blob: b843df3c71c2dda0eca6e0d369895cd1963f8163 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/identity/public/cpp/account_info_mojom_traits.h"
namespace mojo {
// static
bool StructTraits<identity::mojom::AccountInfo::DataView, ::AccountInfo>::Read(
identity::mojom::AccountInfo::DataView data,
::AccountInfo* out) {
std::string account_id;
std::string gaia;
std::string email;
std::string full_name;
std::string given_name;
std::string hosted_domain;
std::string locale;
std::string picture_url;
if (!data.ReadAccountId(&account_id) || !data.ReadGaia(&gaia) ||
!data.ReadEmail(&email) || !data.ReadFullName(&full_name) ||
!data.ReadGivenName(&given_name) ||
!data.ReadHostedDomain(&hosted_domain) || !data.ReadLocale(&locale) ||
!data.ReadPictureUrl(&picture_url)) {
return false;
out->account_id = account_id;
out->gaia = gaia;
out->email = email;
out->full_name = full_name;
out->given_name = given_name;
out->hosted_domain = hosted_domain;
out->locale = locale;
out->picture_url = picture_url;
out->is_child_account = data.is_child_account();
return true;
// static
bool StructTraits<identity::mojom::AccountInfo::DataView,
::AccountInfo>::IsNull(const ::AccountInfo& input) {
// Note that an AccountInfo being null cannot be defined as
// !AccountInfo::IsValid(), as IsValid() requires that *every* field is
// populated, which is too stringent a requirement.
return input.account_id.empty() || input.gaia.empty() ||;
} // namespace mojo