleteSwapBuffers();
virtual void SetRendererCapabilities(
const RendererCapabilities& capabilities);
virtual void BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon();
virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame();
virtual void SetAnimationEvents(std::unique_ptr<AnimationEvents> events);
virtual void DidLoseOutputSurface();
virtual void RequestNewOutputSurface();
virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(
bool success,
const RendererCapabilities& capabilities);
virtual void DidCompletePageScaleAnimation();
virtual void BeginMainFrame(
std::unique_ptr<BeginMainFrameAndCommitState> begin_main_frame_state);
ChannelMain* channel_main() const { return channel_main_.get(); }
CommitPipelineStage max_requested_pipeline_stage() const {
return max_requested_pipeline_stage_;
CommitPipelineStage current_pipeline_stage() const {
return current_pipeline_stage_;
CommitPipelineStage final_pipeline_stage() const {
return final_pipeline_stage_;
ProxyMain(LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider);
friend class ProxyMainForTest;
// Proxy implementation.
void FinishAllRendering() override;
bool IsStarted() const override;
bool CommitToActiveTree() const override;
void SetOutputSurface(OutputSurface* output_surface) override;
void SetVisible(bool visible) override;
const RendererCapabilities& GetRendererCapabilities() const override;
void SetNeedsAnimate() override;
void SetNeedsUpdateLayers() override;
void SetNeedsCommit() override;
void SetNeedsRedraw(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) override;
void SetNextCommitWaitsForActivation() override;
void NotifyInputThrottledUntilCommit() override;
void SetDeferCommits(bool defer_commits) override;
bool CommitRequested() const override;
bool BeginMainFrameRequested() const override;
void MainThreadHasStoppedFlinging() override;
void Start(
std::unique_ptr<BeginFrameSource> external_begin_frame_source) override;
void Stop() override;
bool SupportsImplScrolling() const override;
void SetMutator(std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeMutator> mutator) override;
bool MainFrameWillHappenForTesting() override;
void ReleaseOutputSurface() override;
void UpdateTopControlsState(TopControlsState constraints,
TopControlsState current,
bool animate) override;
// This sets the channel used by ProxyMain to communicate with ProxyImpl.
void SetChannel(std::unique_ptr<ChannelMain> channel_main);
// Returns |true| if the request was actually sent, |false| if one was
// already outstanding.
bool SendCommitRequestToImplThreadIfNeeded(
CommitPipelineStage required_stage);
bool IsMainThread() const;
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host_;
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider_;
const int layer_tree_host_id_;
// The furthest pipeline stage which has been requested for the next
// commit.
CommitPipelineStage max_requested_pipeline_stage_;
// The commit pipeline stage that is currently being processed.
CommitPipelineStage current_pipeline_stage_;
// The commit pipeline stage at which processing for the current commit
// will stop. Only valid while we are executing the pipeline (i.e.,
// |current_pipeline_stage| is set to a pipeline stage).
CommitPipelineStage final_pipeline_stage_;
bool commit_waits_for_activation_;
// Set when the Proxy is started using Proxy::Start() and reset when it is
// stopped using Proxy::Stop().
bool started_;
bool defer_commits_;
RendererCapabilities renderer_capabilities_;
std::unique_ptr<ChannelMain> channel_main_;
} // namespace cc