blob: b400c729df0eba08b679584b7baf4496016f201f [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
description('Tests for writing and reading .type property of HTMLInputElement.');
var input = document.createElement('input');
// The default type is "text".
shouldBe('input.type', '"text"');
function check(value, expected, expectedAttributeValue)
input.type = value;
if (input.type === expected)
testPassed('input.type for "' + value + '" is correctly "' + input.type + '".');
testFailed('input.type for "' + value + '" is incorrectly "' + input.type + '", should be "' + expected + '".');
if (typeof expectedAttributeValue === "undefined")
expectedAttributeValue = expected;
if (input.getAttribute('type') === expectedAttributeValue)
testPassed('input.getAttribute("type") for "' + value + '" is correctly "' + expectedAttributeValue + '".');
testFailed('input.getAttribute("type") for "' + value + '" is incorrectly "' + input.getAttribute('type') + '", should be "' + expectedAttributeValue + '".');
check("text", "text");
check("TEXT", "text", "TEXT"); // input.type must return a lower case value according to DOM Level 2.
check(" text ", "text", " text ");
check("button", "button");
check(" button ", "text", " button ");
check("checkbox", "checkbox");
check("email", "email");
check("file", "file");
check("hidden", "hidden");
check("image", "image");
check("isindex", "text", "isindex");
check("number", "number");
check("password", "password");
check("passwd", "text", "passwd");
check("radio", "radio");
check("range", "range");
check("reset", "reset");
check("search", "search");
check("submit", "submit");
check("tel", "tel");
check("telephone", "text", "telephone");
check("url", "url");
check("uri", "text", "uri");
// Empty and unknown value handling.
check("", "text", "");
check("x-unknown", "text", "x-unknown");
shouldBeNull("input.removeAttribute('type'); input.getAttribute('type')");