blob: ffbbcc9f2ebc2d124c51d409d72647179cdc2d4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/trees/channel_impl.h"
#include "cc/trees/channel_main.h"
#include "cc/trees/proxy_common.h"
#include "cc/trees/proxy_impl.h"
#include "cc/trees/proxy_main.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace cc {
class ChannelImpl;
class ChannelMain;
class LayerTreeHost;
class ProxyImpl;
class ProxyMain;
// An implementation of ChannelMain and ChannelImpl that sends commands between
// ProxyMain and ProxyImpl across thread boundaries.
// LayerTreeHost creates ThreadedChannel and passes the ownership to ProxyMain.
// The object life cycle and communication across threads is as follows:
// Main Thread | Impl Thread
// LayerTreeHost->InitializeProxy |
// | |
// ProxyMain->Start() |
// | ThreadedChannel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChannelMain::SynchronouslyInitializeImpl ---PostTask---> ThreadedChannel::
// InitializeImplOnImpl
// |
// ProxyImpl::Create
// |
// ProxyImpl->Initialize()
// .
// .
// ProxyImpl::ScheduledActionBegin
// OutputSurfaceCreation
// |
// ChannelImpl::RequestNewOutputSurface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |
// ProxyMain->RequestNewOutputSurface()<----PostTask--------
// .
// .
// ProxyMain->Stop()
// |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChannelMain::SynchronouslyCloseImpl ---PostTask---> ThreadedChannel::
// CloseImplOnImpl
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ThreadedChannel is created and destroyed on the main thread but can be
// called from main or impl thread. It is safe for the Threadedchannel to be
// called on the impl thread because:
// 1) The only impl-threaded callers of ThreadedChannel are the ThreadedChannel
// itself and ProxyImpl which is created and owned by the ThreadedChannel.
// 2) ThreadedChannel blocks the main thread in
// ThreadedChannel::SynchronouslyCloseImpl to wait for the impl-thread teardown
// to complete, so there is no risk of any queued tasks calling it on the impl
// thread after it has been deleted on the main thread.
class CC_EXPORT ThreadedChannel : public ChannelMain, public ChannelImpl {
static std::unique_ptr<ThreadedChannel> Create(
ProxyMain* proxy_main,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider);
~ThreadedChannel() override;
// ChannelMain Implementation
void UpdateTopControlsStateOnImpl(TopControlsState constraints,
TopControlsState current,
bool animate) override;
void InitializeOutputSurfaceOnImpl(OutputSurface* output_surface) override;
void InitializeMutatorOnImpl(
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeMutator> mutator) override;
void MainThreadHasStoppedFlingingOnImpl() override;
void SetInputThrottledUntilCommitOnImpl(bool is_throttled) override;
void SetDeferCommitsOnImpl(bool defer_commits) override;
void SetNeedsCommitOnImpl() override;
void BeginMainFrameAbortedOnImpl(
CommitEarlyOutReason reason,
base::TimeTicks main_thread_start_time) override;
void SetNeedsRedrawOnImpl(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) override;
void SetVisibleOnImpl(bool visible) override;
// Blocking calls to ProxyImpl
void FinishAllRenderingOnImpl(CompletionEvent* completion) override;
void ReleaseOutputSurfaceOnImpl(CompletionEvent* completion) override;
void MainFrameWillHappenOnImplForTesting(
CompletionEvent* completion,
bool* main_frame_will_happen) override;
void StartCommitOnImpl(CompletionEvent* completion,
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
base::TimeTicks main_thread_start_time,
bool hold_commit_for_activation) override;
void SynchronouslyInitializeImpl(
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
std::unique_ptr<BeginFrameSource> external_begin_frame_source) override;
void SynchronouslyCloseImpl() override;
// ChannelImpl Implementation
void DidCompleteSwapBuffers() override;
void SetRendererCapabilitiesMainCopy(
const RendererCapabilities& capabilities) override;
void BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon() override;
void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() override;
void SetAnimationEvents(std::unique_ptr<AnimationEvents> events) override;
void DidLoseOutputSurface() override;
void RequestNewOutputSurface() override;
void DidInitializeOutputSurface(
bool success,
const RendererCapabilities& capabilities) override;
void DidCompletePageScaleAnimation() override;
void BeginMainFrame(std::unique_ptr<BeginMainFrameAndCommitState>
begin_main_frame_state) override;
ThreadedChannel(ProxyMain* proxy_main,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider);
// Virtual for testing.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ProxyImpl> CreateProxyImpl(
ChannelImpl* channel_impl,
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider,
std::unique_ptr<BeginFrameSource> external_begin_frame_source);
// The members of this struct should be accessed on the main thread only.
struct MainThreadOnly {
explicit MainThreadOnly(ProxyMain* proxy_main);
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProxyMain> proxy_main_weak_factory;
bool initialized;
// The members of this struct should be accessed on the impl thread only.
struct CompositorThreadOnly {
explicit CompositorThreadOnly(base::WeakPtr<ProxyMain> proxy_main_weak_ptr);
std::unique_ptr<ProxyImpl> proxy_impl;
// We use a unique_ptr for the weak ptr factory here since the factory is
// created after ProxyImpl is created in InitializeImplOnImpl. Since the
// weak ptrs are needed only by the ThreadedChannel to safely post tasks on
// ProxyImpl to be run on the impl thread, we avoid creating it in ProxyImpl
// and ensure that it is destroyed before ProxyImpl during the impl-thread
// tear down in CloseImplOnImpl.
std::unique_ptr<base::WeakPtrFactory<ProxyImpl>> proxy_impl_weak_factory;
// Used on the impl thread to queue calls to ProxyMain to be run on the main
// thread. Since the weak pointer is invalidated after the impl-thread tear
// down in SynchronouslyCloseImpl, this ensures that any tasks posted to
// ProxyMain from the impl thread are abandoned after the impl side has been
// destroyed.
base::WeakPtr<ProxyMain> proxy_main_weak_ptr;
// Called on impl thread.
void InitializeImplOnImpl(
CompletionEvent* completion,
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
std::unique_ptr<BeginFrameSource> external_begin_frame_source);
void CloseImplOnImpl(CompletionEvent* completion);
bool IsInitialized() const;
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* MainThreadTaskRunner() const;
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* ImplThreadTaskRunner() const;
bool IsMainThread() const;
bool IsImplThread() const;
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider_;
MainThreadOnly& main();
const MainThreadOnly& main() const;
CompositorThreadOnly& impl();
const CompositorThreadOnly& impl() const;
// Use accessors instead of this variable directly.
MainThreadOnly main_thread_only_vars_unsafe_;
// Use accessors instead of this variable directly.
CompositorThreadOnly compositor_thread_vars_unsafe_;
// Used on the main thread to safely queue calls to ProxyImpl to be run on the
// impl thread.
base::WeakPtr<ProxyImpl> proxy_impl_weak_ptr_;
} // namespace cc