blob: 51070d0c7665ab9b74685f6577dc41489b5c28e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "blimp/net/blimp_net_export.h"
#include "blimp/net/connection_error_observer.h"
namespace blimp {
class BlimpMessageProcessor;
class BlimpMessagePump;
class BlimpMessageSender;
class PacketReader;
class PacketWriter;
// Encapsulates the state and logic used to exchange BlimpMessages over
// a network connection.
class BLIMP_NET_EXPORT BlimpConnection : public ConnectionErrorObserver {
BlimpConnection(std::unique_ptr<PacketReader> reader,
std::unique_ptr<PacketWriter> writer);
~BlimpConnection() override;
// Adds |observer| to the connection's error observer list.
virtual void AddConnectionErrorObserver(ConnectionErrorObserver* observer);
// Removes |observer| from the connection's error observer list.
virtual void RemoveConnectionErrorObserver(ConnectionErrorObserver* observer);
// Sets the processor which will take incoming messages for this connection.
// Can be set multiple times, but previously set processors are discarded.
// Caller retains the ownership of |processor|.
virtual void SetIncomingMessageProcessor(BlimpMessageProcessor* processor);
// Gets a processor for BrowserSession->BlimpConnection message routing.
virtual BlimpMessageProcessor* GetOutgoingMessageProcessor();
class EndConnectionFilter;
friend class EndConnectionFilter;
// ConnectionErrorObserver implementation.
void OnConnectionError(int error) override;
std::unique_ptr<PacketReader> reader_;
std::unique_ptr<BlimpMessagePump> message_pump_;
std::unique_ptr<PacketWriter> writer_;
std::unique_ptr<BlimpMessageSender> outgoing_msg_processor_;
base::ObserverList<ConnectionErrorObserver> error_observers_;
std::unique_ptr<EndConnectionFilter> end_connection_filter_;
} // namespace blimp